Bringing in the New Year with B16 v0.2.1.4!

Awesome! Happy New Year!

Played a bit up to Flooded Passage…

What went down???:smiley:

The place feels 50 times more alive and wild! Enemies take a fair beating right off the start, new novice cultists drop me a key (veeeery elegant solution;)) while they attack zombies who in turn attack beasts and wildlife! New people in the prison, moar quests and nice ones to be honest. My first blue came from the sacrified Isaac’s stump. (Amulet of the Eye)

New POI art, minimal implementation of the dreaded quest marker:D, improved atmosphere overall with fitting ambient fogs, lighting, textures etc.

Med said he had unfinished business with act I. I guess that settles it. You guys took out a whole flock with a pebble.

Thank you very much.

Edit: Low level fun! Who would have thought!

Found the Festering Lair and encountered Grundlepilth. I actually had to use a couple health pots (even Gutworm doesn’t do enough damage to make me use them). Then, after beating him, I realized he wasn’t even doing the damage, it was the toxic cloud I was standing in the whole fight. :o

Happy new year, thx a lot.

Thank you very much for the b16 update! I wish a happy new year for the whole Crate Team. Keep up the superb and awesome work!

The new skills are very cool, makes me want to hunt down the components I don’t have to see what they grant. I find it interesting that both Ice Spike and Fireblast don’t have a cooldown, letting us make a more Arcanist type of character without actually having access to the mastery!

The new zoom can be a problem for ranged players, as they automaticaly lose field of view and time to prepare.

lol you nerfed the soldier a lot. my pure soldier has, now, 100dps less than before, 100 HP less than before and also fighting spirit is nerfed too.

Awesome! Happy New Year all. i just got quick hot fix i hope can i ask for what is??

This. Please reinstate the old zoom!

The dps loss wasn’t specifically targeted at soldier, it is the result of changes to the attribute based damage bonuses. The multiplier for weapon damage is higher now but the additive bonus received for simply having cunning is gone. So, you could potentially achieve higher dps with the accumulation of more weapon damage but less through just pumping cunning.

The life loss is due to a reduction in the amount of life received from the mastery. However, physique now gives more life per point.

Fighting spirit’s modifier was too powerful given its frequency and duration.

We try to avoid nerfing whenever possible but sometimes it is the best solution to resolve significant balance issues. This will happen less as we get closer to the end and the combat formulas, classes / skills and items become more fixed as a result of successful testing and adjustment.

So good. Hate to say it but D3 xpac looks like more of the same. GD is def my go to ARPG.

Yeah, I’m not a big fan of this change either.

B15 zoomed out as far as possible

B16 zoomed out as far as possible

I think the maximum zoom-out level has been decreased ~8% and the camera angle seems slightly lower.

The updated textures, extra grass and increased shadow resolution are nice improvements, though.

Love the B16 update, especially the environmental update/tweaks. it gives the game a more dynamic gesture and i love it!

So my big question is at the bottom where it says “Other stuff…” hmm im wondering what that is? Anybody find out yet?

i kind of want to know what the other stuff is… TELL MEEEEEEEEEE!!!

The “other stuff” is probably more like tweaking things like the camera as someone mentioned already (zoom and angle were changed or something).

Awesome thanks for the hard work.

“Other stuff” is everything we (mostly me) didn’t immediate add to the change log and then forgot about. For example, I totally forgot that I’d changed the camera until someone complained about it.

I’ve adjusted back closer to where it was before at max zoom.

Mostly, it is likely smaller stuff, like adjusting dmg on an enemy skill or something along those lines. I make so many minor changes in a day when working on balancing, it is hard to keep track of it all, especially when I’m simultaneously working on another portion of the game (act2) that isn’t in B16.

One other thing I’ve noticed is that Aether Crystals are more “trap” like in that when I’ve approached them in B16 enemies spawn that aren’t attached to the Crystal. Before usually all enemies are already spawned when I get there, perhaps I was simply being quick… though I kinda doubt it lol.