Build 21 introduces Arcanist class and caster weapons!

We’ll have to see how extensive the changes will be to the stash/shared stash system - any change is a good change imo.

Every build is one large leap forward in making this game a really awesome ARPG.

Quite a few streamers were saying how if PoE and GD were combined it would be the perfect ARPG in their opinion.

Looking forward to more stash space. Now I’ve started an Arcanist I’ve got to go off to my mules and find which one is hoarding the Black Wand.

Only one little niggle, all the classes names are straight out of TQ: Battlemage, Sorcerer, Warlock, Spellbreaker. You’ve done really well with not copying names from the old game, but maybe some different titles when you get a breather. Some suggestions:

Soldier/Arcanist = Stormtrooper
Demo/Arcanist = Annihilator
Occultist/Arcanist = Seerspell
Nightblade/Arcanist = Spellblade

Thank the Gods! I will start playing the the game again!

personally i’m fine with Battlemage, Warlock and Sorcerer (better than Deathdealer imho) but Nightstalker was a much better choice than Spellbreaker for Arcan/NB (still imho). but i don’t expect the names to change again, we’ll have to become used to it i think.

@medea, funny you should mention that. On the play tester forums we suggested some of the titles be changed for similar reasons but crate seemed satisfied with the current titles.

Yeah, um, not too enthusiastic about that suggestion.

I don’t mind if they keep them, I just wondered how much they were trying to stay away from TQ names for the game. I’ve seen Soulcarver for one of the new Arcanist daggers and also another name from TQ (can’t remember it at the moment), but otherwise that’s it. So it seemed a bit odd to suddenly have 4 class names all come up at once. If the devs are happy with it, then so am I. :slight_smile:

MatMB, yes that would be another possibility, but some of the foes in TQ were Nightstalkers. I thought of Shadowstalker, but again this was also a TQ foe.

Marney, what else would you call a Soldier who can deal fire/cold/lightning damage?

What I’d like to see is a bunch of tabs like PoE, ideally one could name each tab. Another idea I had was that each tab could be assigned an icon (and colour, green, blue, purple?) for the different equipment we want to put in it, like a glove icon for gloves, a crossbow for crossbows, etc. We could buy as many tabs as we wished, or had iron for of course! :slight_smile:

Hehe I saw Mors say that on stream. Didnt know there were others.

Personally I thought spellblade was more fitting for Arc/Soldier. An Arc/NB can be played quite caster-like and works very well as a cold mage, so for me spellbreaker works nicely since it’s constantly freezing enemies and breaking their bodies. :smiley:

Yes, it could work for a Soldier/Arcanist build as a name too. But Nightblade seemed more apt to me with the dual wield and phantasmal blades skills.

I don’t have a problem with “Battlemage.” I came across a discussion about alternate names for fighter/mages here, though. And there’s the trope page, of course. There’s probably something less Nazi on one of those.

And there was I thinking Star Wars.

Well, they were the bad guys in Star Wars, so Nazi connotations were fine. But I don’t particularly want to play something called a “stormtrooper” myself.

There’s a horrible four letter word meaning fighter-mage that rhymes with dish.

whats this word ?

That confused me too. It seems to be “gish.”

What actually changed? Anyone got some pics? I cant play at the moment to see for myself.:cry:

It’s mostly color/shade tweaks on the skillbar/exp bar area.

Jebess will you never learn to read?

I Never said that it was mentioned in Build 21…

But since you brought it up, it was mentioned in Build 18 back in April

The first section of Act III, the Jagged Waste, which leads into Homestead, the Act III “town,” is nearly finished but missing quests and points of interest. The basic layout of the survivor enclave in Homestead is done and build-out has begun on the farmland around it. We should be able to show off some early screenshots in the next month or two.

Now that was 6 months ago , and since then I’ve been waiting…
But I see they took a side street in the development path redoing the game with the multi-player, new character, new difficulty option and adding in some new quests.

All of which is fine I suppose it’s just that I would have rather seen Act III before all of the other stuff was done.

Then you may not be happy that the next build (1-2 weeks away) is a Quality of Life build, like expanded stash.

Sometime after that will be the first part of Act 3. If I had to guess, probably before year end, but don’t hold me to that.

No we didn’t. Act 3 has been in development this entire time. The people building act 3 are for the most part not the same people adding multiplayer and other various things.

It’s on the way. It’s not like there has ever been a discussion about whether we are going to work on multiplayer OR act 3. These things may take time, but they do happen simultaneously.