Are there some beginner builds with main skill is Blackwater Cocktail in our forum??
There are a few that use it as a support skill but a build with more BWC focus? Not really.
I like the moment when creep dancing in the fire
Sir spankalot made a chaos BWC spam sorcerer. I liked it a lot.
I’m affraid this build is outdated
I used this sometime ago. Did SR 65-66 with some kiting.
Can be optimized further, I think I invested too heavily in flashbang for example but you get the general idea.
Sure. But it’s still viable.
You can also check RektByProtoss youtube channel, he probably has some Beginner BWC character / leveling
Blackwater Cocktail (BWC) doesnt have any items to provide some Attack Damage Converted to Health for it (or Weapon Damage for same purpose), so it isnt suited to be main skill. You can still build around it, of course, but you wont be tanky.
If you want a build with ground DoT, try building around Grasping Vines and/Sigil of Consumption, for example.
I never understood the use of Blackwater cocktail. It has a super slow attack animation, and most enemies in this game are fast, so they will rush through the flames in seconds. At best you can drop them next to yourself but that defeats the purpose of a ranged attack, and Thermite Mines do that better anyway.
thermite mines dmg sucks by comparison, their purpose is to debuff for RR,
which “sucks” even more if going by your critique/criteria for BWC, their area is small and the debuff and dmg doesn’t stick when they move
BWC is amazing dmg, but you’re right, it’s not something to use at super range or kiting; but since GD is a facetank simulator that shouldn’t be an issue (and if you can use/apply mines you can apply BWC dmg effectively/more so since its area is larger and dmg actually stacks+debuff lingers)
BWC is a super effective and potent dmg skill
I dunno why people say GD is a facetank simulator. I made plenty of glass cannon wizard/ranger archetype characters. That’s what I want in an ARPG, to feel like it, not minmaxing around.
Are you sure the mines only reduce resistance while the enemy stands in them? To me it feels like they have reduced resistance even afterwards.
But at any rate, mines are so much easier to use. You plop them down and then you do not need to click anymore, while with the flasks you have to chug them at the enemy (or your own feet) constantly. Honestly, this was one of the reasons I had several abandoned Demolitionist characters when the game came out, as the gameplay style did not really appeal to me this way. If a skill has the graphics for a devastating area effect / damage over time explosive, it would be nice if it also acted that way. But especially early on in the game, the skill feels utterly weak, it’s very hard to even kill an enemy with it without significant point investments. I am sure it gets better late game and with tons of points invested, but compare it with say, Rune of Kalastor which blows up and throws around several enemies all at once…
sounds like you might be forgetting to take the high potency transmuter then
and yes, the debuff only lasts while the enemy is in range of the mines attack/that type of debuff doesn’t linger because it’s attached to mines’ aura
(mines effectively have aura of censure on them, ticking the debuff once every second/it’s the aura that applies and reapplies the debuff each second, so enemy step out of aura and no debuff)
Like i said, if you’re in range to use mines you can use BWC so it should’t really be an issue plopping it down under your feet or in front of you or circling around enemy, if you’re having them affected by mines
Dmg wise the benefit of BWC is it stacks, mines doesn’t, tho mines do stack devotions so they can be a great devo proccer (specially with the cold conduit when you have like 15-18? mines )
*also, i’m not saying you cant’ use mines, even for dmg, just that BWC is “better”/more dmg, and more effective since atleast its debuffs last for 3secs when enemies step out of the fire
yday?(or saturday?) i killed Valdaran purely using mines and fiend/flame torrent devo, took a hell of a long time, but was doable on my defiler.
Stacking bwc ontop just drastically reduce that kill time (lvl 55)
CD BWC is one of the best flat RR sources, devotion proccers and DR appliers in the game. Solid damage too.
I really, really want to love BWC. It looks awesome, it does awesome damage, but… it’s so slow!
Try turrion’s reprisal [] 🔥 Retal Commando - BWC caster | 20s dummy | 7k hp/s