Maybe I’m not farming correctly but farming for rare materials is such a slough.
Whether it’s clearing crown hill and all the way through to the flesh works, Ugdenbog or even nemesis hunting, rare materials rarely drop, we already get a epic+/legendary drop chance why not for rare materials?
edit: meant to say materials (missives, hearts, spirits) not components
doing a blood grove totem run (3 totems) + 1 benji spawn, and like a single world spawn hero (beelined totems so actually missed bolvar too besides other heroes probably)
2 rare comp for couple minutes clear
*this was without dismantling legends, since some might not favour that practice as much, but imo is a fine source of mats/comps when you reach duplicate(s) purple status
Please no. Somebody stop this man! Allow some drops to be rare. Which scenario do you prefer?
I want this component. Let’s see, I have 264 of them. Click, done. I don’t even remember its name. - boring
I want this component. Ooops, I only have 1. Do I really want to use it now? Where did I get it from? Maybe I can craft more? Is it expensive to do so? Do I even have a blueprint? Maybe I’ll use something else in its place and hope to find more. Does it drop more often in some locations? I’ll have to keep an eye out: it looks like this and is called “Gangster’s fingernail”. Yesss! I finally got one! Careful, I don’t want to lose it. - much more involved and exciting
amount of rare comps on my last SSF char from 1-100/Vet+Ult 100% quest clear, minus whatever got consumed in crafts
has 48 hours played, most of that time just spent going through campaign sloowly on HC
fire strike build, so refarmed kilrian couple times for a bonk stick
“SSF”, unsure if that part got missed? - or do you generally not “farm” an item on a solo self found char?
Veteran + Ultimate. Looks like I got lucky with Kilrian ;D
Mine was SSF as well. Not a whole lot of farming is really needed. I was going to say that the only way you could claim SSF and have 8 Kilrian’s Souls was if you were using his MI.
i’m guessing because people complained about grind?
i think it was in effect more than a 3fold increase because drops also got increased, (or that happened later), because even tho recipes got increased to compensate for dropping completes it was still a factor X in spare comps
hey i use infinite storage and still dismantle
I just stopped caring about lvl 1-80 epics/legends(age of MIs), realizing they were basically worthless to store/never got used/a char can get their own and don’t need twinking(eg lvl 40/65 Perdition set dropping galore)
and have 20x Myth voidsteel gauntlets etc dropping each toon so those get dismantled on sight (no one will ever convince me those purples have equal drop chance )
k, couldn’t find the screenshot, but someone once asked “why dismantle”, and i did like 60-80 dismantles from a levelling char’s stockpile, showcasing the amount of mats, - suppose you can “extrapolate” that/something similar from the earlier screen shots with 4 mats from 18 dismantles.
I don’t remember the numbers, 25%? 50%? , where you’re trading one rng “farm” for another (15%? drop vs crystal farm+dismantle rng), and to me/i think getting dynamite is reasonable enough to then nuke one’s unused low level epic/legends or duplicate end items. - to me the difference is we’re getting those spare epics/legends regardless of our materia need, so might as well use them/include them as possible to reduce the direct hunt requirement for those potentially same mats.
edit, some numbers
*i don’t know if those numbers/weights have changed since that post
Maybe the level 84 ones just drop more due to being lower level or something?
That said I also have 20 voidsteel gauntlets (and wyrmscale boots). So definitely suspicious! (while having 0 on a bunch of stuff still)
I remember and hate it so much that if the completion bonus is suck, the component become almost useless. Like creating Ugdenbog Leather, and keep getting pierce resist as bonus while the character already got +50 pierce overcap