Hi everyone. After 1600 hrs in this game, I am finally making a Canister Bomb build. I decided to go with Commando in order to try some new skill combos and devotions. The idea was to make a build using Ulzuin’s set with focus on Canister Bombs and Grenado. Also, this build does not use Blackwater Cocktail, mostly because all of my demo builds use BWC and I am getting kind of tired of it, so I wanted to leave it out of the rotation. I also wanted to try out the Light of Empyrion devotion power.
After much tinkering, I came up with this: GRIMTOOLS LINK
Comments and (constructive) criticism would be welcome.
EDIT: Latest version of the build is here: LINK
Completely redid the devotions, got rid of Light of Empyrion, put BWC back in, and ultimately we have a better build now.
You should be aware that Flat resistance reduction doesn’t stack so picking both elemental storm and terrify doesn’t increase your damage output. Same can be said about %damage reduction: light of empyrion makes War Cry obsolete. In the end, the soldier tree provides you health and armor but that’s about it.
Yes, I am aware that the %reductions do not stack. However Elemental Storm has a small radius and is linked to Grenado, so it’s good for small area or single target focus. Whereas War Cry will affect 16m radius, thus affecting all the larger AOE attacks to everything on screen.
Your OA is too low, so your attack will miss frequently. Devotion path isnt optimize either, I see you are tanky but where’s the dmg output? Kraken is a must for 2handed weapon, and Harp helps you manage energy drain from spamming bombs (Tree of life is good, but not enough).
For skills, Grenado is good, but what is the point if you cant convert its physical dmg to fire? Unfortunately Ulzuin set occupies all other gear slots which can converted. So I suggest use Mortar trap instead of Grenado, or only 1 point Grenado. Should have Oleron rage for extra %OA. Terrify is a bad skill, trash mobs just run away from you.
For stats, should dump more Spirit than Physique, this build is tanky enough and can kite easily. All it needs is extra dmg/energy regen.
Here is a revised build based on feedback received so far. Increased armor, health regen, fire damage and OA, dropped Grenado and Terrify and went for BWC instead. LINK
Oleron doesn’t do enough for the build since all our damage is fire. I tweaked the build to add survivability at the expense of a bit of fire damage. LINK
If you’re dead set on playing Fire regen commando you may as well play Pyran or some variation of Vindictive Flame retal build.
This devotion path (as well as soldier choice) with this set still make no sense to me. Ulzuin can work I guess but I would change to a more aggressive devotion path; you don’t need tree of life and light of empyrion. %WD on canister makes you leech from it, you’re already using bwc (or war cry I guess) for damage reduction and you have at least 5 gear pieces that don’t even scale regen.
Well, I was trying to make a variation based off of this old build (link). And I am not dead set on playing a regen build, I am just trying to see what can work here and looking for some assistance. Which devotion path would you recommend instead?
Ok, went back and started from scratch and came back with something completely different, going for Meteor instead of Light of Empyrion. Build looks better now. LINK
Definitely could do Mythical Combustion Band, just take out the Reign of Ice and Fire for it. Not sure if 8% more RR is better than the little bit of leech provided by the Ice and Fire proc. I’ll need to test it out when I get high enough level.
Another note: most people would prefer forgoing Soldier in favour of Shieldbreaker. I find that doing so does give you more damage through the very nice RR from Guardians of Empyrion, but you lose a lot of health, armor and resistances that way. The increased fire damage from Divine Mandate is offset by the Soldier’s Fighting Spirit. And from a theme perspective I didn’t want my demolitionist having mystical spirits following him around. He built crazy alchemical bombs in his basement laboratory instead of going to church.