Build 27: Shaman Mastery and Balance Update

I just found the Praetorian Faceguard. A level 50 set helm. First?
eta: I did a full clear of every area plus dungeon from DC to Burrwitch Village, including the new Eastmire which is where I found the Praetorian Faceguard. Then my game crashed going into Burrwitch Outskirts. No doubles for epics!

MY COCK IS SO HARD RIGHT NOW!!! I’m really enjoying the new patch!


That is some update. I am going to be very busy reworking most, if not all, my characters. I looked at my characters and inventories before I read the release notes and I was shocked that some were naked and unarmed because of changes. Many had skill levels reduced quite a bit due to losing +1 skill bonuses on items or materials. I am not complaining. I am just surprised at the wholesale changes. I am happy to finally have access to the Shaman so I can try an idea that I have been thinking about for a while now.

Nice work! Time to adjust…a lot!

amen brother spanky :slight_smile:

Thank you I can play on High video settings again! Something in b26 or it’s hotfixes fubar me and I had to adjust them down :frowning:

Not that I am complaining but does it seem the run speed is abit quicker or maybe just more fluid? I like it whatever was done (hope it’s not a bug).

Disappointed we didn’t get access to Elite yet! Had a slim hope that we might get surprised by it early.

think of it this way, were all suffering together at least :wink:

Thanks for the update guys!

On contrary with every one else in this thread ( which is surprising for me) my chaos melee witchblade is doing better than ever, even though flat chaos damage was removed from most of my items, phys to chaos convertion on scythe of Tenebris made up for that. East march is kind of too easy tbh, tho the zone itself is pretty nice. Keep up the good work!

Zantai is there an error/mixup in these two statements?

Rare Suffixes: consolidated some weapon suffixes. Conflagration, Defiler, Shattering, Torrents and Wildfire now give a bonus to absolute and damage over time. Affliction, Hurricane, Squalls and Winter Storm can no longer drop on weapons and are considered Legacy items.

Rare Suffix - Hurricane: added a bonus to Wind Devil, now has Stun Resistance at all levels

Or is it just that Hurricane can drop, but just not on weapons? :confused:

I’m glad you’ve moved Bloodfeast into the fort as I think that will be even better, but I do hope it’s not a big dungeon once we get down there. It takes long enough from the nearest portal to get to Tyrant’s Hold and clear it out without having a really huge dungeon to tackle as well. If it is please consider putting another portal or moving the current one a bit nearer to the fort.

The Hurricane suffix with +wind devil is for rings.

Ah, thanks for clearing that up Nine. I haven’t seen the Hurricane suffix on anything yet so had no idea what else it might be attached to.

My mind is blown. I don’t know what the hell is going on, all of these changes. It will take me weeks to understand what you people figure out. I’m too stupid and impatient to read this whole change log, but thank you Crate, for this tremendous update.

I like changes to arcane will

Ouch to some of the nerfs; my Witchblade is currently pantsless and the now useless to my Commando’s build Chains of Oleron only serve as a reminder that he needs to upgrade from his Devil’s Chestguard anyway. I’m sure I will figure something out once I get playing Shaman out of my system!

Kudos on the undocumented (I think) addition of icons on gear for the components on them!

very nice touch BTW

Kudos to the long-awaited DPS comparison which include spell on RHS/LHS skill. Further improvement can be made on DPS comparison during comparing weapon or other equipment. Right now we can only see increase/decrease in weapon DPS output but it didn’t consider skill we are using. For instance, i’m using DEE as my main attack skill and when getting upgrade on equipment, what i’m concern about is damage output of the DEE and not normal attack DPS. just for example but you guys know what i’m getting im hope.

Sure is nice to look at it!

I just hope they add a simple, dark badge-like background behind the symbols, just to give them better visibility. Right now it looks really weird on some items, where it’s hard to perceive at all.

Fixed an issue with Amarasta’s Blade Burst not dealing % Weapon Damage

Not fixed. Still aoe deals fixed amount of damage.

Damage of the mobs is very low at act 1. It feels like I play normal

Hey thx to all of you guys who were beta testing and obviously to You Crate for that great update but have some question about 1ime attributes reset is it going to happen ever :D?

I can get behind this. Some situations the visibility is not the greatest.

So I read Urobooruk’s (spelling?) note in East March, and cleared the zone, but I’m somewhat confused.

Was the “end boss” at the end of the zone supposed to be the thing Urobooruk was talking about in the note? Because a reskinned Storm Hound that dies in 3-4 hits is not really what I envisioned when I read that note to be honest.

No offense intended, I like the game and I like the East March zone alot overall. The bosses there were just a bit of a let down for me personally.

Antivenom Salve is completely invisible on some belts.