Best ARPG ever created

(gdstashed) meme ss/blitz hybrid thingy Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
my all time favourite [] The Melee King - maximum damage DW pierce Cadence Blademaster (sub 5 min Crucible, SR75-76)
dual wield blade arc, doesn’t really feel the same as melee aa+wps like belgo and cadence (probably for obvious reasons of 1h blade arc) Blademaster, Level 100 (GD - Grim Dawn Build Calculator
aand i had a real shadow striker somewhere (noctirns) that i can’t seem to find - plays differently from the first meme, not weaving cadence/blitz/ring of steel the same
like this, but “worse”/blademaster [] Noctirn Infiltrator - DW Pierce Shadow Strike. SR 85 / Ravager of Minds

make an acid EoR dervish with potential acid SS filler via dunefiend set,
make a weird “not reaper/not trickster” phantasmal blades dervish,
make a ranged ABB dervish
puer eor dervish as fire dmg