Build Compendium Organized by Skill (Version 1.21 Newly Added: Updated for 2022)

Thank you for all the work

Acid Purge hasn’t been nerfed at all, it has been buffed. As for the rest - Crit damage loss is not that big (how often does one Crit on bosses + if you already have Crit damage it’s even a smaller loss). A few % nerf at best, might be even 2% against a boss. I recommend the calculator for estimating the nerf. This is not Diablo 3 where %Crit damage is such a huge deal for every build in every scenario because Crit chance is high and independent of anything where it would be a 15% damage loss I guess.

In this build [] I can't believe it's not FoI! Chaos "Acid Purge'' Warlock Acid Purge is not only in the title but also deals most damage if you calculate it. And it has more AoE than Doom Bolt which is another contender.

I haven’t done a lot of math but I believe for example you could make a very strong Pierce Chillspikes build (max casting speed and 2hander) where it can be the main damage source, at least for single target, so might not be build defining in Crucible but on bosses - sure.

Let’s not forget standard component skills can be cast up to 3 times per second and channeling ones can tick up to 6.66… times per second (ideal scenario, less in practice) if I’m not mistaken and this damage adds up.

I don’t mind you deleting this section if you so prefer - just stating my opinion as probably the main component / item skills enthusiast in the Grim Dawn community :wink:

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Cold 3 x 26 / 16 Blades Spirits vs Chillspikes test

  • full Pierce conversion
  • 176 casting speed I believe


  • Blade Spirit dummy reset - 1 min
  • Chillspikes dummy reset - 30 s

Btw I also tested Blade Spirit against ~ 26 / 12 / 0 Shadow Strike and results were similar.
I might have had some mods for Shadow Strike though.


bss are fine, the chillspikes are broken


Based on my limited casual non-endgame experience with BS, I’d say they were nerfed unnecessarily due to very well optimized Pierce / Bleed builds in Crucible. The Bleed part didn’t even feel that good to me in Act 2 Veteran after I got 18/16 in BS + Scarab Shield and I abandoned the character but it was my first Bleed build. Also they are dumb and slow and don’t seem to proc devotions as well on dummies for me as I thought. I don’t feel like maxing Nightblade mastery for them (in a Cold build at least). I’m open to be wrong about it though. I’d give them additional base Frostburn damage :wink:

Components granted skills nerfs weren’t that severe. The thing is even pre nerf they’re used as just fillers on casters majority of the time. And make sense as such.

But some of them have plenty of damage and they can deal significant percent in proc based builds. I have tried builds with literally just Chain Lightning and Pain as attacking skills. Acid Purge damage can also rival Drain Essence for channeling spell if you have the conversion. Ofc DE and FoI have other perks but Purge is valuable channeling spell.

And in Grim Dawn not every build have one defining skill, which is used. Octavius Warlord stacks trauma with Aegis and FW doing the heavy lifting. In fire Shieldbreaker you can have multiple damage sources with Judge, BWC, Mines, spam skill, Guardians etc but without dominating skill.

I don’t mind removing of this section but want to clarify the usage of the granted skills, like you.

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This was the main reason I deleted the post. There was no point in dedicating an entire post to these components when they were mostly used as filler and made it near-impossible to determine if they were instrumental to a build’s success or not. In reality, I had barely seen any builds that made smart use of these components (at least in a damage-dealing sense) for over a year.

Since Nery’s Chaos Acid Purge was up-to-date and utilized the conversions well, I included it in the post above (the “skills granted by items” post). If you think a particular component / item / conversion is competitive, make sure you create a video with the build’s performance and upload it. It’s the only the way to have a fair comparison with the number of builds that are out there.

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Mad_Lee might be reading the forum because he just tested what I would call a Chillspikes build:
Mageslayer Spellbreaker vs. Crucible 150-170 (4:24 run) - YouTube (200% CS+ Northern Wyrm).

@Nery and some (quite rare) example of not putting RR devo on your spam attack to have Bat proc chance equal to 1 - 0.8^5 ~ 67% on single target with every Chillspikes cast.


Soldier class is now largely complete. I have a ton of work to do until this compendium can be considered complete, but every class I carry out to completion is one step closer to showing off the complete spectacle of just how many viable/competitive builds are out there.

If I were any good in Crucible, I’d complete a whole bunch of missing builds myself. Alas, the best I can do is share my work and hopefully someone else picks it up for the sake of Crucible completion.

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Demolitionist class is more or less complete. Next revamp will be the Shaman class.

If only someone does something with the Acid Fire Strike Conduit meme, Fire Strike will have every damage type completed, not counting Bleeding.

Physical Grenado was removed because the video that had it was removed. Perhaps someone can make a video for Physical Grenado and post it. There’s definitely the gear out there to make it viable.

Shaman is now complete, complete with a new section inside it containing Upheaval builds. I consider Upheaval different from other WPS builds in that it is often the only WPS used in the build and requires you to built entirely around it by gunning for as high of your OA as possible. That makes it stand out compared to, say, a Smite or an Execution build.

EDIT: Now Inquisitor and Necromancer are complete. All that’s needed now is the Oathkeeper class, but it has the most builds out of all the classes out there.

Let’s update this to 2022, shall we?

I’ve sadly had to remove the ranged Upheaval builds since they no longer function with the passthrough mechanics changed to the WPS. Other than that, I’ve updated multiple builds to their counterparts and updated Crucible videos wherever I could.

There are multiple builds that have not been updated in a while, but I keep them posted so that players may try to update them to the current patch and see how well they perform. Outside of direct nerfs, I doubt that builds with videos from last year will be significantly different from today.


The 1st link leads to a defiler.

Will Ring of Steel or OFF be added?

OFF is essentially a debuff similar to Curse of Frailty, and due to the similarity of using it (it being only useable with Mageslayer’s set), it’s not worth adding a section just for it.

Ring of Steel: I have not seen much use of it as a main attacking skill, but rather it being used as a supporting skill, particularly for Bleeding Nightblades using Bloodrager’s set. It’s a rather niche skill all in all, and unless it is used as a main skill nuke, like taken to 26/16 and using Chillheart to defeat the likes of Crucible and SR, it will not be put on the list.

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Ok i get for OFF but how is RoS not used in example: cold korba, bleed bloodrager, pierce nadaan and ok if you dont agree,
but there is a section for blade spirit and blade trap and if im not mistaken arent those also supporting skills or at the very least very specific skills for certain sets

Great job!