Yeah I have to agree. Not every single set needs to be shoehorned into a single damage type or skill, it’s much more fun and interesting if they have unique modifiers that tie things together in ways that normally wouldn’t work.
For real guys, you even attempting to defend it tilts my tits off. Those modifiers DO NOT tie things together. Cold and Bleed together NEVER work. Believe me, I played, tested and created quite a few top-tier Trickster builds.
So please, unless you wanna show me a working Korba Trickster that does both bleed and cold, then don’t talk nonsense.
Bleed is a just bonus because focusing on Frostburn would make the set outright broken. It’s already one of the best sets in the game and focusing on Frostburn would give it huge DoTs on top of very high direct damage.
Does everything need to be top-tier?
You are absolutely right from a pure combat-oriented perspective, but remember there is the “RP” part in “ARPG.”
I think these guys are too much into the endgame crucible tweaking optimizing build stuff that they forget that only less 1% of the total number of players are even remotely interested in that stuff…
How about Poison Damage? It would make sense and it wouldn’t make the set “outright broken”. Or just add some defensive stats instead - Tricksters always lack them.
Surely not. But does it justify this obvious design flaw? Not really. I understand that it’s hard to make 200 legendaries that are all balanced from the start, but that’s what this feedback is for. And it’s been quite a few patches that this Bleeding damage lingered.
I mean I can’t believe so many people are trying to play devil’s advocate here for no reason. And I am yet to see one person who actually plays Bleeding Korba Trickster.
Isn’t this thread for discussing prospective changes? I agree that the bleed doesn’t do anything as it stands but that isn’t the point. The point is that the devs could (and really should) come up with ways to make it work rather than making sets even more hyperfocused than they already are.
EDIT: That said, I wouldn’t mind seeing your lightning damage idea implemented. Currently there’s very little support for cold/lighting hybrids and none whatsoever for melee.
Some things are there just because they’re there. Balance has nothing to do with why bleed is in Korba. It’s thematic. Bleed Korba might not work but it doesn’t mean bleed korba should work.
I am all for stuff being “Thematic”. But it’s an ARPG and “thematic” but useless items just never get used and nobody really cares about them. I mean stuff like “Wirt’s Leg” or “Butcher’s Cleaver” is thematic (and iconic). But come on now, they have pulled that Korba lore out of nowhere when they added this set in Ashes of Malmouth, it’s not “Ulgrim’s set” or “Creed’s set” to justify flaws in its design with lore.
Do we want fun and diverse items and sets or do we want “thematic” items with useless illogical stats?
I’m fine with having both, tbh. And in Korba’s case it’s not useless and illogical. Useless, yes. But it’s logical to associate a wolf-type set with cold and blood, no matter how shit that seems when it comes to game mechanics.
Yes, it should work.
And therefore Korba should be a Nightblade Bleeding Set, too…and not just another Nightblade Cold Set. So Bleeding, in my opinion, should not be removed but made stronger so you can use it for Cold or Bleeding.
useless is a relative term. You mean useless for doing glad cruci, yes. But imagine a casual player that get’s this set, and has no other bleeding set gear, and wants to play a bleed build? Could say a budget (faction items, Benevald blueprints,…) bleed trickster outperform a bleeding Korba trickster? I have no clue myself, but would be a nice punch in the coffin for the bleeding aspect of the Korba set.
Could say a budget (faction items, Benevald blueprints,…) bleed trickster outperform a bleeding Korba trickster? I have no clue myself, but would be a nice punch in the coffin for the bleeding aspect of the Korba set.
Don´t think so. But in case of weapons there a lot better ones (even epics)…so there is no need to have the full set.
I just can’t imagine a situation where a casual player is being able to farm WHOLE set and then decides to play a Bleeding build with it instead of Cold one. First of all, getting the whole set in self-found? Good luck with that. Second of all, if a casual player trades on forums, why the heck would he trade for this set to play a bleeding build?
And as Rhyltar said, blue items will outperform Korba in Bleeding department.
I am honestly tired of trying to prove something obvious again and again, I feel like people contradict me in this thread just out of spite. It will lead to set being unchanged because Zentai will read this and be like “SEE, PEOPLE LIKE BLEEDING ON KORBA, WORKING AS INTENDED”.
And all because of few lines of “lore” that someone came up with seating on a toilet while thinking of how to write description for a new expansion set.
Fine, let’s keep stuff “Thematic” and make Bleeding Korba builds and Melee full Iskandra Battlemages.
I am with you.
I just won’t remove Bleeding but would it make better on this set. Better weapons, more Bleeding support on Hood/Chest.
I’m not against making bleed Korba work. It’s just that I’m fine if it will never work. If Crate buffs Korba bleed and makes it viable then great. But removing the bleed bonus altogether because “it’s useless and illogical” is total shit.
Btw, if we wanna make bleed Korba work maybe crate can just remove all the cold RoS bonuses and replace it with decent bleed RoS bonuses. Won’t be at the level of bloodsongs probably but it’s not gonna be shit. Fluff’s gonna riot if crate just outright deletes his build tho.
The way I see the set, the ‘proposed’ way to use it is to make a cold/bleeding build. The obvious problem is that those two damage types do not mix well at all, so the bleeding portion of the set feels useless. I don’t have any issues with Korba not being optimal to play for a full on bleed build (why would it? It’s a cold/bleed set), my issue is rather that the bleed feels so unsubstantial. Thus my proposal to give the set a VoS buff, adding -% bleeding resistance. This might not do very much, but atleast it helps the mix of damage types not feel so awkward.
I, and I guess others, are contradicting you because we like the weird mix of damage types the set promotes. Rather than changing the bleed to poison, why not upgrade the bleeding part of the set to the point that it’s actually decent?
It’s not so much the lore, but the mix of two damage types that otherwise really don’t mix at all. The issue is that bleeding component isn’t strong enough. I’d love to see Iskandra receiving a buff for 1h + offhand melee, too, for that matter. The thing that make sets fun and interesting, to me, is when they mix stuff that otherwards really wouldn’t work.
Skills and devotions will still be a problem. There is not that many spare skill points on a Korba Trickster, finding points to hard cap Circle of Slaughter (because it’s the biggest source of Bleeding damage in-game) and soft cap Devouring Swarm is going to be impossible. And getting both Bleeding and Cold resist reduction devotions into one build will yield a very weak devotion map.
Not even mentioning that combining a direct damage playstyle with hit and run dot damage playstyle might not work at all.
I suggested Poison because at least there is a direct support for Acid and Poison resist reduction on a Trickster already in a form of Night’s Chill and Murmur, so you won’t have to make weird and awkard devotion maps and/or level Devouring Swarm. In other words, quality of life of a Cold/Poison Korba is by default much higher than of a Cold/Bleeding one.
Again, I like gear that enables builds with two damage types or weird playstyles. Successful example of a hybrid damage build is Nex and Ortus Infiltrator or Spellbreaker with both Solael’s Witchfire/Ulzuin’s Torch and Murmur/Amatok in devotion maps. (too bad Crate is going to nerf the shit out of those builds tho). Successful example of a hybrid playstyle build is Light Defender + Stormreaver Shaman build which is both melee and a caster (Also both direct damage and dot damage build).
I am afraid stuff like Bleeding + Cold or 1h melee with a caster’s off-hand just won’t work well no matter how much you buff relevant gear. So that’s why I am suggesting changes that I am suggesting - they will promote a hybrid playstyle and they will actually work.
I only play self found & I have all sets?
Some people are not interested in dealing the most damage, they play themed. Perhaps some do not like the looks on how the cold damage devotions look?
If someone trade they might think “cool with this set I can do a bleed build and perhaps respec to a cold build if I want without having to start a fresh toon”
So few players are interested in the end-game stuff and I think there should be sub-optimal options out there. By having too streamlined and tailored sets, the game becomes too much hand holding.
If I have to vote for a) making bleed identity stronger on Korba set or b) chaning bleeding for acid, I vote for option b) because it would make builds less awkward to make.