Can't get Titan Quest to load...please help?

Nope, no mods, tried reinstalling the whole game, no dice.

I’m setting up the old computer and seeing if I can transfer the file…going with the obvious fix here, just amazing how there’s always one more problem. I’ll let y’all know if the Ring of power is destroyed I actually manage to get everything running fine.

Ok, saving that one character file again and transferring it over did the trick.

Freakin’ YAY.

The group stash is still gone (personal caravan is fine, though), but I expect that if I just take an old character from the old computer and load him up with the community stash, and transfer that character over, I’ll be set.

Thanks for all your attempted help, guys.

Freaikin’ yay.

Hoorah! Now enjoy! :smiley: