Can you strengthen or delete some green affixes that are too weak

Green words like celestial body, threat, hero, I’m sure no one wants to see these green words on their equipment right now, especially when they drop double green

which affixes are these?
*i’m assuming there is some local language playing in but there is no such affix/Threat in english Search - Grim Dawn Item Database

as for Celestial, it’s great, Heroism is fine (assuming those are the ones mentioned?) - double rare is fine even if it’s just a stat dump (imo), and Celestial is way more than a stat dump, dmg, hp, loads of resist, CDR, stonks :chart_with_upwards_trend:

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Celestial is great due to the 5% CDR and more health is always useful, Heroism on pants could make caster do spirit dump easier.

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I think that the affixes on medals, amulets and rings are too bloated and should be cleansed. There are too many of them.

And I am afraid what FoA will bring here… More affixes? Please no…

affixes amount just got trimmed

i’d be kinda surprised if FoA introduced too many new affixes or non berserker class affixes (so like, 9 for medal and 1 for amulet?), because of the affix trimming over the years
*used to be aaaaa lot more, both pre 1.2 but also before that/spellweaving/potent etc other individual stat stuff from way back in the day

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They got and there are still too many of them… Especially the yellow ones. Look at medals - Arcanist’s, Demolitionst’s and so on… useless…

you’re kidding right? :neutral_face:
those are literally the ones that got removed last patch and doesn’t exist/cant’ drop ingame anymore
*yes i know GT displays them, but it’s because the affix isn’t deleted it’s retired, ie exist in game files but not tied to drop tables

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Who is supposed to know that if thy are shown up…

But there are still many of them like battlemage’s, tactician’s and so on… these are green.

With rings you have % attributes like mighty or mystic… Sinle attribute like of the fox… Double or triple attributes are fine.

those are rare class affixes and only exist in 1 version, hardly bloating the pool?

  • All Rare Mastery and Mastery Combination Prefixes have been redesigned with fixed skill bonuses rather than winning the skill bonus lottery.
  • Magic Mastery Prefixes have been removed from the loot pool. New items will no longer roll them. Instead, Caster weapons and Off-hands can now roll % Offensive Ability, % Defensive Ability, and % Spirit prefixes.
  • % Resistance Magic Prefixes that offer 2 of the 3 % Elemental Resistances (ex. Fire + Cold) have been removed from the loot pool at level 70+. Increased the chance of rolling % Elemental Resistance to compensate.
  • % Resistance Magic Prefixes that offer % Pierce or % Poison with a combination of 1 % Elemental Resist (ex. Pierce + Cold) have been removed from the loot pool at level 70+. Increased the chance of rolling the % Pierce + % Poison Resistance pair to compensate.
  • % Armor Magic Prefixes have been removed from the loot pool.
  • Energy Regeneration Magic Suffixes no longer drop.

people playing/paying attention ingame or to patch notes :sweat_smile:


It is definetely better but still bloated like singe attribute affixes or % single attribute affixes…

Or negating or insulating… Single elemental res… why?

Or resistant with lightning and fire or so on… Why just not prismatic only?

Or impervious with single elemental res and pierce res… Why?

Or draining for energy burn… Why?

Or yellow affixes on rings that give you flat damage… Why?

Or single CC res affix? Has ever somene used that in an end game build? Green affixes are used for that…

There is still considerable bloat…

because there aren’t actually many magick affixes in teh same range?
as in, once you trim the various affixes down to the same level, you get like, a dozen of prefixes and suffixes
prefix you have 1 of every resist except pierce/poison and mono ele
chaos res
aether res
bleed res
vitality res
elemental res
pet (i dont’ remember if wander stopped dropping?) 1-2
aside from pet it should be a very clear theme

these don’t drop after level 70,
as i understood they were deliberately kept in the level pool to make stat fixing simpler, also because of the change in drop rates, so levelling wasn’t made “harder” rng wise

again, dont’ use GT if you don’t know which is included, i’m pretty sure that hasn’t existed in quite a while :sweat_smile: *i could be wrong ofc

because it’s actually a good stat? @_@

which is probably why it doesnt’ drop on level 90 items ?

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I would just go through forum engame builds and actually see what people use for affixes and we would then get a much smaller affix pool that is easier to farm…

A lot of affixes are useless…

Single elemental res should not exist even before level 70.

If I look into GD stash there are still many not useful affixes.

It is not useful… Almost no build uses it. Or is there at least one endgame build that uses it? And one would still not justify it…

There’s lots of useful affixes that aren’t necessarily in top builds; and we need them because legit players have to balance affixes around desired effect; resistances, oa/da, armour, health Regen etc…whereas top builds are mostly craft d with GD stash.

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And if they weren’t there then you could get the best combo more easily…

of readiness, of attack and of protection should drop like crazy in the game :smiley:

Not everything is about best affixes. Sure, if you want it, perfect, go farm for it. Simple. But there’s plenty of other great options. Madlee even states so in some of his builds. No need for triple rares most of the time. A good single rare copy is plenty fine in 99.99% of cases.

They do, at least for me.

It is a standard to not use two rare affixes in builds… I am not talking about this.

Just a lot of not useful yellow affixes and some green ones could be deleted as well.

Well then what exactly are you talking about? :rofl:

I gave the examples already above.

flat damage affix, single attribute affix, % single attribute affix, sinle ele res before 70… some weird affixes on lower levels if they still exist… like draining… single CC res yellow affix… green ones cover that

that’s not how rng works or how the affix spawn system works?

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