B30 Hotfix 2 (v0.3.7.5)

v0.3.7.5 (b30 hotfix 2)

This is a small 5MB patch with no version number change.


  • Fixed a bug where Primal Strike would cost extra mana when using ranged weapons.
  • Fixed a bug where Devestation would use extra mana with high cooldown reduction modifiers.


  • To-hit forumula adjusted again. This time we’re trying a hyrbid formula which draws part of its value from a tweaked original formula that is more linear, with a bit of more comparative equation for a slight diminishing return. The starting crit threshold has been redued. This should boost crit chance for everyone relative to the previous formula but relative to the older formula, it should be easier for builds with lower OA (unless its really bad) to hit and crit, while stacking OA will not get you to quite as high of a hit chance as it would previously. At this, this is the idea. I’m unleashing it in this hotfix because the past attempt fell flat and this can only be an improvement… but I’ll also need feedback from a bigger pool of players to see if we’re on the right track.
  • Difficulty has been adjusted to compensate for past changes to combat formula and attribute damage bonuses that inadvertently boosted enemy damage too high.
  • Loxmere Nightmage got nerfed a bit. Originally his energy burn was too punishing for casters but when we nerfed it, it took down his damage dealing too much. I then tried boost regular damage across his skills but I apparently got overzealous and didn’t adequately test it. Disclaimer: I still haven’t had a chance to test this hero personally, so hopefully this is better, if not, I’ll do a more thorough balancing pass when I can.


  • Reduced %OA scaling on Inner Focus. We’ve made several other skill balancing changes but we’re still selectively syncing because too much WIP content is checked into the build for a full sync. This was the only skill that seemed so bad it warranted a special sync for this hotfix, mainly because it’s a one of the biggest, most accessible sources of OA, favored by crit-focused builds and I want to get more accurate feedback on the latest PTH formula changes.

Thanks, Crate team! :slight_smile:

cool thanks

Thanks, Rhis!

For those curious about OA/DA (like I was), a level 92 Boss in Ultimate will give you approximately 88% PTH and 3% crit chance at 2k OA, which I find acceptable (tested on Void-Leech Guardian of the Seal/Whatever and Bloodlord Thalonis).

Seems OA/DA are at a fairly good place now.

That seems decent, now i’d like to see OA/DA have improved scaling in talents like VF and ToTB though…


I agree!

Saw this update, wanted to try out the changes, figured what the hell, I’ll go kill Log (Vet 53 Gunslinger Sorcerer). Might be a bit early to say, but hit formula definitely feels much better. At around 1390 OA, 1100 DA I had about 10% chance to crit and 13% chance to be crit by the 3 bosses in Tomb of the Watchers: Bene’ Gargaroth (sp?), Bloodlord whoever and Loghorrean. Feels a lot better already, though perhaps a little to easy to crit. Maybe have chance to crit start at around 88% chance to hit instead of 85 or 90 that it’s been bouncing between?

Also, the enemy damage nerf might have been a little too much (at least on Vet). Could just be me, since I leveled this character up almost entirely on B30 H1 over the last few days, but seemed like the 3 bosses I faced and some of the heroes were a little… impotent? For example, I only have 20% poison resist, yet was pretty easily able to facetank Bene’ G who spits poison all over. Maybe it was just because I killed it in ~10 seconds though…

The dreadguards also seemed to hit significantly less hard.

Anyway, great little fix all around. Might need a little more fine tuning, but feels good.

Also have screens with exact numbers for hits against bosses if anyone wants :slight_smile:

Thanks Crate! Glad to see small tweaks happening to hone in on better mechanics more quickly.

Don’t know what kind of “small” tweak this was but summoners now do roughly 50 % less damage now.


I had just started a ranged Primal Strike character earlier this week and the fix is immediately noticeable for me.

What exactly does this mean? Crit threshold is back to 85? And PTH formulae is now non-linear?

My level 69 Druid with 20 points into Cunning and maxed Shaman and 8/12 Inner Force has 1499 OA unbuffed with the whole CHariot/Hawk constellation and others taken with gear Im currently facerolling the damn game with

Do I actually have to roll Oa on every single piece of gear to hope to even see 1 crit in Elite mode?

With 1499 OA I have 4% crit on a white mob as of now (was 0.4 last night) - if I put every point available into Cunning and Inner Force by dropping others I get to 1549 OA…which brings me to 5.1% crit - thats off similair level white mobs - Bosses must be 0 and probably 80% chance to hit im guessing

So yeah it seems if you play this game properly by self finding gear you wont ever land a crit as most games base crit is 5% anyway without ANYTHING.

Can you please just give us the option to not crit but have 100% accuracy as I dont have a hope in hell of critting anyway no matter what class I play ever.

I am finding armor with Phys requirements higher than I have, so more Phys pumping is required meaning less points into Cunning so less OA, apparently according to Ceno even though I am wearing a few Legendarys, nice Empowered Epics because I have 1490 OA of course my gear is automatically shit (because my OA is so low) - but at the same time has comfortably cleared the entire content apart from missing/cant crit

I have looked at twinked characters and not even sure how mathmetically its possible to get 2900OA - especially when they are Druids with the same masteries and the only difference is gear - do later pieces of legendary gear give 300OA per piece or something??

Please allow a way to remove crits entirely for some damage boost or something as right now that whole part of the game ends once Elite starts.
Also interesting a Level 1 Briarthorn can hit/crit as much as he likes.

edit: Just loaded lvl 59 Blademaster and he has 1700OA - last hit Herald of Flame now has 10% crit chance. this is retarded, that character has barely pumped any cunning - just max Blademaster/Soldier and he has MUCH more OA than a Druid.
edit2: with 1700OA a zombie has 23.1 crit chance / with a temp buff to 1900OA crit chance is 24.4 - still doesnt seem right
edit3: My Conjurer lvl 76 has 1650OA with no cunning/OA gear or even skills able crit but yet he can crit…godsake

So im guessing Druids are useless if not hacked or something in that department to give incredible OA…or you MUST max TWO masteries to have a hope of critting even with buffing Cunning, and lets face it…Critting is best way to increase damage - almost guaranteed 0% damage increase and 40% crit chance would be better than 800% additive Lightning damage and NO crit chance.

Please allow removal of crit chance for something useful - anything please

OA AND DA still need work (Almost 1800 hours logged, I’m keeping in mind how it was in previous builds). I really think all that needs to be done is lowering the OA requirements for hit and crit and lowering the DA requirements to avoid hits and crits and then people won’t have to gimp their DPS in order to land hits. Also Fabius’ heal is still ridiculous and hard to DPS through if you’re not a blademaster, and his big damage attack still takes a pretty big chunk even with resistances capped and high armor.

Faced here a few minutes ago in Ultimate. Her Crit-Damage/Burst is still too high. Managed to kill Final Boss without dying but Loxmere killed me 2 times(first oneshotted me).

Well, with OA on 8 pieces of gear, 14 ranks of Inner Focus, a decent chunk of points in cunning and almost all the “must-have” OA constellations my druid has a whopping 4% crit chance on bosses. My cup runneth over.

I bet I could almost be decent, provided I took points out of whatever and put them in chariot if the dead, because options lol.

So I’m still hosed for defense and feel pressured into all the OA constellations, and I still don’t see much point in taking a non-Chosen-Mastery character into Ultimate.

The more I try this the more infuriating the OA stat tax gets. It serves no purpose other than just that… a tax that everyone must pay to function, but two masteries get freebie passes and everyone else scrabbles to fill out the bog-standard devotion and MAYBE they can kinda-function? I have no idea.

Back to Diablo, I guess.

Huh… I actually have no idea why that would be the case but I’ll look into it.

My summoner has no difference at all in pet damage. Had a few others report no changes as well.

We speculated it might be an item or devotion that is causing an issue for him, specifically.

I don’t know if this will be usefull but I post it :

Elite difficulty : 61 Sorceress
Target = Queen Ravna

B30.1 :
1613 OA = 93.9 / 3.9
1177 Da = 100 / 11.8

B30.2 :
1588 OA = 93.4 /8.4
1177 DA = 100 / 17.8

Most of my constelation give OA bonus.
I have more chance to crit with less OA (-2% From Inner Focus change) , Starting crit is now at 85% chance to hit?

great! thanxs for the update! :slight_smile:

Me neither. After I read his message I fired up my conjurer and took her for a quick Megara kill and I could not notice this huge difference.