Builders vs Zantai

Not more than on SR 75/76 (I think there loot stops to get more/better).

Loot scaling actually stops somewhere in the mid 80s…
My understanding would be using a deathless stone = no loot. The only use being for the masochists out there and for the challenge

I think SR 87 is when the loot stops scaling. You don’t get better loot after that.

Why do you think he has an eye for an avatar? It’s allseeing. :wink:

Ah, then I misunderstood someones comment in a different thread. And without loot…well, it´s okay. :slight_smile:

You do get loot, it’s just doesn’t improve. Doing SR 100 and SR 90 will yield the same loot quality.

I was referring to this:

and with the new SR update, Zantai successfully satisfy the SR crowd and derailing the thread… :smiley:
Jokes aside, I like the cruci balance now. Can really differentiate what concept can and can’t work.

Well, just don’t nerf things too far and do think and test first before executing. I am still salty on RoH, RoK, and cataclysm nerf. Arcanist? It’s long gone.

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Wowie, can you please share gt of such spellbreaker? Sounds insane.

Some good changes, yeah. Like Mad Queen always at 162. Haven’t seen those healers from 163, too. Were they removed?

[quote=“thejabrixone, post:129, topic:84413, full:true”] Arcanist? It’s long gone.

Yet, nerfs keep popping, big and small. Maiven nerf, Anasteria helmet nerf, Fleshwarped Tome nerf, Slathasarr Crest nerf… 3buff 1 banner 6:07. Lackluster piloting. Overestimate dots and go the wrong direction on some waves. Some close calls that could probably be smoothed over by gear fine tuning. Time is probably skewed vs. the average by 151-160 having armored and 161-170 having marked + burning. Though piloting errors, fps, and gearing could amount for 20s or so.

The initial intent wasn’t to produce an optimal crucible clear time, I was just tossing stuff together haphazardly for a proof of concept “this can do crucible”. With the comments of “spellbreaker is paper and faceplants in crucible” I went in expecting things to turn out much like they did when I was shoving spellbreaker into pre DA stacking era AoM crucible. Non weapon greens are functionally single affix. Weapons are obtainable but probably not an average joe item.

Korvaak was taken for consistency on shadow strike crits and the petrify, basic enemies don’t cast their slows/fumble puddle if they can’t act. Korvaak may not be necessary/ideal, it was just used here as a defensive choice. Likewise hourglass’ inclusion was a defensive choice. Hourglass proc was skipped as durability outside of mirror chaining was just barely sufficient.

Upon review the 80% slow res is probably excessive, though there will be compromises somewhere if you want to pursue slow res via. armor as resistances are tight. Seal of annihilation is a better choice and it slipped my mind as I was setting up the character. Other nitpicky details for fine tuning… I’ll jot them down later.

Maybe it’s worthwhile to invest heavily in conversion to patch up stunres and slow res, freeing the build from the leathery hide (failing to press mirror/port = dead) and hourglass?

– On second thought with hourglass, maybe the proc is ideal for more uptime on Night’s Embrace

– Round 1 of possible patch up, best to build around the crucible res buff. Devotion binding gets obnoxious with hourglass entering the mix, not sure on optimal.

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But sorcs are on the rise though, Ulzuin Sorc, Pyran sorc, even Justicar sorc. Lightning PRM Mage Hunter is still god-tier. Some Spellbreakers are pretty decent low end of the top tier. And we are getting another round of Trozan buffs. So it’s not that bad, imo.

I am glad that others people likes current balance,too.

I’ve done some runs and am happy to report,no sign of healers in 163.That’s allows you to focus on the three stooges.

I’ve been thinking “okay it’s just a string of lucky runs” every time I don’t see the healers on that wave recently. Good to know this change went through.

For a no RR mastery, arcanist need to be as good as soldier. Good support skills, good attacking skills, good for beginners, not item dependant. Arcanist is not there yet.

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So you agree it’s a matter of stat density not being up to par on Arcanist’s support skills?

That’s one aspect. The other is just like I described.

Speaking of stat density, arcanist is not that bad, it’s still giving cc res, OA, crit damage; but no DA, HP, phys res (this I think need to be in arcanist), and armor. It’s lacking in def properties. Previously it has MoE, but crate nerf it to the ground and said that the purpose of that skill is only for emergency button. Then they forget that Arcanist has shit defense if it has no MoE and give nothing in return.
Necro give the least stats among all of the masteries imo.

Necro for sure is bottom of the barrel for defensive stats with shaman (at least they get a ton of hp and some flat armor)… but mark of torment and mirror for arcanist is supposed to fill the gap on defense alongside good play… But both of those skills have been made harder to utilize on most builds due to cdr meta abuse in the past. So perhaps it is time to add more defense stats to these classes?

Side note.bTBH I think the damage penalty from maivens should go away… or at least scale down at ultimate ranks the way it used to.

On the “no build should perform equally in all area” stand, against “balance”, I strongly disagree.
In a well balanced game a character able to perform one “end-game” aspect should be able to fulfil all of them. Only at this time I would consider the game “balanced”.
Of course SR is infinite and there is always someone who will find a build to break the “current” limit and you will have to nerf it.
But keep your milestone in mind (like say: SR75, crucible 150, whole-campaign). Nerfing one thing shouldn’t break the “balance” towards other end-game aspect.

Another example: yesterday I went in Step of Torment (in elite with “an unfinished build”).
The 1st part of dungeon was easy, so I tried the rogue-like part.
The whole dungeon was quite easy. I was almost one-shotting the lowest mobs and the other did not post a real htreat. Only the bigger ones took some times.
And then the boss 2-shot me in 1 second. This is to me, very unbalanced. I should have felt some difficulty or resistance from the thrash mobs as a warning that the boss would be a real threat.
In no way should I one-shoot some thrash mobs and be 2-shot by the boss.

You one shot trash mobs all the time, from level 1 to level 100, everywhere in the game