That’s what i was hoping too. Some way to maybe add the bleeding damage to cold (as we can’t convert it). I wrote up some ideas in a thread a while ago. I’d like the bleeding to stay, in some form, as it fits the thematic. But i agree that what Mad Lee suggested are easier ways to implement changes, without having the devs wreck their heads too much about it.
Or, dunno, make Korba a dedicated, functional bleeding set, and have the lightning to cold conversion for Savagery bound to a single legendary item, like wild whispers amulet. It may serve cold savagery better that way
How Crate add all that weird types of damage to sets.
I’ve never played Korba, but I can’t see what’s so problematic about devotions. Leviathan, Mogdrogen, Huntress and Rhowan’s Crown are all within hugging distance of each other, and Murmur isn’t that hard to get either. Mostly green and purple, and swinging by Berserker will provide you with most of the red you need, leaving you with a few blue to grab which isn’t that difficult. Voila, two T3 devotions and three RR ones.
Quite fancy playing that now, actually.
If I have to vote for a) making bleed identity stronger on Korba set or b) chaning bleeding for acid, I vote for option b) because it would make builds less awkward to make.
FG is not far away, maybe there will be a Bleeding Set. At the moment there isn´t one for Nightblade. Bloodrager only has Soldier/Shaman boni.
- Korba
- Deathmark
- Rimetongue
- Deathguard
- Vileblade
And there will be a new patch soon too. I guess we just have to wait and see, test some things, and then get back with more feedback for devs
Well, you could stop at “I’ve never played Korba”. No offense, but I made and perfected both cold and bleed tricksters and I speak from experience. Trickster builds are very fragile and intricate beasts, you have to fine tune them quite a bit to make them work. It’s not a Vindicator or an Infiltrator where you can slap on basically any gear or skill combination that is Elemental and it will work and clear all content.
Piling Bleed and Cold devotions together in a Trickster will make it a borderline unplayable, it will neither have a good Cold build or a good Bleeding damage output. And survivability will be in a gutter.
Relative to what? I’ve played some pretty bad stuff, such as a full-bleed pyro and it managed ultimate Roguelikes and Nemesis.
Relative to an average build that can kill Mad Queen in 15-20 seconds or finish Crucible with 4 blessings in 12 minutes.
You can clear Steps of Torment or kill Fabius in faction gear.
Full Bleed Pyro sounds pretty horrifying though, I can’t even.
This is your expectation of “average” not the actual statistical interpretation which would be to sum all possible builds clear speed in Cruci and then divide the total time with the number of builds.
I think you mean “average relative to other builds that wears a full myth leg set”?
Fits thematically? Think a while. Frozen stuff can’t bleed!
It did snow today here in Sweden. I will test your thesis later (now where is my big ol’ knife?)
No, I think average build should be able to do some of basic stuff like clearing Crucible in 12 minutes or killing Mad Queen in 15-20 seconds as I have mentioned. In Forgotten Gods it would be some kind of Shard/Rift level that gives maximum or ~70% of the maximum possible amount of loot/recepies. Otherwise you can defend every subpar build or every bad Legendary set (looking at you, Dreeg) with words like “thematic” or “but it clears roguelikes”. Sure, you can clear Bastion of Chaos with your melee Elemental Death Knight in Full Iskandra all you like, but it’s not going to be a good build or even an average one.
Yeah, which is why I’m advocating something like -25/30% Bleeding resistance to VoS. A cold/bleed Korba could conceivably just skip spending points in Devouring Swarm and instead get the Huntress devotion and combine it with Murmur, Mogdrogen and Leviathan.
Something like this
Doesn’t look terrible to me. Grasp of Unchained Might to cover flat resistance reducation.
Depends on how you define work. I have taken several characters through ultimate with a mix of DoTs and direct damage. Might not be entirely optimal, but it works.
The problem is that means the set goes from “Interesting, how do I combine these damage types and make it work?” to an entirely obvious devotion and skill setup. Would also lead people converting the poison damage to cold damage, resulting in the set losing its’ thematical flavour. I’d much rather see Crate make something unique functional than to see them streamlining sets according to what makes most sense with the devotion/skill paths. What makes sets interesting in the first place is just that; they make builds possible that otherwise wouldn’t. Combining cold/poison is very straight forward and easy as it is, doesn’t need a set to make it possible.
Again, depends on how strong a build needs to be to be considered ‘working’. And of course weird hybrid builds could work of Crate buffed them considerably.
Ok, so average according to your subjective standards (clearing highest level of crucible in 12 minutes, like what less than 1% of total players do and care about).
I do like the feeling of playing with very powerful builds, but I very seldom play crucible since it is boring af. So it would not matter to me, I still just go in main campaign and do PV, AG and random nemesis, Lokarr and stuff. So for me, it would not really matter if I had a sub 12 min cruci build or not (and I know I am not the only one out there)
But can bleeding stuff freeze? In my head, that was the theme :rolleyes:
I can do two tests
- I cut my left arm and go out in the snowfall and then 2) I cut my right arm after 2 hours and see if it can bleed and if the bleeding left arm in 1) will freeze
But sir, how will you play GD then? Macros and using feet? I do salute you dedication as far as game testing goes
I will sacrifice myself for the sake of determine the viability of the Korba “theme” once and for all! That is worth missing ~500 hours GD gameplay!
Well, GD is fantasy. But I have read about a RL example.
During the winter of the Korean war, temperatures dropped into the -30C. Medics often spoke of casualties, that were mostly at risk of freezing, suddenly becoming serious bleeding risks when brought into warmth. The frozen blood had stopped the bleeding risk; at those temperatures, blood froze quickly.
Yeah, which is why I’m advocating something like -25/30% Bleeding resistance to VoS. A cold/bleed Korba could conceivably just skip spending points in Devouring Swarm and instead get the Huntress devotion and combine it with Murmur, Mogdrogen and Leviathan.
Something like this
Doesn’t look terrible to me. Grasp of Unchained Might to cover flat resistance reducation.
That would be nice Hybrid-Build…and how you fill up the missing slots outside of Korba Set? Do you have more items that support this kind of hybrid build?
I haven´t looked up every item but I say: No, there aren´t anymore items that support Bleeding and Cold together. So I have to decide on every other slot, if it should be Bleeding or Cold. For an expert, no problem…some builders here will get a fitting build. For someone rather unexperienced…I don´t think so.
And now to something different:
I don´t want a hybrid build. I want a pure Bleeding build. I want it approximately as good as other builds using e. g. Bloodrager or Non-Set items. Is this possible with Bleeding Korba? I don´t think so…take a close look especially at the weapons.
Found 1 item that supports Cold Damage/Bleeding Damage: Mythical Vigar’s Hunger.