Barn or goat barn upgrade is not worth it

I don’t see the point in upgrading a barn or goat barn. You are better off to build another barn then to upgrade an existing one. An upgraded barn adds 3 animals per year, 2 barns adds 4.


selbes Gebäude und mehr Tiere. du sparst Platz insgesamt.

Platz ist kein Problem.

It is totally worth it as it takes up the same amount of space. Space becomes a big deal for distance travelled in late game.


You can have one more economy of scale. It can reduce the number of times you transport food and the risk of rotting.

Maybe it’s a magic of numbers. You could be confusing if you don’t think about it one-on-one.
One T1 makes 2 cows: One T2 makes 3 cows.
Two T1 make 4 cows: Two T2 make 6 cows.
I mean the same building will grow up.

So, I recommend you upgrading all of your barn to T2.

(But, I feel it’s easier to understand 4 cows are born in T2, because both of them are able to hold 20 cows)

Maybe it is not worth it in proportion of meat, but it is worth it in proportion of milk.

Fleisch, Leder und Talg lohnen sich auch. Wenn man den Platz noch besser nutzen will, baut man daneben noch einen Obstbauern und lässt ihn seine Bäume auf der Weide von der Farm anpflanzen.