v0.3.7.5 (b30 hotfix 1)
- Fixed an issue causing a crash when refreshing the internet server browser list.
- Fixed a bug where the player could occasionally become stuck when picking up items.
- Fixed a bug where the default camera zoom key would set the wrong zoom level.
- Run Speed cap bumped up to 135%
- Reduced Offensive and Defensive ability scaling on Heroes and Bosses at higher levels
- Probability To Hit formula adjusted. Equal OA / DA on an Attacker / Defender will result in a 90% chance to hit, up from 85%. The rate at which chance to miss or hit / crit increases as the difference in attack OA and defender DA grows has been reduced. Crit multiplier thresholds have been reduced so that they’re about the same or not much harder to hit than before. The primary purpose of the change is to reduce the overall percentage of attacks that will crit, while still allowing for big crits, just less frequently. Another reason overall crit chance needed to come down is that +%crit dmg bonus from items has made it much more powerful to land any tier crit. For us to continue to allow big crit multipliers, the frequency of crits needed to be scaled back. This will also help lower OA builds more easily maintain a reasonable chance to hit since equal OA/DA chance is now 5% higher and chance to miss increases less quickly if you fall below that. Another positive side effect will be less crits / less severe crits from enemies in ultimate.
- With the probability to hit formula adjustment, we will do a future pass to adjust OA / DA bonuses in devotions and possibly gear so that builds without skill based bonuses will have a little better access to OA and DA.
- Cunning and Spirit damage bonus scaling has been increased by about 10% to give these stats a little more value in higher difficulties relative to physique.
- Fixed an issue with the Avatar of Mogdrogen not spawning
- Fixed certain cases that could cause the Bane of Cairn, Blood Harvest, Securing Burrwitch and The Warden quests to disappear from the player’s quest log. Affected players should get their quest back if they visit the town hub that starts the quest.
- Fixed an issue with the Bloody Pox skill not spreading
- Fixed an issue with the Bounty for Bane’Gargoth not completing. This will cause your bounty for the Black Legion to reset if you are currently on it.
- The Kymon’s Chosen and Order of Death’s Vigil Nemesis bosses once again have a 100% chance to spawn but instead have chests with a reduced item drop rate compared to other Nemesis bosses
- Dismantling now has a small chance (higher with item quality) to generate Rare Crafting Materials (ex. Blood of Ch’thon) and a very low chance of generating a Skeleton Key.
- Added some spirit to the Beastcaller’s Shroud and Shoulderpads to compensate for the removal of spirit from the Cowl
- Necromancer’s Deathgrips: increased damage and speed of the Bound Spirits. Bound Spirits are also now nearly impervious to damage, but generate minimal threat.
[Class & Skills]
- Fixed Wendigo Totem not activating Guardian’s Gaze and Falcon Swoop
- Fixed the lack of scaling at ultimate ranks for Sphere of Protection