Bringing in the New Year with B16 v0.2.1.4!

It’s the second best one in the world and comes with our internet so why change it to something inferior like McAfee or Norton.

HNY! Love new art, Warden Laboratory looks awesome, new, greenish textures also, map same, shadows looks smoother. It’s getting better and better. GJ.

In any event, you should start a new thread so the devs see this.

Happy new year and thanks alot guys.
that was so unexpected :smiley:

has anyone found the 3 new undergrounds XD? I can’t find the 3rd lolz

Sweet! I had been taking a break from playing GD and last night was thinking of picking it up again. What perfect timing. Time to wipe out my chars and inventories and start fresh :smiley:

Yeah, that’s what I was thinking jiaco, but didn’t want to post it as a bug in case there was an easy solution. I’ll start a thread down in the bug reporting section.

It’s time to play… in french !
HAPPY NEW YEAR ! :smiley:

Anyone with F-Secure having problems launching Grim Dawn after the update, you have to disable DeepGuard from F-Secure’s settings. Click F-Secure from tray, go to Computer Security, Settings, DeepGuard and turn it off. Worked for me at least. Hopefully we’ll get a fix on this soon.

Can you give a hint as to where the two new quests are?

Liking the new build (mostly)! Very glad to see that items like the Deathchill and Flint Core bolts can now be purchased from vendors. Before they were a super rare drop item only.
Also happy to see the return of the Roving Merchant. Thank you! The one thing I have seen that I DON’T like is the reduction in camera zoom out. Everything is too close now; please bring back the old camera feature, or at least allow it as an option for those that like it…

The New Year update is simply epic. Its harder, faster, smoother, funnier and its nicely done! Thank You, You made this day better. Happy New Year and I can’t wait for second tier…

Both are in Wightmire, one in a hidden crevasse and the other in a basement in one of the newly-named areas (one of the parts of Wightmire that has been given its own name, but I won’t be saying which one!) :wink:
Happy hunting! :smiley:

I like the Putrid Den’s toxic atmosphere and hoard + hoarders.

Boy was the Putrid Den a surprise at level 6. lol

I almost ran for my life … almost.Then I took a deep breath and said,I can do this. hehehe

I strongly recommend starting new characters and clearing your stash tabs for this build,it’s by far a cut above the last build and oh so enjoyable with new characters. (I’m only half way through act 1 and can’t wait to play again tomorrow)

Sounds great. :slight_smile: Is there any ETA on when the Steam version will be auto-updated to the new build? Of course, everyone may be on vacation today. :smiley:

It should already be updated if your on autopilot. =)

Yes, that worked for me too but I don’t like having to do it. Will have to remember to switch DeepGuard on again every time I finish playing. Hope we get a fix soon. Will make a note in my bug report.

No I don’t like the reduced zoom either. I prefer that bit more distance.

Wow, silver and salt are really worth the effort now.

Already looks great and I just logged into game.

Can’t wait to explore the new mini-dungeons and see some of the other changes.

You guys do take days off don’t you??:wink:

Only tried out the new skill on salt so far, but it truly does make that component more useful now! Not to mention, the completion bonus I got on my first completed salt since the update works especially well with the weapon I had in mind to use it on, so that’s just a bonus. :smiley: Will upload a screenshot to show what I mean. :wink:

Edit: Now would you look at the stats on this! (See what I mean about the completion bonus) :wink:

Also, the book you can just see equipped in my off-hand (Dementia) gives +40% Aether damage, which synergises perfectly with my Aetherwoe and its perfectly rolled salt component. :smiley: It seems even the loot system is feeling the New Year spirit! :stuck_out_tongue: (Both these items dropped this build, and the component I just completed today as well)