Bane of Uroboruuk. (Pet Cabalist )

Thank you!!:p:p

Nice, but now I have much better build.

At last, a worthy disciple!!!:p:p:p:p

SendMode Input
#SingleInstance, Force
Process, WaitClose, grim dawn.exe
global Toggle := false

IfWinActive, Grim Dawn
Send {%key%}

; this key will start and stop the loop

; this key will use one time skills and start the loop (useful after death)
; if you want to add more refreshable skills, write them down here in the same manner
Gosub BloodOfDreeg
; restart loop

; here you specify the button responsible for multi-buff activation. change “5” to whatever you intend to use
Gosub WitchingHour

;this function will toggle the loop, if the reset parameter is true we will restart the timers.
Toggle := !Toggle || reset
; list all the skills you have timers for here
{ Gosub BloodOfDreeg
; enable or disable timers for all skills you want to loop
; if you want to add more refreshable skills - write them here in the same manner
; 15000 is the time in which the buff will be re-applied, in milliseconds. change according to your cooldowns. always take bit more than CD itself, as it happens with a small delay
SetTimer, BloodOfDreeg, % (Toggle) ? 15000 : “On”

; this is a list of refreshable buffs. if you want to add more - write each separately following the same form
; to change skill slots, change numbers in UseSkill(_)
; to put the buff on the second bar, add “Send _” before and after “UseSkill()”, where _ is your bar switch hotkey



; this is multi-buff list. it momentarily flips your second bar, activates skills from 1 to 4 and flips the bar back.
; to change skill slots, change numbers in UseSkill(_)
; if your slot bar switch is tied to other button, write it isntead of “y” in BOTH “Send y”
; to get rid of bar switching, delete both “Send y”

Send y
Send y

Small AutoHotKey macro I use to automate Blood of Dreeg, and bind the buffs to a single key press.

For some cryptic reason WitchingHour function also activates BoD, while it shouldn’t, but it basically works, so I can’t be bothered finding the source of the issue.

Basis taken from here Refer there for some more in-depth explanations on how this stuff works.

Resistance tank(Vintage TPOW )


Great job finishing up the guide! Now to update your zoo thread of different builds. I’d love to see if you changed anything to the Warlock to push that one higher.

Thank you, it will be listed in the build thread!!!:p:p


Thank you!!:D:D

I want to focus on one or two that offer a new perspective once the expansion hits the store.

I’m gonna write a thread on the joy of pet build, maybe we could do it together ?

More on discord!!:p:p

Great guide! I’m loving the build so far. One thing that would be great (maybe since I’m a new player) would be to provide a step by step guide on how to set the devotions.

Because you forgot a return.

5::Gosub WitchingHour


Gosub WitchingHour

I strongly recommend the first option as it is way easier on the eye. You can remove the UseSkill function, if you just set it to work in GD only before defining the hotkeys with

#IfWinActive ahk_exe Grim Dawn.exe

Just use send instead.
Also the very first return in the script (the one after the global variable definition) does nothing.

I remember this thread where it had no gear or build explanation, only teasers. But you did go into details about your awesome build, so much work too, respect!

Thank you!!:p:p

Lovely detailed guide but I’m missing one key thing. Any chance you could post a Grimcalc? =)

hi there, if been leveling my char from this guide and it been a blast to play (lvl62)
so i got to the calc and got u a grimtools link from the first page post. I dont know if its up2date cause i didnt hit the numbers from parrot on some spots

i hope that helped!

so far, blackwizz

Coming from parrot’s Youtube channel, how could this guide not included in the build compendium!

Becuz parrot is a rebel…:rolleyes::rolleyes:

many thanks for the amazing guide, Parrot.
managed to farm Mad queen and Lokkar reliably with this, and I dont even have all of the items.
still struggling on gladiator 150-170, but Im sure ill manage eventually.

have a good week, and looking forward to your “joy of pet build” guide on the new expac.

Thank you, to celebrate 40k views, I added GD link to celebrate the occasion.:p:p

Thank you, to celebrate 40k views, I added GD link to celebrate the occasion.:p:p

ty for the build, but something is wrong with devotion points in GD Calc,
i stuck at 19 or so points, can you check that out

tnx for the build. Currently at lvl 97 and been breezing through ultimate difficulty.