Builders vs Zantai

No. I don´t think that. They might look at the builds and items used and determine what makes them so fast. I don´t think Zantai uses a chainsaw for nerfs. More like a scalpel.

well it felt like a chainsaw when my favourite spec, madlee’s malakor tactician was nerfed. Even with his updated build which is so optimised by madlee that it might as well been reinvented in a laboratory, is a struggle for me to even complete shards in the s60-s65 range. whereas i can hop on my warlord and kick back with a beer and farm s75-s80 without much of a sweat.

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I can´t really say something about the build (don´t know it), but what Shards could you make before nerfs and how is the new time in Crucible? And what exactly was nerfed?

Hint it didn’t have high SR possiblity ever. Even before the nerfs to the weapon and Inquisitor in general. This testing was before FG was even launched

I just found Mad Lee’s Tactican. Wrong build?

i play the bonemonger version now, its decent but compared to most my other toons it’s fairly pathetic. The original build wouldn’t have done well in shards anyway but it was created before FG and it was really great then, a bit OP in the damage department but it was still susceptible to being deleted in 2 seconds, same fundamental problems as most dual wield specs. If something does amazing damage but it’s squishy then it doesn’t really deserve nerfs unless it is 1 shotting everything and roflstomping everything.

What I would like to see is builds brought up to par. If you have the best of everything, components, augments, setup etc. then just about any build should be able to compete in higher shards. Although zantai has stated that he doesn’t really balance around higher shards. But if that’s the case why do tank specs like warlord outperform still in higher shards yet are not subject to more nerfs? Perhaps its not because its OP per se but because alot of other specs actually underperform. The bar needs to be set somewhere.


Well, I suppose therein lies some of the perception problem.

SR75-80 should never be “without much sweat”, whereas SR60-65 should be a challenge. In your example, your Malakor build would be in a comfortable range and the Warlord would be overperforming. However there is never going to be a perfect distribution of builds across SR/Crucible/Super Bosses, so SR55-75 is generally the ideal of a godly endgame SR build.

That said, I am curious to see how far people push when we add the Deathly Waystones that can go forever (without rewards). They might be more of an MP thing though. :smile:


Here we go!
It also would be nice to change a little boss pool not to face MQ, Slathsarr and Grava together again :rofl:

At what SR level can I go with new Deathly Waystones?

Will be interesting to see by how much/ if people can beat @adoomgod and mines group record for SR. I would imagine they will in time.

@omnitrio “Deathly Waystones that can go forever (without rewards).”

I mean what SR level I can jump with this stone
85?- 95? - 125?

I would believe they will function like the others… upgrading every 5 cleared just infinitely scaling? I could be wrong though. Would be nice just to jump to where ever though

No, just NO! :rofl:

My 5 weeks of holidays are incoming and I hoped for a relaxed time in garden. And now there is the possibility to go further step by step (I don´t always had the time and passion to start anew at 75…)…there goes my spare time…

Zantai strikes again! Nerfing time outdoors. #deadgarden :rofl:

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Just for testing’s sake I plugged in some middling rolls on gear and threw a breaker into crucible. Some terrible piloting choices but I ended up with a 6:07 time overall and few bumps in the road. Could probably be pushed towards 5:30 with better piloting and/or gear (maybe even lower).

What’s the success rate? Because I talked about consistence.

90% plus, so I guess the next layer of debate is “how idiot proofed should it be for a given success rate?” as I know a typical player picking up spellbreaker and tossing it into crucible is going to have a terrible, terrible time. But of course you’re going to expect inexperience to cripple attempts at piloting stuff like a high cunning blademaster, a bleed trickster, or other builds that put out exceptional damage while compensating for their frailty with player skill.

ive never gone past sr 63 solo with my malakorr build and even when i have it was after multiple deaths, but then again im no john smith but i do have it pretty heavily optimised with a pretty OP rare.

And these deathly waystones sound interesting but you mention that there is no rewards? does this mean that we can jump into an s90 for example but not get rewards if we win?

shit even our gardens will get nerfed now? is zantai everywhere? he is omnipotent?