2300+hrs game time, 4 complete play-throughs(includes AoM, FG) with characters from Normal through Ultimate, about several other characters completed Normal + Elite, many Totems farmed in Ultimate, countless SR 28-32 and Crucible 90-120 runs, and not ONE SINGLE Mythical Veilwarden Band. I would expect this to be the case in regards to Legendary gear, but this is ridiculous. Seriously, I had a much easier time completing Krieg set… TWICE! The only logical conclusion I can reach is they were removed from the loot tables because given how much time I’ve wasted trying to farm them, they have a nonexistent drop rate. This needs to be rectified, and there’s at least 3 other mythical epics that have this issue, Mythical Ring of Vile Intent is one that comes to mind. As far as I know, there’s nothing special about these items that restrict their drops to a specific boss or dungeon.
I don’t mind doing the time, but based on what I’ve been experiencing, it would seem there’s a problem.
P.S. I forgot to mention, my game is patched to, which is the most recent.
i got one not but days ago
and have 5 in stash too
got 6 myth vile intent rings too
unironically that’s actually what makes it harder to obtain, because it means every single drop you have a chance to drop any random epic
by comparison Krieg set would indeed be easy to obtain since it has a 5% drop chance from XY boss,
meanwhile there is nothing aiding in obtaining a given specific epic, and you can see several of these posts for some of them, despite others having obtained them
*i myself even asked the same question for… don’t remember which epic - and then it dropped a month later or something
Simple solution:
Epic Items D through G have not dropped, so receive a +20% chance to drop vs. other epics of the same tier that have already dropped IF an epic is rolled to drop. Excludes epic sets.
This would be a progressive weighted system that would cut back on repeats.
This way we don’t end up being stuck in an endless loot loop and I don’t end up shelving an incomplete character build.
I’ve actually started renaming some of the drops silly names for amusement as a result of seeing them so frequently(i.e. Lapis Lupis = Crapis Poopus just as an example).
did a quick GT browse
there are around 536 epics, not counting faction ones and not counting MIs/fixed spawn (fettan mask)
*i didn’t check blueprints and kinda unsure if epics from blueprint follow same rule as ex legendary helmets “can only be crafted”
but, say there is 500 without blueprints, everytime you have a chance of epic/get a drop that’s 1/500
every, single, time, 0 guarantee you will ever get that specific 499th you’re actually after
and from my experience there is also not a “ledger” system in place like for legends, to somewhat attempt slightly reducing duplicate drops in same session, so it’s just 1:500 chance RNG all the time
perhaps slight superstitious encouragement?
but we seem to have this sorta like “hidden RNGesus rule”, where/when complaining about specific drop(s), it will drop “shortly” after doing so
But is that 536 figure counting, for example Veilwarden Band + Empowered Veilwarden Band + Mythical Veilwarden Band? When you’re level 100, you won’t be seeing anything except mythical when playing Elite or Ultimate, as far as I know.
those 536 are purely endgame epics, lvl 82-94,
and without including faction shop epics and minus epic MIs(ravager etc) and epic fixed spawns (fettan) since they dont’ drop in regular sources
Well I won’t be doing anymore SR runs for them. We’re lucky if we get 4-5 epics to drop & usually end up having twice that many legendary drops. Good for farming legendary sets, but bad for epics in general.
from my experience when i had the same issue Is Mythical Blightshard amulet dropping?
either do low SR, or monster totems
Totems/hero/regular boss runs seem to be better for epics by volume compared to regular SR
Also with the new nemesis spawn system you can then get like 3 epics from a single kill “en route” through totems/bosses
And dynamite troves seem decent too for it now also, which is just an extra thing to sprinkle in
Yes, I tried running the lower shards, iirc, I was doing a particularly long session where I had run through 9 shards & ended up crashing on the 10th.
SR is only good for farming legendaries. I just don’t see enough epics drop to make it worth the time given the restrictions. If I were able to run something like SR 15-26 in one go, it “might” be worth it. However, given the game designer’s unwillingness to fix the SR crash bug and requiring us to run SR every 5 shards and restart the game to avoid crashing, its just not feasible.
I know it can’t be something with my system. I use an RTX 3090 Kingpin, 128Gb RAM, AMD Threadripper 3960X 24-core 3.8GHz cpu. Its a dual-use system that I also render with using an RTX A6000, so I do use studio drivers on both graphics cards out of necessity since they both are needed for iray rendering quicker.
you don’t need to run through that many shards to farm?
you do 2 shards then cash out
so say you use stone to enter at shard 10, you cash you after clearing bossroom on shard 11
rinse repeat
doing many shards in a row would only be for uprunning to reach/unlock checkpoints
you dont’ get more loot doing more shards in a row
You don’t? I have noticed more legendary/epics drop if I do SR 28 through 32 vs doing only 30 through 32. Maybe its just me or something?
I’ll have to give it a try. I’ll have to make sure I’m getting a replacement for the green snot component for making the waystones in my runs. Those things are almost a rare as celestial lotus until you’re playing Ultimate.
It’s just you with 1 shard you only get a few chests, with 2 you get all, if you’re in time. Otherwise there’s two missing iirc.
While we’re complaining. We’re supposed to get blueprints to craft tonic of reshaping (and clarity), but I haven’t found either yet. I really could use a reshaping one soon as I’m starting to run out
They are not blueprints you can find. You already have them.
But you can only craft the tonics at the Celestial smiths (the Fald family, closest to go to would usually be Algosia Fald, Tomb of Nephos, South of Korvan City WP.)
On the main topic: Yeah, there are some blue items that are very rare. Usually I don’t notice because most blues are so bad, you never really need them. But when you suddenly need one, oh boy.
I have similarly been convinced that the Yeti-summoning amulet (Heart of the Mountain) either only drops from one specific Yeti or simply does not exist. I have like 5-6 100th level character and untold hours into the game, and I have never gotten either the regular or the mythical version of it.
Anyhow, I know, RNG is like this. Took me ages too to find the Mythical Shadowflame Mantle, but it dropped randomly last year so my Harbinger character can finally be complete…
A crafting systems that lets you get any item with enough mats would proly be good for this game considering how many items there are,sure the odds are good considering just how much loot drops but rng can still suck
Same with Mythical Essence of the Grim Dawn and Mythical Albrecht’s Duality. Or the damn String of Maggots. I killed that beetle countless times, but no string. They must have run out, there’s no other explanation.