Bat + Ghoul meta

I could be misremembering. You may be right.

Weird answer to me. :smiley:

Nobody’s saying %absorb isn’t good. :smiley: But it’s just another, separate layer of defense compared to %DR. The stacking effects come into play when you combine %absorb with flat absorb.

Unless i’m missing smth.

A good way to think of it if you rather have 100% absorb or infinite health which is equal.

%absorb afaik doesn’t stack with other %absorb sources, it’s always a multiplier. Thus in vacuum 20% absorb (20% less dmg) equals 25% more health.

Yeah, Primal Bond with general Bloodrager sweetness is great. I didn’t play that much but I loved it - the DoTs… Still prefer Venomblade with also decent DoTs and crazy AoE.

It does. Absorb from Maiven stacks with Mark of Torment.

You are right. You can’t just sum up redux and absorb because there is phys dmg and subtractive reduction from armor. But outside phys dmg, all defense layers between redux and absorb are multiplicative (except block) and order of multiplication doesn’t matter.

Mate, my math isn’t as good as yours (we’ve extablished this :stuck_out_tongue: ), but HP is a finite resourse, %absorb isn’t.

The way I think about it is, would I rather have X% more money than I have now (which is still basically 0), or have a X% discount on everything I buy?

I’d choose the latter all day ERR DAY

@ya1: @banana_peel is right about the diminishing returns on stacking. A warlock with 22/12 maivens, and 22/12 possession will not have 45% absorption. It would have 40% absorption.

Take Primal Bond with Maiven´s…that´s sweet. :wink:

A valid point considering you have to replenish it: two specs with similar dmg, one has absorb other has health, first one replenishes the health at a faster rate. For instance if you have 20% absorb and 12% adcth you have “effective” 15% adcth.

Outside of that it’s completely the same. Maybe there is a phycological effect as well, how should i know :upside_down_face:

No. you’re absolutely right too. My point here is that on low HP characters like the arcanist (i.e. like broke ass spanks), damage mitigation is the name of the game.

The reason why your health goes back up so quickly on an arcanist is partially because it has no hp to begin with. :rofl:

EDIT: That and because damage output can be ridonk, thereby maximizing the efficiency you gain out of adcth skills like AAR.

Couple this with damage reduction, and you have a grade A leech tank

I was deceived! Brb making Warlock.

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It’s multiplicative so 20% from maiven + 15% from Possession only equals 32% instead of 35, tho that’s not much difference

stops building a warlock

@banana_peel: mate. I tagged you here earlier :stuck_out_tongue:

Your edits are as fast as your piloting, i can’t keep up :laughing:

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I always run crucible with buffs so thats just my personal experience. With buffs you only get the occasional danger zone but in SR any ground effects or crystal rooms or bad modifier will drop your hp to where ghoul procs, and that happens often.

Also 65-66 shard which builds now farm these days are harder than naked crucible period, solely because you get 100% gravahul with his bolt intact and 100% madqueen thats straight out of the base game. On top of 6 stacking modifiers. Crucible mobs are usually gimped in someway.

It make sense for mage builds to run Ghoul due to their low physical res and high CDR so it procs often. They also have much better ability to kite than melee so they dont have to stand still waiting and praying their hp doesnt drop to the threshold. But more and more i see they just go for giants blood + ghoul with time dilation. Theres a few none aether AAR that go with bat because they are kind of forced to due to the need for hungering void instead of time dilation.

One thing i noticed is there really arent that many good sustain options in the first place. Chariot is not 100% and requires too many points (but some builds do use it). Tree of life is too far off from most dps builds and dryad is subpar (but might worth experienmenting?)

Play 170 naked first then come back to me. If you’re having trouble outplaying grava’s ball, you’re not going to survive 170 naked.

The mechanic of grava’s ball is simple, but how you gonna run away while avoid aggroing other bosses in the room? Especially that tiny one where few steps in triggers aggro.

4xSR bosses all on you in a certain combo can kill every single build in the game. And you’d never run into something like Kuba madqueen aethersnek or anasteria alek fabius in crucible either.

All I’m saying is try it before making such a bold claim. As someone who’s done both, my opinion is based on empirical data.

Turn the camera to face south instead of north before entering the boss room and kite away along southern edge.

@sir_spanksalot no aggro abuse 65 might be harder than naked cru in some configurations. But otherwise I’d say naked cru is like 75-80 no death, 80-90 with death. Ranges are wide because SR is all RNG.