Spellbreaker (Arcanist + Nightblade)
[Caster] [] Cold CT Spellbreaker: 4m Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Ravager, SR 75-76 (mad_lee)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Callidor’s Tempest, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Amatok’s Breath
[DW Melee] [] [Olexra the Flashy Mageslayer] (fordprefect)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Amatok’s Breath, Nullification, Mirror of Erectoes
[2H Melee] [] Dread Enforceable - Soulrend Morgoneth Shadow Strike Spellbreaker (Willnoword)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Amatok’s Breath, Mirror of Ereoctes, Blade Barrier, Nullification
[2H Melee] [] [Soulrend SS+ABB Spellbreaker] (fordprefect)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Mirror of Erectoes, Nullfication, Amatok’s Breath
[DW Melee] [] [No Set Spectral Longsword Shadow Strike] (fordprefect)
- Damage: Cold, Frostborn
- Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Mirror of Erectoes, Blade Barrier, Nullification, Amatok’s Breath, Ravager’s Deathgaze
[Melee Hybrid] [] (hc) Ultimate Hardcore Spellbreaker- Ice Cold Scoundrel (JY_626)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Displacement, Pneumatic Burst, Icechill, Blade Barrier, Mirror of Ereoctes, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Chillspikes, Blade Spirit
- Other:[/color] controversal build, read comments in the thread
[Caster] [] Those Bloody Icicles: 4:30 Crucible Gladiator 150-170, Shard 100, Ravager, Callagadra cold caster Spellbreaker (mad_lee)
- Damage: Cold
- Active Skills: Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Chillspikes, Ice Wyrm’s Breath, Callidor’s Tempest, Ring of Steel, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Pneumatic Burst
[DW Melee] [] A for Aether - Melee Aether Spellbreaker (afanasenkov26)
- Damage: Aether
- Active Skills: Beronath’s Strikes, Aether Corruption, Shadow Strike, Pneumatic Burst, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Blade Spirit
[DW Melee] [] [DW Aether Spellbreaker] (fordprefect)
- Damage: Aether Damage
- Active Skills: Fleshwarped Strikes, Aether Corruption, Dark Desires, Pneumatic Burst, Ring of Steel, Mirror of Erectoes, Nullification, Blade Barrier
[DW Melee] [] (hc) Morgoneth Cold Shadow Strike Breaker (RektbyProtoss)
- Damage: Cold
- Active Skills: Shadow Strike, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Pneumatic Burst, Ring of Steel, Blade Spirit, Blade Barrier, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
[Caster] [] Olexra the Freezer (Duchy)
- Damage: Cold
- Active Skills: Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Ring of Steel, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Pneumatic Burst, Scourge Strike, Amatok’s Breath, Bloodthirster, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes
[DW Melee] [] Frozen (Slev1n)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Beronath’s Fury, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Amatok’s Breath, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Spirit
[DW Melee] [] Ice, ice, baby - Mageslayer Spellbreaker (afanasenkov26)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Beronath’s Fury, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Shadow Strike, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Amatok’s Breath, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Spirit
[Caster] [] Olexra of the Sky (Duchy)
- Damage: Cold, Lightning
- Active Skills: Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Trozan’s Sky Shard, Devastation, Pneumatic Burst, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Chain Lightning, Displacement
[2H Caster] [] Bane of the Winter King Callidor’s Tempest Spellbreaker (banana peel)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Callidor’s Tempest, Shadow Strike, Amatasta’s Blade Burst, Ring of Steel, Nullification, Mirror of Ereoctes, Pneumatic Burst, Word of Renewal, Amatok’s Breath, Blade Spirit
[Melee] [] Nex & Ortus Mageslayer Spellbreaker (Plasmodermic)
- Damage: Cold, Fire
- Active Skills: Beronath’s Fury, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Ring of Steel, Shadow Strike, Amatok’s Breath, Pneumatic Burst, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
[2H Caster] [] Callidor’s Tempest spamming cold Spellbreaker (Nery)
- Damage: Cold, Frostburn
- Active Skills: Callidor’s Tempest, Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, RIng of Steel, Pneumatic Burst, Blade Spirit, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification, Displacement
[2H Caster] [] Death, 2H SS Soulrend SpellBreaker SR80+ (Drakhan)
- Damage: Cold
- Active Skills: Amarasta’s Blade Burst, Shadow Strike, Ring of Steel, Blade Spirit, Pneumatic Burst, Mirror of Ereoctes, Nullification
[Caster] [] Vanilla Ice: 9s Mad Queen, 7 minute Cruc. Glad. 150-170, no greens Trozan Spellbreaker (Mad_Lee)
- Damage: Cold
- Active Skills: Phantasmal Blades, Trozan’s Sky Shard, Mirror of Ereoctes, Ring of Steel, Nullification, Displacement, Pneumatic Burst, Shadow Strike, Chillspikes
[Caster] [] Olexra’s Disciple: 7m 150-170 Crucible Gladiator 0 greens cold PB/OFF Spellbreaker (Mad_Lee)
- Damage: Cold
- Active Skills: Phantasmal Blades, Olexra’s Flash Freeze, Mirror of Ereoctes, Ring of Steel, Nullification, Displacement, Pneumatic Burst