Mage Hunter (Arcanist + Inquisitor)
[Caster] [] (g4)(vid) Fire Devastation x 4 - Mage Hunter (Belzzzz)
- Damage: Fire; Elemental/Aether
- Active Skills: Devastation, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes; Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal; Stormfire, Apocalypse
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven Sphere of Protection; Aura of Censure
- WPS Skills: None
[Melee] [] (c+) (g3) (vid) Expelliarmus! <7 min. Crucible Glad.150-170 0 greens facetank PRM Mage Hunter (mad_lee)
- Damage: Lightning, Fire
- Active Skills: Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Pain, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Word of Renewal, Aether Corruption
- Passive Skills: Aura of Censure, Arcane Resonance, Ward of Illusion, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster] [] (c+) (g5) Invoker’s… (wait for it) CALLIDOR SPAMMER! Elemental CT/Dev Mage Hunter (x1x1x1x2)
- Damage: Elemental
- Active Skills: Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal,Word of Renewal, Callidor’s Tempest, Devastation, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
- Passive Skills: Aura of Censure, Arcane Resonance x2, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Spelldrinker, Prismatic Aura
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster] [] (c+)(g4)(vid) Elemental Bomber - Cold&Fire Elemental RoH and Devastation MageHunter (Thejabrixone)
- Damage: Elemental
- Active Skills: Chillspikes, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Rune of Hagarrad, Devastation, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Spelldrinker, Whirling Blades, Aura of Censure, Deadly Aim
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster] [] (c+)(g4)(vid) The Elemental Sage - Proc-Fiesta Elemental Caster Mage Hunter (Thejabrixone)
- Damage: Elemental
- Active Skills: Storm Box of Elgoloth, Aether Corruption, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Presence of Might, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Aura of Censure, Prismatic Aura, Deadly Aim, Arcane Will, Divine Light
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (g4)(c+)(vid) 2H Flame of Ignaffar Mage Hunter (Sir Spanksalot)
- Damage: Elemental
- Active Skills: FoI, Arcane Devastation, Word of Pain, Mirror, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal
- Passive Skills: Inner Focus, IEE, Maiven’s, Deadly Aim, Aura of Censure, Seal of Resonance, Prismatic Aura, Mental alacrity, Arcane empowerment, Arcane will
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (g4) A simple runebinder Mage Hunter (Belzzz)
- Damage: Elemental
- Active Skills: Runic Bolts, Rune of Hagarrad, Horn of gandarr, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal
- Passive Skills: Inner Focus, Iskandra Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Deadly Aim, Aura of Conviction, Ranged Expertise
- WPS Skills: Bursting round, Chilling Rounds, Storm Spread
[Caster][] (c+)(g5) Rocks and Runes - Aether Rune of Hagarrad + Devastation Mage Hunter (x1x1x1x2)
scroll down to the second build in that post- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Rune of Hagarrad, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Devastation, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
- Passive Skills: Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Star Pact, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (hc)(vid)(g5)© Magehunter Sotonya - Ignaffar flamethrower (Ptirodaktill)
- Damage: Fire
- Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Word of renewal, Mirror of Erorectus, Inquisitor Seal, Calidor tempest,Nullification, Rune of Haggard, Word of pain
- Passive Skills: IEE, MSoP, Aura of Censure, Seal of might.
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (vid)(g3) Lifestealer Aether Meteorlord CT Spamming Mage Hunter (TZ Tz)
- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Callidor’s Tempest, Chaos Strike, Word of Pain, Horn of Gandarr, Devastation, Word of Renewal, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
- Passive Skills: Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Reckless Power, Iskandra’s Unity, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity, Fabric of Reality, Deadly Aim, Whirling Blades
- WPS Skills: None
[Summoner] ©(vid)(g3) Terra Destroyer - The Unstoppable Meteor Summoner - Tetra Element Meteor - Crucible Ready (Tz Tz)
- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Devastations, Mirror, TSS, Chaos Strike, Word of Pain, CT, Word of Renewal, Nullification
- Passive Skills: Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Star Pact, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity, Fabric of Reality, Void-Ward
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (l)(g5) Cold Flames of Ignaffar(Belzzzz)
- Damage: Cold, Lightning.
- Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Pain, Storm of Elgoloth, Horn of Gandarr, Inquisitor Seal, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification.
- Passive Skills: World of Renewal, Aura of Conviction, Deadly Aim, Elemental Balance, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Arcane Will.
- WPS Skills: None
[Aether Caster] (g3) Magelord’s Divine Missile - Aether based PRM Mage Hunter (Chthon)
- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Haunt, Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal
- Passive Skills: Reckless Power, Maiven’s Sphere of Proctection, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange
- WPS Skills: None
[Aether Caster] (g4) Aether Harvest - Aether based Winter King’s Might 2h Mage Hunter (Chthon)
scroll down to the second build in that post- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Haunt, Winter King’s Might, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Pain, Nullification, Word of Renewal, Mirror of Ereoctes
- Passive Skills: Reckless Power, Maiven’s Sphere of Proctection, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (c-)(l)(vid)(g3) Mom’s Panetti - Easy to gear, easy to play Mage Hunter (janodal)
- Damage: Elemental, Aether
- Active Skills: Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Devastation, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Pain, Word of Renewel, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Storm Box of Elgoloth
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Spectral binding, Aura of Censure, Seal of Resonance
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (g3)(hc)(vid) Mage Hunter The Aetherstorm Lord (Zars)
- Damage: Lightning, Aether, Electrocute
- Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Aether Corruption
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Shpere of Protection, Inner Focus, Mental Alacrity, Arcane Will, Aura of Conviction, Arcane Resonance, Prismatic Aura
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (g4)(vid)(c-)(l) Mage Hunter CD Frostmage (Mammoth Hunter)
- Damage: Cold, Lightning, Frostburn, Electrocute
- Active Skills: Trozan sky shard, Rune of Hagarrad, Inquisitor Seal, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Word of renewal
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Shpere of Protection, Inner Focus, Mental Alacrity, Arcane Will, Star Pact, Artifact Handling, Deadly Aim
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (vid)(g3) After Burner Mage Hunter - Lock Your Target With Massive Fire Burn AoE - Rapid Ammo Reload System (TZ Tz)
- Damage: Fire, Burn
- Active Skills: Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Rune of Calastor, Mirror of Ereoctes, Callidor’s Tempest, Nullification
- Passive Skills: Aura of Conviction, Deadly Aim, Artifact Handling, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (vid)(g3) Full Aether AAR Mage Hunter (TZ Tz)
- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Devastation Callidor’s Tempest, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Inqusitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Chaos Strike
- Passive Skills: Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Maiven’s Sphere of Protection, Reckless Power, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity, Fabric of Reality, Deadly Aim, Arcane Resonance
- WPS Skills: None
[Caster][] (vid)(g3) After Burner Ignaffar’s - Flames of Ignaffar Mage Hunter (TZ Tz)
- Damage: Fire, Burn
- Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Obliteration, Chaos Strike, Inquisitor Seal, Rune of Hagarrad, Nullification, Word of Renewal, Mirror of Ereoctes
- Passive Skills: Maiven’s Sphere of Proctection, Iskandra’s Elemental Exchange, Inner Focus, Arcane Will, Mental Alacrity, Rune of Elgoloth, Whirling Blades, Aura of Censure, Deadly Aim, Artifact Handling
- WPS Skills: None