Change bread icon to match the theme of the game

One of the few things that I have not been liking over time is the bread icon. It’s out of theme in my opinion, as it recalls today’s squared regular-shaped american bread much more than a medieval-ish/old-fashioned bread. It’s kind of immersion breaking seeing this bread icon while verything else looks more in theme with the game. It’s a minor detail but now near finalization could be taken into account.


I think it would be a good thing to introduce a change in the demand for firewood for residential houses. If houses after advancing to a higher level and become better, more durable, they are also warmer and less wood should be needed for the last level. And coal can also completely replace wood. A brick house requires less fuel than a weak wooden cottage because it retains heat better. I think this is a good idea to implement.

As a Banished player, I’d suggest to absolutely avoid to have citizens using coal at all. One of the owrst aspect of Banished was that citizens went in competition with foundries and blacksmiths for the coal, which was really not fine and caused industries to pause their work due to the lack of coal.

So please let’s have citizens using only firewoods. :sweat_smile:

Anyway, your comment was off-topic. Please open a new suggestion. :wink:

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Interesting thing to notice, and now that you’ve mentioned it I can’t unsee it. It’d be nice to get a more historically appropriate bread icon.

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I couldn’t agree more! This Wonderbread white sandwich bread icon has been a peeve of mine ever since I began playing and I can’t unsee it either. A much better icon would resemble some really crusty, grainy peasant loaves.

Very glad someone else brought this up. It’s a small, small thing to winge about but it really does not match the rest of the game’s aesthetic.

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Always been wondering about this. It’s not just unhistorical. Also, only Americans take this foam stuff the ingame symbol represents seriously by calling it “bread”. The rest of the world simply calls it “toast” and considers it a sad substitute from the grocery store in case one didn’t make it to the bakery for some emergency reason. Accordingly, in Europe you’ll find a bakery every 500 Meters, whereas in the US you often have to drive about 15km. Who wouldn’t like a nice foam sandwich for breakfast, yummy… :sweat_smile: :man_facepalming:

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Actually I guess 0.9.4 could be a very good occasion to refresh this icon, since devs are now updating the bakery. So they’re editing this specific chain and could be nice to see them sneaking a new bread icon along with all the pastry shop stuff. Please help all us non-americans to get a proper bread instead of a toast/sandwich replacement. :sweat_smile: