Beautiful cities

We all love beautiful cities. I didn’t find any thread suggesting new decorations, I don’t know if I’m posting in the wrong section. We have a good number of parks and gardens, but it can be improved, why not?
So, with that in mind, I’d love to make some suggestions.

Decoration items

  • Grass tiles (similar to plazas) in 1x1 and 2x2 and if possible triangular pieces as well
  • Gravel/sand tiles (sometimes one might want to cover the ground near workshops, mines, etc)
  • Flower beds (mixed flowers and/or single color flowers)
  • Plaza variations
  • Shrubs (also hedge shrubs 1 and 2 squares tall?)
  • Floral trees (or let us plant single apple/peach trees)
  • Palm trees
  • Cactus
  • Dead trees
  • Ponds (large for public and small for private houses)
  • Fountains
  • Tables (with stuff on them and without)
  • Benches and chairs
  • Pets? Dogs or cats roaming around
  • Gazebo
  • Garden rocks
  • Street lights
  • Food stands
  • Misc decor such as piles of hay, carts, ladders, logs, rocks, etc
  • Retention walls (could have 1x1 base and be 1, 2 or even 3 squares tall. It could work as a quay as well)
  • Stairs (let’s place the temple atop the hills so pilgrims can climb up the stairs kneeling)
  • Balustrade railing (for the terraza in front of the temple or we can build or own palace in the future)
  • Horse fences
  • Piquet fences
    Speaking of fences, would it be possible to have a version of them sitting on the edge of the square?


Most of this would be for end-game

  • Hostel (for immigrants if we lack housing when they arrive)
  • Restaurant
  • Cafe
  • Jail (to put the drunkards there before they go on a rampage killing civilians)
  • Courthouse
  • Department stores (for luxury items)
  • Hotel (tourists can visit and spend money in the city)
  • Tailor
  • Museum
  • Greenhouse
  • Storage yards (not the building, just plots where workers can drop materials to be picked up)

I know it’s a lot of work to put all that stuff in the game, but maybe a DLC after the release?


Great ideas!! <3