Just noticed at level 1 Normal you have 100% pth 18,5% crit on zombies in Lower Crossing. After changing to veteran it was still 100% pth 15% crit on level 8 mobs. Well, maybe it actually should be like that in early game
No, I have always felt its about damage, you can get so much of it out of crit multipliers, but there is also the problem that chance to hit is tied to the same variable. With 85% pth you’re not just losing crit but also have your dps reduced by 15% (multiplicatively).
I’ve had quite long streaks of running TQ for, like, several years now, and I know what it feels like here in GD.
There could be some kind of reasonable parity stat-wise between single mastery chars and dual mastery ones. Note: not skill-wise, but stat-wise. The game tip itself, again, says that the secondary mastery choice is not mandatory and may be made later mid-game. Well, if the dev team thinks otherwise, then I have no choice but to comply. -_- Just a thought voiced out.
I approve of this change!!
Diminishing returns on OA also means that you dont need the same gear across the board (and by that I mean badge of mastery + eye of baronath on every build). Furthermore, now that it easier for alot of builds to crit it will also be better to pickup legendary items with “on crit triggers”. I find it interesting that you now have to balance this out as a player swapping out items to find a good balance with crit so your item effects will have a good uptime (they usually have an internal cooldown) while still not going to far over the cap.
A lot of people in this thread seem to be complaining that it is too hard to crit bosses on Elite and Ultimate difficulty.
Isn’t that exactly the way it should be? Like… that’s why they’re bosses.
Seems to me that if you’re playing on Elite and have stacked OA, you should maybe have 5% chance to crit any boss, tops. On Ultimate, that should be maybe 2.5%. Critting a boss should take a lot of OA investment; it should not be something any character can do.
As for devotion procs, most of them that activate off of critical hits are AoE, good for clearing rooms, not necessarily for killing bosses.
You shouldn’t rely on Devotion procs for the majority of your single target damage, and you shouldn’t expect to consistantly crit bosses on any difficulty without significant OA investment.
No. Of course not. Where did you even get that idea, lol. What would assasin’s mark and unmake from the tome of names be in your scheme then, if not an aid for killing boss and hero monsters?
The idea that bosses should be challenging? I dunno, maybe from the fact that they’re bosses. If a boss is not challenging, then what’s the point? Would you have endgame bosses on Ultimate be as easy to crit as trash mobs?
As for assassin’s mark, it has 100% chance to trigger on crit, and a solid duration. If you’re playing an assassin-like class, you generally want to have good OA, and even if you only have 3% chance to crit, you’re attacking so fast that assassin’s mark should still be active fairly often. If you’re trying to use assassin’s mark with a low OA/low attack speed build, you’re doing it wrong.
Normally and elsewhere crit chance is not tied to anything like OA/DA, it is the same, on any mob.
This is an arpg. People expect their builds to become very strong over time and clear content faster, including bosses. Crit is one way to scale dps to become strong. It might/should not be the only one, but if you chose to use it, you shouldn’t be punished in such a cruel way like what you have proposed.
Yes, builds should become strong but only to the point that they can keep up with the content as it becomes increasingly hard to deal with. If the builds in any aRPG become overly strong then the game become mind-numbingly boring. A game like Grim Dawn which has no PvP, no Trading, no economy, no real end game cannot afford to become an easy game to complete because as soon as most players complete it then they will be gone. There is not a lot to hold keep them playing after they have progressed a couple builds through the exact same content especially if they can just roll over all the said content.
No, of course you can make bosses hard in any number of ways: give them excessive health, or damage resistance, or damage, or attacks so strong they can one-shot you if you’re not careful. Many of these aren’t very fun though.
The “idea,” let’s say, behind a critical attack is that your combat ability/prowess are significantly higher than that of your opponent. Is that what we want of player vs. endgame boss? Player vs. Fabius?
As for assassin’s mark:
Let’s say you have 3% chance to crit, and attack about 2 times/second
Then, over the course of 20 seconds, you attack 40 times.
3% of those are crits, so that makes 1.2 crits in 20 seconds
Level 16 Assassin’s Mark (not even level 20) has 100% chance on crit, 10 second duration, and lowers target’s physical and pierce resists by 55%.
So, with 3% crit chance and 2 attacks/second, a level 16 assassin’s mark tied to your LMB attack should be active roughly half the time against bosses
If the content is made dull by making clears unnecessarily long then people will leave even before trying a second time. Which is how it was first recieved when B29 came out. And there is no point at all in trying to prevent people from getting reasonably overpowered.
This is not true and is just pure assumption of your part.
My Commando with Bulwark, Shield Training, Scars of War + bonuses from gear/Devotion and every single elemental resistance above 50% would get easily pounded around on Elite, to the point that I wasn’t sure if it would make a difference to attack the monsters with my armor equipped or just go at them naked with my weapon only, as it didn’t even made a difference from me… and I’m a pretty experieced player, with almost 3k hours of playtime stacked on Steam.
Now things seems to have got a little better than before (at least I don’t feel like my tanky Commando was made of glass), but I still hope for Crate to adjust the physical damage from yellow named monsters a little more, as they shouldn’t hit me for over 1k physical damage on Elite, despite having lots of defensive skills, gear and passives, as yellow named monsters are pretty frequent on Elite and beyond (I’m looking at you, Flesh/Rage Hulks).
Randomness is the problem. You will never get 1.2 crits per 20 seconds, by definition half the time it will be more which doesn’t help your proc much (since the buff is already on the boss) and the other half of the time you will get < 1.2 crits in 20 seconds and never see the proc. This means that it will almost certainly be < 50% uptime, that is pretty lousy for your main devotion skill. Yes I know the debuff is strong but I’d much rather see a weaker but more consistently applied debuff.
Also, you’re rarely standing there for 20 seconds doing much of anything, its bursts of attacks and then evade/get adds/get out of AOE/kite/etc. Also that is the VERY best you will get, not everyone ties their devotions to a 2 times per second skill nor builds exclusively for crit.
I play hardcore self found, severely undergeared. My experience with difficulty has been fine for the most part. Not to easy, not to hard. More importantly i feel the game has given the player enough tools to get through the game in self found acquired gear (yellows/faction gear) I have +0 or +1 skills on some characters.
The games difficulty feels pretty balanced for legit play, at least with the builds I have created so far. If you’ve given yourself all the end game best items you really shouldn’t be posting about difficulty imo, if its to easy then stop cheating. If its still to hard then maybe your build needs some looking at.