Bridges would be nice!

I really love the game and i wouldnt change a lot, but what i really miss are bridges! Is it possible to add these? my peope get tired from running around every lake xD, plus… it´s a time killer. at least a small to middle distance should be possible.
greetings from germany! <3
ps: a map maker/creator or something like that would also be nice

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Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

Water based play is complicated with Crate’s set up so not likely to see anything on that atm. They might have another look at it after full release of the game, but it’s not going to happen before that.

And a mini-map will be coming to the game in a future patch.

i mean… especially on places like this… it´s soooo annoying when your workers have to walk that far…aaalllll arround that lake…, it could be so close…

and i´m not talking about a mini map… i mean a possybility to create ur own map for a sandbox game… i´m a 95% sandbox gamer.

Well, if you understand how maps are randomly generated you can sort of do that now.

And there will be a creative mode in v0.9.6 which removes all requirements for building.

i know how to create random maps… but it´s still “random”…

Thanks for those links.

Bridges would definitely add a nice touch to the game! While it’s not possible to add them directly in-game without modding, you might find mods or community creations that include bridges. As for a map maker, keep an eye on updates or mods from the community that could offer that feature. I was running out of time to complete my assignment, so I decided to get help from UK Assignment Writing Services - Order Help With Confidence The service was fantastic! The assignment was clear, concise, and well-organized. The writer did a great job following my instructions, and the final product was delivered on time. It made a big difference in my workload, and I felt much more confident submitting my assignment. This service is definitely worth it!