Can't see edited skill changes

Hey guys… so I’ve been following the guide etc. but seem to be a total newby when it comes to making my changes appear in game.

I created a new mod, imported a skill database entry, changed some damage numbers with the DBR editor and built the mod with the Asset Manager.

However once I start a custom game with my Mod the skill appears the same as the original game.

Is there an additional step that I missed? Would appreciate any help :o

Which skill did you change?

I’m trying out Grasping Vines


For example just to see if it works I changed the first value of Offensive Physical from 3 to 33… no change in game.

I forgot to say the same happens with other skills. For example I changed Savagery weapon percent damage values and they also don’t appear in the game tooltip.

Thus my question whether I missed a step? As I figured simply importing an existing database entry into the mod should overwrite default entries.

Did you activate the mod?

Try this, as an experiment:

Copy grasping vines, do your changes, but for the new skill, rename it to something else, like “graspingvines1_new” or whatever you want. Then relink it in the appropriate areas. I believe there is a file in the UI folder, and another in the skill tree that need to be changed, and then run the mod and try it out. You might even have to make duplicates of these files too, but I’m not sure.

If it works - you’ve figured out the problem. This was a problem in modding TQ as well. Changes to existing skills didn’t work, so you had to relink/remake many files.

That looks like an old annoying bug tq had too when it comes to modding original skills…there’s a workaround but that makes things complicated.

I’m to tired right now and it is to late to write a quick tut on that, I’ll try to help tomorrow. Just started writing another tutorial and adjusted a tool for the toolset and tried some stuff myself, enough for today.


Edit: ninjad by asylum lol. Well he can help you too, just try what he said.

@ASYLUM101 I fear you’ll have to explain the replacement thing more accurate as people probably don’t know what we’re talking about :wink:

ok, I had the same issue. Found a “workaround” maybe its the only way for it. When I changed the skill inside the “_classtree_class06.dbr” from graspingvines1.dbr" to “graspingvines1b.dbr” it removed the icon from the game. So I figured I had to change something else inside the UI.
Inside /ui/skills/class06/ are the files you are looking for, the dbr for graspingvines is “skill16.dbr” took me a while to find it :smiley:
change the skillName to the new skillName in my case “graspingvines1b.dbr” and obviously change the file name inside the mod directory aswell.

in the end you should have:
-> skillName30 “records/skills/playerclass06/graspingvines1b.dbr”
-> with your changes
-> skillName “records/skills/playerclass06/graspingvines1b.dbr”

EDIT: added full filepaths to avoid confusion :slight_smile:

Figured it out and it indeed works.

Changed (for Grasping Vines):

with the new name for the skill

Yep, figured. Welp, there you go, now you know what to do for a “rework” mod. That, or build the changes into the database itself rather than a separate mod. (prolly not a great idea if you wanna play multiplayer)

This isn’t working for me. I’m trying to mess around with the Ring of Frost transmuter but after changing the names, I get a blank black screen when i try to select the Nightblade mastery on leveling up.

EDIT: Deleting and rebuilding my mods database.arz seems to have fixed it.

Do you know why it has to be this way? Why changing the skill simply in the first place didn’t work?

Most likely because those skills are from the original database and those files take precedence no matter what. Dunno why exactly, I’m not a dev, I’m not even a hobbyist programmer.

So for example when I’m looking at /ui/skills/ how do I know what skill is skill05, except importing each skill and check its name ?

each file can be opened in a text editor

its a lot faster

but it seems a totally ridiculous way they have it set up

Use some search tool. Which can find text files by its text content.

does this work for you

while in the folder: \records\skills>
findstr /s /i blast *

Command line is good. Love the command line. I also use SciTE for … almost everything (except .Net code) and it has a search within multiple files feature. Free tabbed text editor, one of the reasons I like it is because it is the same on every OS, while most are single platform only.

Ok that’s interesting and I think it needs clarifications as a lot of people begin to make changes in existing skills/items and don’t understand why they would need to rename them to make it works.I am also testing some stuff an changing my own modified file but don’t know if the modification are taken into accound if each time I make a modification I need to rename the file.

I actually renamed all skills and files for all classes in advance, done a lot of batch editing… Do that once and presto…