Build Compendium X (Forgotten Gods)

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Beginner Build Compendium

  • Thanks to Mirenheart, Missing String, ibugsy, Cryodacry, Dikkiedik, Chthon, sir spanksalot and veretragna for their work on Build Compendium I, II, III, IV, V, VI, VII, VIII and IX&X respectively.

  • Honorable mentions (in no particular order): Superfluff, x1x1x1x2, mad_lee, malawiglenn, eisprincessin, medea_fleecestealer, TqFan.

What’s Compendium and how to add a build to it?

Compendium is a library of builds played by forum members, the goal is to prevent builds from being lost in time. We do not accept pure theorycrafting and therefore require minimal proofs of character’s existence and performance (screenshots, videos, etc). We also do not accept builds below level 100.

To have your build on Compendium you would need a build thread on this forum. The build thread should have things like Grim Tools link, screenshots, videos, some brief info - use other people’s build threads as a referrence.

After that you need to fill the form below with your build’s info and reply with it in this thread:

* [color="YellowGreen"] [Playstyle] [Patch] [Build Name](build url) (Author) [/color]
  * [color="YellowGreen"]Damage: [/color] Damage Type 1, Damage Type 2, Damage Type 3
  * [color="YellowGreen"]Active Skills: [/color] Active Skill 1, Active Skill 2, Active Skill 3
Here's an example of how the filled form is going to look like
*  [color="YellowGreen"] [DW Melee] [] [Cholol, the Breathtaking - Deathmarked Blademaster]( (veretragna) [/color]
  * [color="YellowGreen"]Damage: [/color] Cold
  * [color="YellowGreen"]Active Skills: [/color] Cadence, Shadow Strike, Amarasta's Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Reaper's Mark, Icechill, Blade Spirit
And this is what it should look like in the preview

I offer limited help and will fix minor formatting mistakes in the form, but filling it up for you on my own is out of question.

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Archon (Oathkeeper + Shaman)

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Dervish (Nightblade + Oathkeeper)

  • [Melee Channeler] [] Ultimate Hardcore Sword & Shield Dervish- The Grave Dancer (JY_626)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Ring of Steel, Ascension, Displacement, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Barrier
  • [DW Melee Spinner] [] [Something Else Clever About Spinning]: Pierce EoR/Spinner Dervish (SR80, controller friendly) (Bagel)

    • Damage: Pierce
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Pneumatic Burst, Judgment, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blade Barrier, Incorporeal Winds
  • [S&B Melee] [] [S&B Acid RF + ABB Dervish] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Scorpion Strike, Vire’s Might, Blade Barrier
  • [S&B Melee] [] [S&B Cold Dervish] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Cold, Frostburn
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Amatok’s Breath, Ascension, Blade Barrier, Ravager’s Deathgaze
  • [DW Melee] [] [Goredrinker Dervish] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Bleeding, Pierce
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Ring of Steel, Vire’s Might, Behead, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Blade Barrier, Vampiric Shadows
  • [Channeler] [] [Cold Spinner Dervish] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Cold, Frostburn
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Pneumatic Burst, Amatok’s Breath, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Ascension, Blade Barrier
  • [2H Melee] [] [Nightshade Dervish/1.1 sec SS] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Scorpion Strike, Ascension, Blade Barrier
  • [Skater] [] Bloodbound pseudo-pet skater bleed dervish (DeputyChuck)

    • Damage: Bleeding, Vitality
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Wendigo Rush, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Blade Barrier, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blade Spirit
  • [Spam Caster] [] Blades Flammable - Fire Phantasmal Blades Dervish (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Phantasmal Blades, Pneumatic Burst, Chaos Strike, Ring of Steel, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blade Barrier
  • [Player-Scaled Pets] [] Fire Pet Dervish (FangedLion)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Judgment, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Murmur’s Kiss, Ascension, Blade Barrier, Vire’s Might, Stormfire
  • [Skater] [] Acid Vire’s Might Skater (Silent_N)

    • Damage: Acid
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Judgement, Ascension, Pneumatic Burst
  • [DW Melee] [] Ember Dervish (Crab_Turtle_2112)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Pneumatic Burst, Summon Guardians of Empyrion, Blade Spirit
  • [Player-Scaled Pets] [] (hc) fire player scaled pets (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blade Spirit, Ring of Steel, Judgment, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Blade Barrier, Vire’s Might
  • [DW Melee] [] [Blue Cold Chilly Daggers] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Cold, Pierce
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Sudden Strike, Blade Barrier, Blade Spirits
  • [Channeler] [] Spinning Immortal Army (Duchy)

    • Damage: Acid
    • Active Skills: Voracious Reach, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blade Spirit, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Masterful Dreeg’s Vector, Blade Barrier
  • [Channeler] [] Chilled Spinner (Duchy)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Ascension, Pneumatic Burst, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Blade Barrier, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires
  • [DW Melee] [] Coup de Grace - Venomblade, Crucible no buffs, SR 90+, Mogdrogen, Ravager (Dmt)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Righteous Fervor, Ascension, Masterful Dreeg’s Vector
  • [DW Melee] [] Edgyswingsetacid (grey-maybe)

    • Damage: Poison, Acid
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Judgment, Ascension, Pneumatic Burst, Rune of Amatok’s Breath, Blade Barrier
  • [Caster] [] Dreegal’anor Dervish (grey-maybe)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Biting Blades, Judgment, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Presence of Virtue, Ascension, Shadow Strike, Blade Spirit, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Spam Caster] [] Phantasmal Paradox: 5:40 Crucible beastly no greens vitality-PB caster Dervish (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Vitality, Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Phantasmal Blades, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Pneumatic Burst, Displacement, Blade Spirit
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] He Dreamt He Was a Bulldozer (grey-maybe)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Blade Spirit, Righteous Fervor, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Judgment, Ascension, Pneumatic Burst, Violent Delights, Blade Barrier, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Summon Deathstalker
  • [Player-Scaled Pets] [] The Dreeg Bros (x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Poison, Acid
    • Active Skills: Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blade Spirit, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst
  • [DW Melee] [] Silent Assasin - Deathguard Acid SS Dervish (Nery)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Spirit, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Amatok’s Breath, Plague of Rot
  • [DW Melee] [] Cheryll Munroe | Dervish | Poison ABB Crusher | Dungeons | SR 80 | CR 170 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Blade Spirit, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Barrier, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Dreeg’s Acid Fisting - Venomblade Dervish - Caster/Melee Hybrid High Dmg Setups (ya1)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Righteous Fervor, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Masterful Dreeg’s Vector
  • [2H Ranged] [] Acid Ranged Dervish (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Acid
    • Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Righteous Fervor, Plague of Rot, Vire’s Might, Amatok’s Breath, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension
  • [DW Melee] [] Cookie Dervish (SR80, Naked Crucible, C+) (ya1)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Ascension, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Masterful Dreeg’s Vector
  • [DW Melee] [] [Pestilence - Acid DW Dervish] (Drakhan)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Summon Guardian of Empryion, Righteous Fervor, Ascension, Pneumatic Burst, Ring of Steel, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Blade Spirit
  • [Channeler] [] PLAGUE MONK OF CLAN PESTILENS - Dunefiend EoR Dervish (x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Acid
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Shadow Strike, Displacement, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension
  • [Channeler] [] The Tornado - Pierce EoR Dervish (x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Pierce
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Ring of Steel, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Ascension, Displacement
  • [DW Melee] [] Roxios, the Ascended - Fire Soulblade Virtue Permascension Dervish (Sotnik)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Ascension, Righteous Fervor, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Pneumatic Burst, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Incorporeal Winds
  • [Pet] [] Fwuffy’s Harbinger - Pet Dervish (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Skeletal Servant, Summon Eldritch Talon, Summon Chillmane, Phantasmal Blades, Pneumatic Burst, Judgement, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Call Forth the Harbinger (x2), Call of the Beast
  • [Spam Caster] [] Demonslayer vitality PB Dervish (Nery)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Phantasmal Blades, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Spirits, Judgment, Ascension, Displacement, Guardians of Empyrion
  • [DW Melee] [] COLD Righteous Fervor Deathmarked Dervish! (SirRaiuKoren)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor; Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Blade Spirit, Ring of Steel, Blade Barrier; Reaper’s Mark

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Oppressor (Necromancer + Oathkeeper)

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Paladin (Inquisitor + Oathkeeper)

  • [Shield Ranged] [] Ultimate Hardcore Ranged Shield Paladin- The Erulan Redeemer (JY_626)

    • Damage: Physical, Trauma
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Ground Smash, Inquisitor Seal, Ascension, Herald of Doom, Word of Renewal, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Caster] [] TOP20’S BIGGEST SNUB PALADIN: 4:20 Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Celestials, SR 100 (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Rune of Kalastor, Horn of Gandarr, Aegis of Menhir
  • [DW ranged] [] [Something Clever about Acid]: Piercing Oathbearer Righteous Fervor Paladin (SR80, controller friendly) (Bagel)

    • Damage: Acid
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Murmur’s Kiss
  • [DW Ranged] [] [Something Clever About Pistols]: Piercing Oathbearer Righteous Fervor Paladin (SR80, controller friendly) (Bagel)

    • Damage: Pierce
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Rune of Hagarrad, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Murmur’s Kiss
  • [Shield & Gun] [] [Shield&Gun Pierce Rune of Kalastor + RF Paladin] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Piercing
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Rune of Kalastor, Horn of Gandarr, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Amatok’s Breath
  • [DW Melee Channeler] [] [DW Melee Lighning EoR Paladin] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Ascension, Ultos’ Arrival, Vire’s Might
  • [DW Ranged] [] [DW Bloodborer + Goredrinker Pierce/Bleed Paladin] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Pierce, Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Righteous Fervor, Horn of Gandarr, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Violent Delights, Ascension
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Vehemence Deniable - Octavius Paladin (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Rune of Kalastor, Righteous Fervor, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Ground Smash
  • [Retal] [] Retal Ignaffar Paladin (Crab_Turtle_2112)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Judgment, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Word of Renewal
  • [Shield Caster] [] Captain Arkovia: 4:45 Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Shard 90, Celestials, tanky and easy to equip Pierce Aegis spam caster Paladin (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Pierce
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Inquisitor Seal, Horn of Gandarr, Vire’s Might, Upon Rylok Wings, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Word of Pain
  • [Shield Caster] [] Dawnshard Dave - the all-Dawnshard Paladin (Torzini)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Rune of Kalastor, Word of Renewal, Ascension, Stormfire, Summon Guardians of Empyrion
  • [DW Melee] [] Wrath of the Ascended - Melee Fire Paladin (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Judgement, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Caster] [] Runic Rave Party - Tri-Elemental Runebinder Paladin (Torzini)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Rune of Kalastor, Rune of Hagarrad, Inquisitor Seal, Horn of Gandarr, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Ascension, Summon Guardians of Empyrion, Chain Lightning
  • [DW Ranged] [] Gunner of Empyrion - Viper Pistol Paladin (Torzini)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Summon Guardians of Empyrion, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Rune of Amatok’s Breath
  • [Shield Ranged] [] Stronghold Fire RF Paladin - SR 80, Ravager of the Minds (oli_g)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Inquisitor Seal, Judgment, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Vire’s Might, Incorporeal Winds, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Shield Melee] [] Siegebreaker Paladin (Crab_Turtle_2112)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Word of Pain, Judgment, Inquisitor Seal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Siegebreaker, Word of Renewal, Ascension, Summon Guardians of Empyrion
  • [Shield Ranged] [] Aether Rutnick Paladin (Crab_Turtle_2112)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Horn of Gandarr, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Ascension, Guardians of Empyrion
  • [Shield Melee] [] Censor (Duchy)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Amatok’s Breath, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal
  • [2H Ranged] [] The Burning Devil Returns (FangedLion)

    • Damage: Fire, Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Vire’s Cascade, Word of Renewal, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [Caster] [] A Court of Fire: 6m 150-170 Crucible, SR 75-76, no greens caster Paladin (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Judgment, Rune of Kalastor, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Vire’s Might, Inquisitor’s Seal, Displacement, Biting Blades
  • [2H Ranged Retal] [] (hc) Ranged Retribution (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Fire Retal
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Judgment, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might, Ascension
  • [Ranged] [] Rachel Jordan | Paladin | Stronghold Fervor | Dungeons | SR 85 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Righteous Fervor, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [Caster] [] Lurleen Lumpkin | Paladin | Virtue’s Light | Dungeons | SR 85 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [Caster] [] Brooke Shields | Paladin | Octavius | Dungeons | SR 85 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Word of Renewal, Rune of Kalastor, Inquisitor Seal, Aegis of Menhir, Presence of Virtue, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Caster] [] Laura Powers | Paladin | Fire & Lightning FoI | Dungeons | SR 85 | CR 170 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn, Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [DW Ranged] [] Janey Powell | Paladin | Gunslinger | Dungeons | SR 85 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Horn of Gandarr, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [DW Melee] [] Lindsey Naegle | Paladin | Cold EoR | Dungeons | SR 85 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Cold, Frostburn
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Word of Renewal, Rune of Hagarrad, Inquisitor Seal, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [Caster] [] Devoid Of Soul, In Need Of Buff - Voidsoul FoI/Aegis Paladin (ya1)

    • Damage: Chaos, Vitality
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Solael’s Flame, Blazing Charge
  • [Shield Caster] [] Octavius Caster Paladin (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Bone Lance, Aegis of Menhir, Rune of Kalastor, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal, Will of the Fallen Kings, Vire’s Might, Word of Renewal, Ascension
  • [Retal Caster] [] FOIBOI - Retal FoI Paladin (ya1)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [Channeler] [] Spin Doctors: Two Princes - Couple of Simple EoR Paladins - 6m Crucible, easy SR 75-76, no greens (Fire EoR) (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Inquisitor Seal, Ascension, Judgment, Word of Renewal, Vire’s Might, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Displacement
  • [Channeler] [] Spin Doctors: Two Princes - Couple of Simple EoR Paladins - 6m Crucible, easy SR 75-76, no greens (Lightning EoR) (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Inquisitor Seal, Ascension, Aether Corruption, Word of Renewal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Displacement
  • [DW Melee] [] Shattered Realm set DW melee+procs Paladin.SR 75/Gladiator 170 pass (Nery)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Vire’s Might, Judgment, Ascension, Inquisitor Seal, Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Auramancer] [] (hc) Human Torch 3.0 Paladin (Grzybas)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Judgment, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Pain, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Flames of Ignaffar, Astral Rift
  • [Auramancer] [] Catharsis of Cataclysm (ArchHeretic)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Storm Box, Judgement, Chillspikes, many proks
  • [Auramancer] [] Eternal Shine (ArchHeretic)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Storm Box, Judgement, Chillspikes
  • [Caster] [] Judgment of Gandarr (Belzzzz)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Judgment; Horn of Gandarr, Word of Renewal, Storm Box of Elgoloth; Displacement, StormFire
  • [Procmancer] [] Lightning Procadin(Belzzzz)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Righteous Fervor; Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal; Stormtitan’s Charge
  • [Auramancer] [] Auradin (SR-75) (Belzzzz)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Righteous Fervor; Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Pain, Horn of Gandarr; Displacement
  • [Shield Caster] [] Crit shield Virtue’s Paladin (Thrasheur)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Word of Renewal, Judgment, Inquisitor Seal, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion

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Sentinel (Oathkeeper + Occultist)

  • [DW Melee Channeler] [] [Dunefiend Acid EoR Sentinel] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Displacement
  • [S&B Melee] [] [Targo’s Judgment] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Judgment, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Vire’s Might, Soul Strike
  • [DW Melee] [] [Something Clever About Spinning]: Acid Eye of Reckoning Sentinel (SR 80, controller friendly) (Bagel)

    • Damage: Acid
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Judgment, Ascension, Plague of Rot, Violent Delights
  • [S&B Melee] [] [S&B Melee Chaos Sentinel] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Blood of Dreeg, Vire’s Cascade, Solael’s Flame, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blazing Charge
  • [2H Melee] [] [Nightbringer Rotgheist Sentinel] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Vire’s Might, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Ascension, Amatok’s Breath, Bloodthirster
  • [Caster] [] Aegis Corruptible - Voidsoul Sentinel (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Doom Bolt, Oblivion, Chaos Strike, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Shield Melee] [] [S&B Vitality Sentinel] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Hungering Maw, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Ascension, Amatok’s Breath, Plague of Corruption, Bloodthirster
  • [Shield Melee] [] [Occulant S&B Sentinel] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Scorpion Strike, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Vire’s Might
  • [2H Channeler] [] The Whirling Devil - vitality EoR Sentinel: SR 95, easy SR 75-76 farmer (Torzini)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Bloodthirster
  • [2H Channeler] [] [Sentinel of the Underworld/2H Vitality EoR] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Wendigo Rush, Bloodthirster
  • [Shield Caster] [] Walking Wasteland - poison Aegis/DEE Sentinel: SR 90, All Celestials, super easy Crate kill (Torzini)

    • Damage: Poison, Acid
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Biting Blades, Bloody Pox, Ascension, Summon Guardians of Empyrion, Rune of Dreeg’s Vector
  • [Caster] [] Rotgheist’s Revenge (Torzini)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Summon Guardians of Empyrion
  • [DW Melee] [] [Fire Walk With Me] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Judgment, Sigil of Consumption, Ascension, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Dark Desires
  • [2H Melee] [] (hc) Eye of Doom Bolt, chaos spin2win Sentinel (sr65+, cr170, Mog, Rava) (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Doom Bolt, Judgment, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Dark Desires, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Channeler] [] Gyroscoper (Duchy)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Curse of Frailty, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires, Summon Deathstalker
  • [Channeler] [] Spinning Inferno (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Curse of Frailty, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires
  • [DW Melee] [] Chaotic Spinner (Duchy)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Oblivion
  • [Caster] [] Judge Obliterator (Duchy)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Obliteration, Judgment, Sigil of Consumption, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Displacement
  • [DW Melee] [] (cr+) Poison Ivy MUITO TÓXICO - DW 4k OA Sentinel poisoned Ravager fatally (Poisonman2)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Vire’s Might, Curse of Frailty, Plague of Rot, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Dark Desires
  • [RtA Caster] [] (hc) Daega’s Poison (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Poison Retal, Acid Retal
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Aegis of Menhir, Righteous Fervor, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Curse of Frailty, Absolution
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) Caustic Rebuke: 5:20m Crucible Gladiator, SR 90, 45 seconds Ravager retaliation caster Sentinel (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Acid Retal
    • Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Absolution, Eldritch Shard, Aegis of Menhir, Bloody Pox, Sigil of Consumption, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [Caster] [] Dark One’s new adventures - Acid Sentinel (Nery)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Biting Blades, Sigil of Consumption, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might, Astral Rift
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) Farrah Fawcett | Sentinel | Fire SoC | Dungeons | SR 85 | CR 170 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Vire’s Might, Judgment, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Caster] [] Spamming DEE Sentinel (Nery)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Judgment, Ascension, Displacement, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might
  • [Caster] [] (сr) The Doom God - The 0.6s CD Vitality Doom Bolter (sir_spanksalot)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Sigil of Consumption, Doom Bolt, Ascension, Plague of Corruption, Vire’s Might, Will of the Fallen Kings, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Caster] [] Judgment of Doom (Bolt) - Fire Sentinel (Belzzzz)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Judgment, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Blood of Dreeg, Sigil of Consumption, Doom Bolt, Curse of Frailty, Displacement, Stormfire
  • [Caster] [] (hc) Vitality Doom Bolt spammer (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Doom Bolt, Judgment, Ascension, Blood of Dreeg, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Solael’s Flame, Bloody Pox, Curse of Frailty
  • [Caster] [] Vanquisher Fire Sentinel, semi-beginner friendly and practically farmable (Udars)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Judgment, Bloody Pox, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [DW Ranged] [] Kaeresh, Darkblaze Chaos Dual Pistols Sentinel (Sotnik)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Ishtak’s Mercy, Vire’s Might, Blood of Dreeg, Ascension, Curse of Frailty, Doombolt, Unleash Chaos, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Channeler] [] Chaos Sentinel Beyblade(EOR) 75 SR guide (Telkine)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Doom Bolt, Eye Of Reckoning, Blood of Dreg, Ascension, Vire Might, Curse of Frailty
  • [Shield Caster] [] Corrupted Avenger: Dreeg Sentinel, SR 75 and Gladiator 150-170 viable (Symbio)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison, Vitality
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Aegis of Menhir, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Absolution

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Shieldbreaker (Demolitionist + Oathkeeper)

  • [Melee] [] Fire SnB Shieldbreaker: 4:15 Crucible Gladiator 150-170, 44 seconds Ravager, SR 90 (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Thermite Mines
  • [Shield Ranged] [] (hc) Ultimate Hardcore Stronghold Set Shieldbreaker- The Siege Maiden (JY_626)

    • Damage: Fire, Physical
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Thermite Mines, Flashbang, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] STONKS: 4:20 Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Shard 90, Celestials, tanky physical caster Shieldbreaker (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Mortar Trap, Ascension, Flashbang, Vire’s Might, Vampiric Shadows, Blackwater Cocktail, Flame Breath
  • [Skater] [] (hc) Volcanic Stride Shieldbreaker (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Thermite Mine
  • [Shield Melee] [] [S&B Fire RF Shieldbreaker] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Blazing Charge, Judgment, Thermite Mine, Vire’s Cascade, Vire’s Might, Ascension
  • [Retal] [] (hc) Acidic Bomberman - acid retal Nades (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Acid Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Grenado, Canister Bomb, Aegis of Menhir, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Righteous Fervor
  • [Channeler] [] [Hurricane Cyclone EoR] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Stormtitan’s Charge, Vire’s Might, Ascension
  • [2H Melee] [] [Teflon 2H Melee Shieldbreaker] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Judgment, Thermite Mine, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blazing Charge
  • [DW Melee] [] [The Burning Crusader] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Ascension, Dark Desires
  • [Caster] [] The Burn Ward - The Strongest Fire/Burn Build in Cairn, 5:45m Crucible Gladiator 150-170 no greens caster Shieldbreaker (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Displacement, Judgment, Vire’s Might, Flashbang, Ascension, Stormfire
  • [2H Caster] [] (hc) Adversary Bomberman (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Grenado, Canister Bomb, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Channeler] [] Skywalker (Duchy)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires
  • [Channeler] [] Aether Spinner Shieldbreaker (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Judgment, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires, Thermite Mine, Aether Corruption
  • [Caster] [] Burn, baby, burn - Shieldbreaker, the fire slayer (EVERYTHING+) (Dmt)

    • Damage: fire, burn
    • Active Skills: Blackwater Cocktail, Judgment, Thermite Mine, Ascension, Flashbang, Displacement, Vire’s Might
  • [Caster] [] Pyrapyraboomboomboom! - Max DMG No-Green Pyran SB (crucible 4:50) (ya1)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Mortar Trap, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Blazing Eruption, Stormfire, Displacement
  • [2H Melee] [] War - 2H Brimstone ShieldBreaker SR 75+ (Drakhan)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [Channeler] [] Infernal Knight EoR Shieldbreaker (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Thermite Mine, Blackwater Cocktail, Judgment, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Displacement
  • [Shield Caster] [] Aegis Shieldbreaker (Nery)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Flashbang, Blackwater Cocktail, Ascension, Displacement, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Thermite Mine
  • [Caster] [] Blightlord? No. BLAST lord Shield breaker (sir spanksalot)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Blackwater Cocktail, Mortar trap, Flashbang, Thermite mines, Summon Guardians of Empyrion, Ascension, Displacement
  • [Channeler] [] Indra – Cyclone Shieldbraker, God of Thunder (Crucible 5:21) (Cinder)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Thermite Mine, Canister Bomb, Blackwater Cocktail, Ascension, Flashbang, Bloodthirster
  • [2H Caster] [] Infernal Brimstone Knight 6:45. cruci 150 - 170 (Nandi)

    • Damage: Burn
    • Active Skills: Flashbang, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Vire’s Might, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blazing Eruption, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] Pyro 5:09. cruci 150 - 170 (Shieldbreaker) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Flashbang, Blackwater Cocktail, Mortar Trap, Thermite Mine, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blazing Eruption, Pyran’s Pyre, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] G&B Grenadier (Belzzzz)

    • Damage: Elemental Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Blackwater Cocktail, Grenado, Flashbang, Thermite Mines, Absolution, Flame Breath, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] ZigZag Shieldbreaker (Belzzzz)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Ascension, Guardian of Empyrion, Flashbang, Thermite Mines, Displacement, StormFire

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Templar (Arcanist + Oathkeeper)

  • [Caster] [] Ultimate Hardcore Caster Devastation Templar- The Rift Mage (JY_626)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Stormfire, Pyran’s Pyre, Devastation, Apocalypse, Displacement, Ascension, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [DW Melee Channeler] [] [DW Aether EoR Templar] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Haunt, Incorporeal Winds, Nullification, Mirror of Erectoes, Ascension, Vire’s Might
  • [2H Melee] [] Scream Ignorable - 2H Aether Righteous Fervor Templar (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Righteous Fervor, Callidor’s Tempest, Chaos Strike, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Channeler] [] [Alladrah’s EoR Templar] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Judgment, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Mirror of Erectoes, Nullification
  • [Skater] [] The ATV - Aetherfire Templar Vanquisher (MysteryMeat)

    • Damage: Burn, Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Callidor’s Tempest, Judgment, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Ascension
  • [2H Melee] [] Vanquisher of the Veil (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Callidor’s Tempest, Masterful Korvan Swiftness, Stormfire, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Channeler] [] Twilight Spinner (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether, Chaos
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Aether Corruption
  • [Caster] [] Olexra of Vire (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Judgment, Stormfire, Phoenix Rise, Ascension, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Channeler] [] Behemoth (grey-maybe)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Vire’s Might, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Ascension, Amatok’s Breath.
  • [Channeler] [] Albrecht the Tank (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Judgment, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
  • [Channeler] [] Olexrian Judge (Duchy)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Obliteration, Olexra’s Flesh Freeze, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
  • [Channeler] [] Aether Spinner Templar (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Judgment, Ascension, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Dark Desires, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Aether Corruption
  • [Caster] [] Albrecht von Frozenstein (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Judgment, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Aether Corruption, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
  • [Channeler] [] Spinning Freezer (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Eye of Reckoning, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Judgment, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Vire’s Might, Dark Desires, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Shield Melee] [] Olexra of Menhir (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Wendigo Rush, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Ascension, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Shield Caster] [] (hc) Hyrian Templar (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Elemental, Fire
    • Active Skills: Aegis of Menhir, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Vire’s Might, Judgment, Summon Guardian’s of Empyrion, Ascension
  • [Caster] [] Burning CT Templar Crucible average time of 6:35 (Nery)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Stormfire, Callidor’s Tempest, Vire’s Might, Judgment, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Displacement, Ascension, Summon Guardian of Empyrion
  • [Shield Caster] [] Shield Throw CDR Virtue+Blazeseer Templar (Nery)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Stormfire, Aegis of Menhir, Vire’s Might, Ascension, Judgment, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Blazing Charge, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [DW Melee] [] Roxios, the Ascending - Fire Soulblade Virtue Templar (Sotnik)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Ascension, Righteous Fervor, Vire’s Might, Summon Guardian of Empyrion, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Callidor’s Tempest, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Dark Desires
  • [Caster] [] Max CDR Vire’s Might Skater Templar (x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Burn, Fire
    • Active Skills: Vire’s Might, Transmuted Callidor’s Tempest, Nullification, Judgment, Ascension, Mirror of Ereoctes

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Warlord (Oathkeeper + Soldier)

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Apostate (Inquisitor + Necromancer)

  • [Channeler] [] Hungering whispers - Chillwhisper Apostate (Serafim_94)

    • Damage: Cold, Vitality
    • Active Skills: Drain Essence, Rune of Hagarrad, Siphon Souls, Inquisitor Seal, Mark of Torment, Word of Renewal, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Caster] [] [Something else Clever about Burning]: Vitality Flames of Ignaffar Apostate (SR80, controller friendly) (Bagel)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Siphon Souls, Mark of Torment, Murmur’s Kiss
  • [2H Hybrid] [] A Riot of Colors and Elements - Elemental RA Apostate (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Cold, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Aether Corruption, Ill Omen, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Fleshwarped Shard Elemental Apostate (Crab_Turtle_2112)

    • Damage: Elemental, Aether
    • Active Skills: Beronath’s Fury, Bone Harvest, Ill Omen, Bone Harvest, Inquisitor Seal, Siphon Souls, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment
  • [Caster] [] Ravenous KriegMonger (Ulvar1)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Ravenous Earth, Siphon Souls, Word of Pain, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Sword and Board Aether Apostate (Crab_Turtle_2112)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Word of Pain, Bone Harvest, Inquisitor Seal, Ill Omen, Siphon Souls, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment, Beronath’s Fury, Reaping Arc
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Heretic (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Bone Harvest, Siphon Souls, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Will of the Fallen Kings, Inquisitor Seal, Ill Omen, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment
  • [Caster] [] The Shining: 6m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Shards 75-76 Vitality RoH/RE caster Apostate with farmable gear (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Rune of Hagarrad, Inquistitor Seal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Amatok’s Breath, Ravenous Earth, Mark of Torment, Word of Pain
  • [Сaster] [] (hc) Starfish Apostate (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Rune of Hagarrad, Flames of Ignaffar, Word of Pain, Storm Box, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Inquisitor’s Seal, Word of Renewal
  • [DW Melee] [] DW Vitality Apostate - 6:08 Crucible 150-170, reliable SR 75-76 (Ymiraku)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Beronath’s Fury, Amatok’s Breath, Ill Omen, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal
  • [Caster] [] The Apostash - Pure Vitality Piano Apostate (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Chillspikes, Rune of Hagarrad, Ravenous Earth, Bone Harvest, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Mark of Torment, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Pet] [] Fat & Fwuffy - Pet Apostate (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Call of the Grave, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Sovereign, Summon Eldritch Talon
  • [Channeler] [] Chillwhisper cold Apostate (Nery)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Drain Essence, Rune of Haggard, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Siphon Souls, Mark of Torment, Ill Omen
  • [Pet] [] Friede - Pet Apostate (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Call of the Grave, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Sovereign
  • [DW Melee] [] Bonemonger’s Fury (Valinov)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Fleshwarped Strikes, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Ravenous Earth, Bone Harvest, Inquisitors Seal, Siphon Souls, Aether Corruption, Mark of Torment, Horn of Gandarr, Astral Rift

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Battlemage (Arcanist + Soldier)

  • [DW Melee] [] Battousai - The Manslayer of cairn (S.E.P_Ralf)

    • Damage: Physical, internal trauma
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, War Cry, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Caster] [] (hc) Ultimate Hardcore Battlemage- Spellscourge Bone Mage (JY_626)

    • Damage: Physical Damage
    • Active Skills: Bone Lance, Doomforce, Devastation, War Cry, Overguard, Mirror of Ereoctes, Displacement
  • [Shield Melee] [] Slowbama - A Sturdy Slow Killing Physical S&B Battlemage (The_Coyote)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, War Cry, Overguard, Violent Delights, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [2H Melee] [] Ele Mental (Duchy)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Cadence, War Cry, Masterful Korvan Swiftness, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [2H Caster] [] Dovahkiin (Strannik)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Rebuke, Forcewave, Eldritch Instability, Ground Smash, War Cry, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [Channeler] [] Uncle Ray Ray the Physical Aether Ray - Battlemage (arivus)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, War Cry, Nadaan’s Strike, Callidor’s Tempest
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Bottlemage - IT’S ALIVE (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Devastation, Blitz, War Cry, Doomforce, Overguard, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [Retal] [] Shattered Mirror - Retaliation Battlemage (Fretheo)

    • Damage: Elemental Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Mirror of Ereoctes, Dreeg’s Wounds, Blitz, War Cry, Overguard
  • [2H Melee] [] The Guardian of Elements (Strannik)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, Callidor’s Tempest, Masterful Korvan Switness, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [Caster] [] (hc) Bone Lancer (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Bone Lance, Devastation, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, War Cry, Callidor’s Tempest, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Blitz, Displacement
  • [DW Melee] [] DW Krieg aether Battlemage (Nery)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Haunt, Aether Corruption, Blitz, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, War Cry
  • [Shield Melee] [] Markovian family (Battlemage) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Candance, Blitz, Overguard, War Cry, Blazing Charge, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification

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Blademaster (Nightblade + Soldier)

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Cabalist (Necromancer + Occultist)

  • [Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Soul Perceptible - Clairvoyant Aether/Vitality hybrid Cabalist (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Aether, Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Doom Bolt, Reap Spirit, Oblivion, Ill Omen, Will of the Fallen Kings, Mark of Torment, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Blood Knight Bone Harvest Cabalist] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Ill Omen, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Mark of Torment, Call of the Grave, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Ranged Hybrid] [] (hc) Ultimate Hardcore Dual Gargabol Cabalist- The Crimson Death (JY_626)

    • Damage: Vitality, Chaos
    • Active Skills: Bone Harvest, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Mark of Torment, Solael’s Witchfire, Spectral Binding, Whirling Blades, Soul of Nazaran, Displacement, Harbinger of Souls
  • [Channeler] [] (sr) (vid) Mayhem Unspeakable - Chaos Drain Essence Cabalist (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Drain Essence, Ill Omen, Bloody Pox, Sigil of Consumption, Displacement, Mark of Torment, Blood of Dreeg, Solael’s Flame
  • [Caster] [] (sr+) The big pox! - Bloody Pox, Necrosis, Plague & RE Dark Ones Cabalist. (SR-75-76 / Gladi 150-170) (MergosWetNurse)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Necrosis, Plague of Consumption, Mark of Torment, Call of the Grave, Ravenous Earth, Blood of Dreeg, Wendigo Rush
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) Hunger insatiable - Valguur Cabalist (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Siphon Souls, Ill Omen, Wendigo Rush, Mark of Torment, Call of the Grave, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Oblivion
  • [Pet Hybrid Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Hipster Bloodsworn Cosplay Chaos Hybrid Pet Cabalist (A_S00)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Oblivion, Summon Hellhound, Reap Spirit, Summon Blight Fiend, Bone Harvest, Blood of Dreeg, Call of the Grave, Mark of Torment
  • [2H Melee] [] (hc) (sr) (cr) (L) (vid) 2H Vitality Reaping Arc Cabalist (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Bloody Pox, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment
  • [Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Oblivion cabalist (spyrosagranitis)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Siphon Souls, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Ill Omen, Bloody Pox, Bone Harvest, Oblivion, Wendigo Rush, Mark of Torment
  • [Pet] [] (hc) (vid) (L) Calcium Oxide (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Pet Fire
    • Active Skills: Raise Skeletons, Summon Hellhound, Summon Blight Fiend, Summon Familiar, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Fraily, Bone Harvest, Call of the Grave, Displacement
  • [Melee/Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Nightbringer bone harvester (spyrosagranitis)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Ravenous Earth, Bone Harvest, Bloody Pox, Bloodthirster, Wendigo Rush, Mark of Torment, Reap Spirit, Curse of Frailty
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) I Can’t Believe It’s Not AAR! - Vitality Cabalist (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Obliteration, Ravenous Earth, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Sigil of Consumption, Plague of Consumption, Amatok’s Breath, Blood of Dreeg, Mark of Torment
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) Vitality Dark One Cabalist (Nery)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Biting Blades, Ravenous Earth, Curse of Frailty, Mark of Torment, Bone Harvest, Bloody Pox, Displacement, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) The Rawr God - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Eldritch Talon, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Call of the Grave, Soverign
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) Will O Wisp - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Call of the Grave, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Bysmiel’s Command
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) Skulls & Bones - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Skeletal Servant, Raise Skeletons, Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) VALGUUR’s HUNGER CABALIST SIGIL WITCH (spyrosagranitis)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Siphon Souls, Bloody Pox, Ravenous Earth, Mark of Torment, Blood Of Dreeg, Curse Of Frailty, Wendigo Rush
  • [Caster] [] (sr) (vid) Red Devil (vizix)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Bloody Pox, Sigil of Consumption, Siphon Souls, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Displacement, Bone Harvest, Curse of Frailty
  • [Melee/Caster] [] (sr-) Saryn - the bloody thicc witch (Crucible farmer) (M1litarist)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Bone Harvest, Sigil of Consumption, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Displacement
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) The Lazy Hour - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Summon Familiar, Summon Eldritch Talon, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Call of the Grave, Sovereign, Witching Hour
  • [Pet] [] (sr+) Woof - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Skeletal Servant, Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) ScareCrow - Pet Cabalist (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Blight Fiend, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Bysmiel’s Authority
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr) Ghol Witching Hour Cabalist (sigatrev)

    • Damage: Pet Acid, Pet Chaos, Pet Fire, Pet Cold
    • Active Skills: Bone Harvest, Witching Hour, Call of the Beast, Bysmiel’s Command, Call of the Grave, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg

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Commando (Demolitionist + Soldier)

  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Ferocious Arc/Fire Blade Arc] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Ground Smash, Blazing Charge, Blazing Eruption
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] (sr+) (hc) Erulan Special Forces - Physical Double-Blitz Commando (keldon)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, Blazing Charge, War Cry, Overguard
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr) Empyrion - 2H Melee fire Cadence Commando (Duchy)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Thermite Mine, Blackwater Cocktail
  • [2H Melee] [] (vid) Efreet Warrior - Fire BA (Relinfearous)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Blitz
  • [2H Melee] [] (hc) (sr) (cr) (vid) (L) Sunherald Commando - Claymore Arc (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Fire
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Blazing Eruption, Blitz
  • [Retal Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) CAPTAIN TURRION (x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Physical Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Blackwater Cocktail, Overguard
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr) World On Fire - Fire FW Commando (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Forcewave, Shar’zul’s Wrath, Blitz, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Displacement
  • [2H Caster] [] (cr) (vid) Returning in a blaze of glory - Fire FW Commando (sir_spanksalot)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Forcewave, Blitz, Thermite Mine, Blackwater Cocktail, Blazing Charge
  • [2H Сaster] [] (cr) (sr+) Justice Sisters (Commando) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Forcewave, Blitz, Flashbang, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Shar’Zul’s Wrath, Blazing Eruption, Blazing Charge
  • [Shield Melee] [] (cr) (sr+) Markovian family (Commando) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, Overguard, War Cry, Blazing Charge
  • [2H Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) Ulzuin Canister Commando (Crucible 170 No Tributes, SR 80+) (Ivalice)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Canister Bomb, Blackwater Cocktail, War Cry, Flash Bang, Thermite Mine

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Conjurer (Occultist + Shaman)

  • [Spam Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Gaze Unfathomable - Rotgheist Spam Vitality Dreeg’s Evil Eye Conjurer (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Bloody Pox, Curse of Frailty, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Rush, Wendigo Totem, Blood of Dreeg
  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Thunderous Conjurer] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Curse of Frailty, Wind Devil, Blood of Dreeg, Sigil of Consumption, Chaos Strike, Wendigo Totem
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) (hc) (vid) Unstoppable Briar-Swarm Conjurer (Deeblemin)

    • Damage: Pet Physical, Pet Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Curse of Frailty, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Grasping Vines, Wendigo Totem, Doom Bolt, Blood of Dreeg, Call of the Beast, Displacement, Summon Hellhound
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) Lady in Red, Vitality PS Conjurer (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Savagery, Devouring Swarm, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Wendigo Totem, Bloodthirster, Amatok’s Breath
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr) Mental Primate Conjurer (Duchy)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Amatok’s Breath
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr) Chaotic Primate (Duchy)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Wendigo Totem, Doom Bolt, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Solael’s Flame, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Upon Rylok Wings
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) Conjurer of the Dark Arts - 6:30m Crucible 150-170, “naked” Crucible, easy SR 75-76, Ravager, Mogdrogen, no greens immortal Conjurer (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Bloody Pox, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem, Curse of Frailty, Displacement, Sigil of Consumption, Blood of Dreeg, Devouring Swarm, Plague of Corruption
  • [Caster] [] (hc) (vid) (L) Beginner Andy - from zero to hero (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Bloody Pox, Wendigo Totem, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Devouring Swarm, Savagery
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (vid) Winter Birds - Pets Conjurer (Nery)

    • Damage: Cold Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Bloody Pox, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Grasping Vines, Displacement
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) Gholdemort Acid Pet Conjurer (Nery)

    • Damage: Acid Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Summon Eldritch Talon, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Wendigo Totem, Devouring Swarm, Displacement
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) The Fluffy Squishy - Pet Conjurer (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Summon Briarthorn, Summon Skeletal Servant, Wind Devil, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Call of the Beast, Bysmiel’s Command
  • [Pet] [] (sr+) (vid) Melody Juniper | Conjurer | Beastcaller’s Bleeding Pets | Celestials | SR 90 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Pet Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Totem, Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit
  • [Pet] [] (sr+) (vid) Carmen Electra | Conjurer | Beastcaller’s Vitality Pets | Celestials | SR 90 (omnitrio)

    • Damage: Pet Vitality
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Devouring Swarm, Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit
  • [Caster] [] (sr+) (vid) Tanky Shattered Guardian Conjurer Soulbearing witch (spyrosagranitis)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Curse of Frailty, Devouring Swarm, Wendigo Rush, Wendigo Totem, Bloody Pox, Storm Totem, Sigil of Consumption, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Caster/Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) wildblood/dark one’s vitality vines swamp witch (spyrosagranitis)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Grasping Vines, Devouring Swarm, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Wendigo Rush, Savagery
  • [2H Melee] [] (cr+) (vid) Korvaak’s (ab)user - Ultos Lightning melee Conjurer (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Savagery, Wind Devil, Aether Corruption, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) Trozan Wind Devils Conjurer (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Cold
    • Active Skills: Chain Lightning, Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Sigil of Consumption, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] (hc) (sr) (vid) (L) The Darkbringer (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Bloody Pox, Wendigo Totem, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Devouring Swarm, Savagery
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) The 'Za-Lord – Valguur Conjurer, Full Sigil Vitality Leechtank. Crucible 6:30. (Cinder)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Sigil of Consumption, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Devouring Swarm, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Upon Rylok Wings, Solael’s Flame, Mogdrogen’s Pact
  • [2H Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) Valguur’s Wildblood Conjurer-Grasping Vine/DoT caster~6:30min 170 clear/SR+/safe (Valinov)

    • Damage: Vitality, Bleeding, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Grasping Vines, Curse of Fraility, Bloody Pox, Blood of Dreeg, Storm Totem, Wenigo Totem, Devouring Swarm, Displacement
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] (cr) (sr) A Shockingly Versatile Build - Conjuring a Sequel, 6:30m Crucible 150-170 3 buffs/1 banner (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Curse of Frailty, Displacement, Blood of Dreeg, Storm Shard, Wendigo Totem
  • [Pet] [] (hc) (sr+) (vid) Physical/Bleed Beastcaller’s Pet Conjurer (Theuberelite)

    • Damage: Pet Physical, Pet Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Conjure Primal Spirit, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Devouring Swarm, Curse of Frailty, Call of the Beast, Wendigo Totem, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) Elemental Beastcaller’s Conjurer (sigatrev)

    • Damage: Pet Elemental
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Wind Devil, Call of the Beast, Curse of Frailty, Conjuer Primal Spirit, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Melee] [] (cr) (sr) Bleeding Conjurer - I hit´em with an axe (Rhylthar)

    • Damage: Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Devouring Swarm, Grasping Vines, Blood of Dreeg, Wendigo Totem, Curse of Frailty, Bloody Pox

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Deathknight (Necromancer + Soldier)

  • [DW Melee] [] SENHOR PAVOROSO- Tanky hard hitting Death Knight (S.E.P_Ralf)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, War Cry, Siphon Souls
  • [2H Melee] [] [Something Clever about Hammers]: Physical Leviathan Cadence Death Knight (SR80, controller friendly) (Bagel)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, War Cry, Mark of Torment, Great Tide, Leap
  • [DW Melee] [] [DW Melee Aether Death Knight - Warden Krieg’s Son] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment, Ill Omen, Incorporeal Winds
  • [2H Melee] [] Brothers in Death - Death Executioner (Strannik)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Active Skills: Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Dreeg’s Wounds, Ill Omen, War Cry, Bloodthrister, Mark of Torment
  • [2H Melee] [] Brothers in Death - Death Keeper (Strannik)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, Dreeg’s Wounds, Ill Omen, War Cry, Bloodthirster, Mark of Torment
  • [2H Melee] [] Rattosh (Duchy)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Ill Omen, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment, Bloodthirster, Soul of Nazaran, Wendigo Rush
  • [2H Melee] [] Aether Smasher (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Bone Harvest, Ravenous Earth, Mark of Torment, Krieg’s Wrath, Aether Corruption, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [2H Melee] [] Aether Crusher (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Krieg’s Wrath, Aether Corruption, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [DW Melee] [] [Alucard, Commander of Death] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, Ravenous Earth, Siphon Souls, Vampiric Shadows, Mark of Torment
  • [2H Melee] [] (hc) The Krayken (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, War Cry, Blitz, Mark of Torment
  • [2H Melee] [] Dead Metheny (grey-maybe)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Bone Harvest, Ravenous Earth, War Cry, Mark of Torment, Blitz, Violent Delights, Summon Deathstalker
  • [2H Melee] [] Blitz Krieg (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Blitz, Will of the Fallen Kings, Reaping Arc, Bone Harvest, Krieg’s Wrath, Siphon Souls, Mark of Torment, Ill Omen
  • [Caster] [] Rise of the Lord-Revenant - RtA DE Death Knight (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Drain Essence, War Cry, Overguard, Mark of Torment, Amatok’s Breath
  • [2H Melee] [] Death Hammer (Strannik)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Blade Arc, Bone Harvest, Eldritch Instability, Ill Omen, War Cry, Mark of Torment
  • [Melee] [] Beronath’s Death Herald: 7:30m Crucible 150-170, no greens melee Death Knight (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Vampiric Shadows, Doomforce, Mark of Torment, War Cry, Bone Harvest
  • [2H Melee] [] Morgoneth’s Cold Fury (Strannik)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Bone Harvest, Ill Omen, War Cry, Bloodthirster, Mark of Torment, Amatok’s Breath
  • [2H Ranged] [] Krieg’s Sniper Elite - Aether Penetrating Ranged Death Knight SR75+ (StavoR)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Cadence, War Cry, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment, Aether Corruption
  • [DW Melee] [] Vitality DW melee Death Knight (Nery)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Ravenous Earth, Vampiric Shadows, Siphon Souls, Mark of Torment, Bone Harvest
  • [2H Melee] [] Non-set Death Knight. SR 80, 2.100k crits .etc (actuanpanda)

    • Damage: Physical, Internal Trauma, Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Cadence, Blitz, Blade Arc, War Cry, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment
  • [Pet] [] Ghouls & Ghosts - Pet Death Knight (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Call of the Grave, Ravenous Earth, Sovereign
  • [Shield Melee] [] Markovian family (Death Knight) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Candance, Blitz, Overguard, War Cry, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment, Blazing Charge [/color]

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Deceiver (Inquisitor + Occultist)

  • [Ranged Hybrid] [] (sr+) (vid) Symbols Unreadable - Runebinder Cold/Fire hybrid Deceiver (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Cold, Frostburn, Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Rune of Hagarrad, Rune of Kalastor, Runic Bolts, Inquisitor Seal, Amatok’s Breath, Word of Renewal, Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty
  • [Caster] [] (hc) Ultimate Hardcore Deceiver- Plague Doctor (Support Healer) (JY_626)

    • Damage: Acid, Poison
    • Active Skills: Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Curse of Frailty, Inquisitor Seal, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Renewal, Displacement
  • [Spam Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) Elemental Doom Bolt with 0s cd Deceiver (Ehsizer)

    • Damage: Cold, Lightning, Fire
    • Active Skills: Doom Bolt, Inquisitor Seal, Curse of Frailty, Rune of Hagarrad, Horn of Gandarr
  • [Pet] [] (sr+) (vid) Congregation Non-Gullible - Desecrator Covenant + Shepherd of Lost Souls Chaos Pets Deceiver (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Word of Pain, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Word of Renewal, Blood of Dreeg, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Channeler] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) Flames of Ignaffar (ValeraMXM)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Inquisitor Seal, Horn of Gandarr, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Blood of Dreeg, Solael’s Flame
  • [Caster] [] (sr+) Storm Boxer (Duchy)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Storm Box of Elgoloth, Chain Lightning, Word of Renewal, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Pain, Inquisitor Seal, Curse of Frailty, Displacement, Bloodthirster
  • [Caster] [] (hc) (sr) (vid) (L) Abaddoth Deceiver, chaos Kalastor (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Rune of Kalastor, Doom Bolt, Sigil of Consuption, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Renewal, Word of Pain, Horn of Gandarr, Bloody Pox, Inquisitor Seal
  • [2H Ranged] [] (cr) (vid) Har’Zin’s 2H Ranged/Doooom Bolt Deceiver - Crucible Farmer with 1.600k Crits (3Buffs;1Banner) (poisonman2)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Blood of Dreeg, Curse of Frailty, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Upon Rylok Wings, Doom Bolt, Touch of Chaos
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) I Can’t Believe It’s Not AAR! - Elemental Deceiver (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Obliteration, Word of Pain, Curse of Frailty, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal, Will of the Fallen Kings, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Renewal
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) Master of all Sigils Oblivion Deceiver (Nery)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Oblivion, Sigil of Consumption, Blood of Dreeg, Bloody Pox, Word of Pain, Word of Renewal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Inquisitor Seal, Displacement, Ritual Circle
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) Elemental Proc Deceiver - 6:10 4 buff no banner Crucible, SR80+ (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Word of Pain, Curse of Frailty, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Aether Corruption, Inquisitor Seal, Obliteration, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Renewal, Displacement
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) Scheherazade - Pet Deciever (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Familiar, Summon Hellhound, Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Dreeg’s Evil Eye, Word of Renewal, Call of the Beast, Bysmiel’s Command
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) AAR vs FoI (Deceiver) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Chaos
    • Active Skills: Flames of Ignaffar, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewel, Word of Pain, Sigil of Consumption, Ritual Circle, Blood of Dreeg, Solael’s Flame, Displacement
  • [2H Ranged] [] (cr) (sr) Marksman’s Folly - 6:30m Crucible Gladiator 2H-ranged autoattacking no greens Deceiver (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Runic Bolts, Inquisitor Seal, Word of Renewal, Displacement, , Curse of Frailty, Rune of Hagaraad, Blood of Dreeg
  • [Caster] [] (sr) (vid) DoT ’n Proc - Elemental Deceiver (Belzzz)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Pain, World of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Displacement, Stormfire, Obliteration
  • [Caster] [] (vid) (sr) DoT ’n Proc - Vitality Deceiver (Belzzz)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Curse of Frailty, Blood of Dreeg, Word of Pain, World of Renewal, Inquisitor Seal, Storm Box of Elgoloth, Displacement, Acid Purge

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Defiler (Demolitionist + Necromancer)

  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [DW Melee Aether Defiler] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Ill Omen, Thermite Mine, Bone Harvest, Mark of Torment, Flashbang, Dark Desires
  • [DW Melee] [] (sr+) (vid) [Physical Defiler] (fordprefect)

    • Damage: Physical
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Bone Harvest, Flashbang, Dark Desires, Mark of Torment
  • [2H Melee, 2H Ranged] [] (sr+) Scionmonger (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Thermite Mines, Bone Harvest, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Siphon Souls, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [Spam Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) Pocket Fireworks (Monceaux)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Stun Jacks, Siphon Souls, Thermite Mines, Aether Corruption, Ravenous Earth, Flashbang
  • [DW Ranged] [] (hc) (sr-) (vid) (L) Gargaban Defiler (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Vitality
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Bone Harvest, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Ill Omen, Mark of Torment, Blackwater Cocktail
  • [DW Ranged] [] (cr) (sr) (vid) Mortal Reminder - Vitality FS Defiler (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Flashbang, Bone Harvest, Blackwater Cocktail, Ill Omen, Displacement, Mark of Torment
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) The Pink Bomb - 6:30m Crucible Gladiator, SR 75-76, no greens Vitality caster Defiler (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay
    • Active Skills: Blackwater Cocktail, Ravenous Earth, Grenado, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Mark of Torment, Breath of Amatok
  • [DW Melee] [] (sr) (vid) Ashes to ashes - Fire FS Defiler (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Displacement, Mark of Torment, Siphon Souls
  • [DW Melee] [] (cr) (vid) Golden Defiler, Bonemonger (Nery)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Bone Harvest, Ravenous Earth, Displacement, Siphon Souls, Termite Mine, Mark of Torment
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr) Apocalypse Now: 6:40 Crucible, SR 65-66, Fire/Vitality no greens hybrid caster Defiler (Mad_Lee)

    • Damage : Vitality, Fire, Vitality Decay, Burn
    • Active Skills : Blackwater Cocktail, Ravenous Earth, Mark of Torment, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Siphon Souls, Bone Harvest, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr) (vid) Blastlord? No. - Vitality Blightlord Defiler (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Vitality, Vitality Decay, Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Ravenous Earth, Grenado, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Displacement
  • [2H Ranged] [] (sr) (vid) Aether Fire Strike Defiler (ya1)

    • Damage : Aether
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Flashbang, Thermite Mines, Siphon Souls, Mark of Torment, Aether Corruption, Ravager’s Deathgaze
  • [Pet] [] (cr) (sr+) Divine Defiled - Pet Defiler (Maya)

    • Damage: Pets
    • Active Skills: Summon Blight Fiend, Reap Spirit, Call of the Grave, Ravenous Earth, Thermite Mine, Sovereign

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Druid (Arcanist + Shaman)

  • [Pet Hybrid] [] (sr) (vid) Thorny Winter - Pet Druid (SLima)

    • Damage: Cold, Frostburn, Bleeding
    • Active Skills: Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Wendigo Totem, Devouring Swarm, Grasping Vines, Wind Devil, Mirror of Ereoctes, Call of the Beast, Chain Lightning, Murmur’s Kiss
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) Comfy socks Trozan druid (aka do stuff naked!): crucible extra spawn, SR90, all celestials (Callipp0)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute, Cold, Frostburn
    • Active Skills: Trozan’s Sky Shard, Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Chain Lightning, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) I Am the Storm, I Am the Rage - Veilkeeper Druid (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Player-Pets] [] (sr+) (vid) The Wind Druid (FangedLion)

    • Damage: Electrocute, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Aether Corruption, Wendigo Totem, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Savagery
  • [2H Ranged] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) The Light Show - Vortex of Souls Primal Strike Druid (eardianm)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [2H Ranged] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) Reckless Power - Aether Primal Strike Druid (eardianm)

    • Damage: Aether, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Aether Corruption, Wendigo Totem, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) King Trozan: 4:24 Gladiator, SR100, all Celestials Cold Caster Druid (mad_lee)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Trozan’s Sky Shards, Chain Lightning, Wind Devil, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr) Mental Primate Druid (Duchy)

    • Damage: Elemental
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Amatok’s Breath
  • [2H Melee] [] (sr+) Aether Primate (Duchy)

    • Damage: Aether
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Wendigo Totem, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullifictation, Aether Corruption, Ravager’s Deathgaze, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) (L) A personification of storm - the rise of Druid (EVERYTHING+) (Dmt)

    • Damage: Cold, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Aether Corruption, Trozan’s Sky Shard, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] (hc) (sr) (vid) (L) Panetti’s Replicating Totem (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Storm Totem, Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Wind Devil, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Savagery
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) (mi) Druid - lightning AAR + Storm Totems (MergosWetNurse)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Albrecht’s Aether Ray, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Aether Corruption, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Masterfull Rahn’s Might
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) Sparkiest Cyclone - Lightning Druid (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Chain Lightning, Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Aether Corruption, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Pets] [] Beastcaller’s Pet Druid (thepowerofmediocrity)

    • Damage: Cold, Elemental
    • Active Skills: Summon Briarthorn, Conjure Primal Spirit, Summon Chillmane, Call of the Beast, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Grasping Vines, Trozan’s Sky Shard, Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Ishtak’s Mercy
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) Return of the Lightning - Lightning non set TSS Druid (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Trozan’s Sky Shard, Chain Lightning, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Amatok’s Breath, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [DW Hybrid] [] (cr+) (sr+) (vid) Electrocutie <3 - Dual Stormheart Druid (banana_peel)

    • Damage: Electrocute, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Savagery, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem, Amatok’s Breath
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) Power of double set - Invoker+Ludrigan Druid (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Chain Lightning, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Wind Devil, Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Aether Corruption, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] (cr+) (vid) Cold Damage Strikes Back - Cold non set TSS Druid (Plasmodermic)

    • Damage: Cold
    • Active Skills: Trozan’s Sky Shard, Chain Lightning, Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Amatok’s Breath, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (vid) Pride of Ludrigan, Storm Totems Druid (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Panetti’s Replicating Missile, Aether Corruption, Wind Devil, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (vid) Controlling the Wrath of Nature(x1x1x1x2)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
  • [Melee] [] (cr) (sr+) (vid) (L) War Druid of Cairn - Bleeding Druid (Rhylthar)

    • Damage: Bleed
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Devouring Swarm, Entangling Vines, Wendigo Totem, Nullification, Violent Delights
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (vid) Cyclone Wind Devil Druid (vizix)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Aether Corruption, Wendigo Totem, Storm Totem, Chain Lightning, Wind Devil, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Displacement
  • [Caster] [] (cr) (sr) The Cloudburst – Lightning Skybreach Druid (Pareto)

    • Damage: Lightning, Cold
    • Active Skills: Trozan’s Sky Shard, Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Aether Corruption

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Elementalist (Demolitionist + Shaman)

  • [2H Melee] [] It Bonks - Blazerush Elementalist (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Wind Devil
  • [Caster] [] (hc) Ultimate Hardcore Elementalist- The Siege Magician (JY_626)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Chain Lightning, Mortar Trap, Thermite Mines, Storm Totem, Displacement, Wind Devil
  • [Caster] [] Storm Combustible - Cyclone Fire/Lightning Hybrid Elementalist (Willnoword)

    • Damage: Fire, Lightning, Burn, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Wind Devil, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Masterful Rahn’s Might, Stormfire
  • [Retal Caster] [] Wrath of the Wind Witch - lightning retal Elementalist - SR 90, easy SR 75-76 farmer (Torzini)

    • Damage: Lightning Retaliation, Fire Retaliation, Burn Retaliation
    • Active Skills: Grenado, Canister Bomb, Flame Breath, Will of the Fallen Kings, Savagery, Wind Devil, Thermite Mines, Wendigo Totem
  • [Caster] [] The Amateur Arsonist (Monceaux)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Grenado, Canister Bomb, Thermite Mines, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang, Wind Devil, Masterful Rahn’s Might
  • [Caster] [] (hc) Stormrend Slow Jacks (RektbyProtoss)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Wind Devil, Stun Jacks, Thermite Mines, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang
  • [Caster] [] Eye of the Storm - Cyclone Elementalist (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Wind Devil, Thermite Mine, Flashbang, Storm Totem, Wendigo Totem
  • [Caster] [] Slow Jacker (Duchy)

    • Damage: Lightning
    • Active Skills: Stun Jacks, Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Thermite Mine, Wendigo Totem, Masterful Rahn’s Might
  • [Caster] [] Cyclomentalist (Crucible Max) (ya1)

    • Damage: Lightning, Fire
    • Active Skills: Storm Totem, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Stormfire, Aether Corruption, Will of the Fallen Kings
  • [DW Melee] [] Tanky DW Lightning FS Elementalist (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Fire Strike, Savagery, Blackwater Cocktail, Thermite Mine, Chaos Strike, Wind Devil, Wendigo Totem
  • [2H Melee] [] Ultos Lightning melee Elementalist (Nery)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Primal Strike, Savagery, Wind Devil, Flashbang, Thermite Mine, Displacement
  • [2H Melee] [] Fury of the Wild - Blazerush Elementalist (afanasenkov26)

    • Damage: Fire, Burn
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Flashbang, Blazing Eruption, Wind Devil, Thermite Mine
  • [Melee Hybrid] [] Electrocute Brothers (Elementalist) (Nandi)

    • Damage: Electrocute, Lightning
    • Active Skills: Savagery, Wendingo Totem, Wind Devil, Storm Totem, Thermite Mine, Storm Shard, Stormtitan’s Charge
  • [Ranged Hybrid] [] Ultos and Ulzuin’s Chosen: Hybrid Lightning Bomber Elementalist (Adam Bomb)

    • Damage: Lightning, Electrocute
    • Active Skills: Canister Bomb, Wind Devil, Savagery, Blackwater Cocktail, Flashbang

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