Best Masteries to combine with Necromancer or Inquisitor?

Hi everyone,

Since the Inquisitor and Necromancer’s skills are available (see, I was wondering what are the best Masteries combinations with those 2 news. I had some ideas but wanted to know if some of you have already made some theorycrafting. From my point of view, the best options are:

With the Inquisitor:

  • Demolitionist: seems the best option for a dual wiel pistol build focused on fire (and lightning) damage.
  • Shaman: for a melee lightning build it could be OK.

With the Necromancer:

  • Nightblade for a melee specialization focused on cold damage. However the Necromancer doesn’t have as much cold damage as I hoped so it may be a bit hard.
  • Occultist for a full vitality damage build and some pets.
  • Shaman for a full pets build.

Do you guys have some good ideas of builds? Especially I want to create a full melee Necromancer with not so much pets, so I thought a combination with Nightblade could be OK, but as explained above I think the Necromancer has not enough cold damage to combine it with the cold damage of the Nightblade.

Waiting for your ideas!

Tactician [Soldier + Inquisitor] is a great support class, especially in coop with his mass AoE heal, damage absorbtions and mitigations. He also has Deadly Aim, which is an absolute monster, combined with Cadence. I can see it as some sort of alternative to your usual Witchblade builds.

Also, how is Shaman a full pet build, but not Occultist too? In fact, for a full pet build Occultist is a better choice, thanks to Bonds. The amount of buffs this build will have is simply out of this world too.

With the Inquisitor:

  • Demolitionist: seems the best option for a dual wiel pistol build focused on fire (and lightning) damage.
  • Shaman: for a melee lightning build it could be OK.

Nope, for demo the best build would be burning/electrolute caster purifier. I forsee 320k+ ticks on curent gear. Should be tier 1 crusible clearer too.
Second is SS Infiltrator - absolutely insane flat dmg bonuses with a lot of RR and crit dmg. Can polish it with melee dodge and 4k+DA.
Third is CDR aether mage hunter. Devastation+whathever Should be T1 crusible clearer too =).

With the Necromancer:

  • Nightblade for a melee specialization focused on cold damage. However the Necromancer doesn’t have as much cold damage as I hoped so it may be a bit hard.
  • Occultist for a full vitality damage build and some pets.
  • Shaman for a full pets build.

Shaman looks better for vitality caster and Occultist+Necro is, probably, the most broken pet combo in incoming patch.

All of them. No joke:)

Inquisitor is a crazily synergetic class, might work with any other mastery except maybe Necromancer. For Necromancer Cabalist, Ritualist and Reaper are obviously good while Death Knight’s and Defiler’s synergy looks very poor to me.

Strange,Aether-focused Apostate on papper looks quite strong =). Lots of RR, sick amount of OA , solid crit dmg, Warder-worth lifepool.

Are there more ways to convert physical to vitality damage? There are so few weapons that do that. Like, three or something as far as I remember.

That’s what Superfluff had been telling me as well. I wasn’t claiming that Apostate is bad, it’s just the only Inquisitor class I haven’t looked into at all :slight_smile:

Yeah Soldier+Inquisitor would be unkillable, and I never tried a Cadence build is it fun to play?
And for Occultist you’re right that could be an OP pet build as well!

You don’t think that dual wield pistol could be good as well for the purifier? I saw it in the trailer it seems pretty fun to play as well :slight_smile:

You don’t think about a 2H shaman+necro with the 2H skill of the necro? I don’t know if it would work but could be an original one!

Aha but I can’t try every combination, it would take too much time to level it to 100 :slight_smile:

Yeah Reaper seems pretty cool :slight_smile:

Ah does the Inquisitor have ways to improve aether damage?

You don’t think that dual wield pistol could be good as well for the purifier? I saw it in the trailer it seems pretty fun to play as well

Dunno, from what i see in grimtools pistols dosent impress me at all.

You don’t think about a 2H shaman+necro with the 2H skill of the necro? I don’t know if it would work but could be an original one!

I prefer nightblade for transmuted 2H cold Bone harvest. Necro lack atack speed to be a good choise for LMB atacker.

Ah does the Inquisitor have ways to improve aether damage?

Deadly aim is a good way to improve ALL dmg. Death sentecre provide a reliable source of -%aether RR.

There are some new items that convert phys to vitality globally or as a skill modifier.

I wouldn’t say unkillable… yet. I experimented with some builds, somewhere it is better than Witchblade, somewhere it’s worse. I had to switch several equipment pieces, but overall, it seems like a great combo, yes. Now we must wait for Mythical items to come in Grimtools, and I will experiment on those.
My primary goal? Create the best physical rauma S&B in the game. So I want to see Tactician to surpass the Witchblade meta for shields.

Cadence play is fun. It’s strong and very defensive, one of the few tier 1 Crucible farmer as well.

It couldn’t be. It IS horrendously OP as fuck. Right now, you can gather both Rattosh, along with his staff, and Mogdrogen with Bonds of Bysmiel. Combine all this shit with hilariously powerful Necro buffs and Occultist bonds and you will get stupidly strong pets, which hit like a truck, sap life like no tomorrow and unkillable. And you can get them as far as 15-18 at once.
It’s so OP it’s not even funny.

Aether RR from Death sentence, Aether storm box, Deadly aim. It’s sweet.

Uroboruuk cough Apostate cough

Tactician isn’t going to be better than Commando and Witchblade for Sword and Board physical Cadence. Witchblade has RR and Commando has much higher physical damage.

You will see. You will all see

Ofc, because for highend phys Tactician Cadence is a support skill.

Death sentence looks really nice, tho I dont know how it actually work in game but on paper Apostate has some really nasty aether dmg potential when you include some dmg conversion to it like this:

Commando has blast shield, flashbang and some flat phyz,armor. WB offer a lot of res, including phyz, phyz rr , ias. Inquisitor offer some racial dmg modifiers, sick oa bonuses,but no ias, no rr, no flat dmg. I cant see tactician outside of cdr-heavy build with 100%uptime on DA and FS.

There’s Cold ABB Inflitrator with Rune of Hagarrad and Chilling Rounds.

There’s Vitality Cadence or Forcewave Death Knight with Bone Harvest to proc Soul Harvest.