Can you guys make a hammerdin skill?

Since Targo’s Hammer can be procced, it can certainly be turned into an active skill? :stuck_out_tongue:

Yeah I’ll be doing something like that when I get to soldier with my mod :slight_smile:

Neat! Thank you!

Here’s what I have so far

Blessed Hammer for Soldier, maxed out:

Looks good but it bugs me that the skill stays on you. Blessed Hammer didn’t move with the pally.

Funny I’m the opposite, I like having it move with me. I could make a transmute with the hammers staying still, that’s actually a good idea :wink:

Lol, Dude do you have an ETA for a beta release or something? You keep posting teasers of these sick skill reworks and I can’t wait to try them out. :stuck_out_tongue:

Seems like that skill is stupidly overpowered. I would limit the amount of hammer down to 4 - 6 for sure. The way it is now your basically running around and shotgunning people lol

I try not to … don’t wanna disappoint anyone with missed deadlines :stuck_out_tongue:

All I can say is hopefully soon. Probably after next official patch since I’m hoping Crate fixes some modding stuff (as it is now I’d need to upload the whole database and fx files which is almost 100mb)

Everything I make is OP initially since the purpose is to test the skill mechanics. After that we’ll go into balancing.

Very cool looking skill, Lux!

Multiplying hammers could be a good transmute - requiring more skill point investment but increasing overall damage due to more hammers.

Keep up the good work, bud!


I’m guessing you never had a Hdin.

Thanks :slight_smile: Currently there’s a higher lvl modifier that triggers extra hammers on hit.

Stg inspired me to make a transmute that makes them stationary… however that solution breaks the extra modifier hammers (since those still follow you). Due to tool limitations I’ll probably drop the stationary idea :undecided:

That does take away from the D2’esque style Blessed Hammer skill and more closely resemble the Path of Exile Whirling Blades skill.

The Blessed Hammer skill was an immensely powerful skill in D2, I believe, due to the fact that it required the Paladin to be in moderately close proximity to the mobs. To this end, perhaps the Hammers will need to be moderate in damage.

That being said, it is your mod :wink:

Beautiful animation, regardless of outcome!


Actually it’s more closer to D3’s lol :rolleyes: We’ll see, there’s still work to be done.

And I don’t wanna take cred for animation, it’s basically the Devotion Targo’s Hammer but without the trailing effect and off course self casting. I wanted to change the hammers but for some reason other meshes don’t work with the rotating animation… though I guess these golden hammers do look sweet.

Wow dude, that blessed hammer rework looks awesome.

And since we are on Diablo 2 wave, my favorite skills are Whirlwind, Frozen Orb and Dragon Talon. Some of these are ported in Path of Exile, but it will be so fun if we see them in Grim Dawn :slight_smile:

I like this skill a lot !
It’s fun to have the hammers following you, maybe make it increase duration the more points you spend in it because it seems quite short in this video.
Also is the hamemr rotationspeed increased with projectile speed ?
Continue the good work !

wp sir, well played. looks amazing

F*** I loved and continue to love Diablo II.

F*** I love Grim Dawn.

I used to play video games with a few select mates of mine. We would play most new PlayStation and XBOX releases that came out if they looked good.

My mate said to me the other day, “You used to play so many games, man. What happened?”

I wasn’t able to really answer my mate at the time that he asked me this question as there were so many thoughts rushing through my head at that moment in time as to why my gaming repertoire had dwindled over the years.

Having had appropriate time to consider my thoughts and refine my answer, I believe it is simple.

[i]As we get older, we become more of who we are. To this end, as we get older, we understand what we like and don’t like more and more.

I do not need anything more than Diablo II and Grim Dawn. Why would I go looking when I have found that which I was in search of?

There are few pleasures in life that one may be lucky enough to experience, a faithful pet; a beautiful, genuine and loving partner; your favourite meal - I honestly believe that these things should be cherished and appreciated for the time that you are blessed to have them in your life. You never know when they may be taken away.

Enjoy Grim Dawn for what it is. For what it is, is one rocking motherfucking game.[/i]


What stops you from making them static and not following? Its quite simple…