July 30, 2020, 11:14pm
This post is consistent with DenisMashutikov’s findings from January:
Just forget it. Currently game mechanic doesn’t allow that.
Besides, let me remember how DW Cadence works:
As known dual-wielding allow chance to hit with main hand, off-hand, or both. Same is true for Cadence discharge (I don’t use 3rd strike term due to the following). So, when you discharge Cadence with both hands, as known only one weapon deal full damage, but second one counts as basic attack and charge your next Cadence. Moreover such attack can prock WPS. Thus with enough of luc…
And with my findings from May:
I recorded one minute of Cadence attacks against a dummy. The video below is of the first ten Cadence activations within that minute (about 2-3 seconds of actual gameplay) and annotates each individual attack, in pursuit of irregularities. Weapon Pool Skills involved are Markovian’s Advantage, Zolhan’s Technique, and Smite. Pay particularly close attention to the attack animations in question, as well as the timing of Deadly Momentum and the presence (or lack thereof) of the Cadence buff:
Of …
The only insight I would offer is that generalizations of “2.5 attacks on average” somewhat glosses over what’s actually happening and isn’t a rhetoric I would personally further.