Can't find Vanquisher set items

I’ve visited multiple locations that are supposed to have the armor for the Vanquisher set items and they don’t drop. Is it normal to have to visit the same site many times before they drop? Is this what is meant by farming? Doing the same searches over and over until you get lucky? Thanks in advance!

yes, items often dont’ have high drop chance, ex semi avg drop chance for “fixed” spawn legends is around 4-5-6%, which means “on avg” can take like 25 runs to get a single piece; but RNG doesn’t mean it’s guaranteed so times you get it in less runs, other times it takes many more runs
Vanquisher only drops from skeleton key dungeon end chest on Ultimate, and as mentioned above you then might have to run each of the 4 dungeons 20x each to get the individual pieces
this is both normal ARPG game/loot drop wise but also normal in Grim Dawn itself

Pray to RNGesus and you may find your prayers answered! :sunglasses:

Good luck in your endeavors!

On Ultimate only? So if I’m just playing on Normal or Veteran, I’ll likely never see these items?

Since they only drop on Ultimate, no you won’t see them on any other difficulty.

Well, crap. Kinda doubt I’ll ever brave that setting. Thanks much for the info though!

don’t sweat it, it might seem daunting, but can be approached with relative comfort with some rudimentary stuff attended to.
Same way how budget builds exist for easy starter farming or levelling guides that illustrate things get “simple” once certain common/basic stuff is sorted.
*Not saying you have to use those, just that their existence should show it doesn’t require much speciality or in depth experience to dip ones toes into Ultimate, it was designed for players to handle afterall - even without said guides

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