Change maximum devotion levels

I would like to change my devotion level from 55 to something higher. Is there any mods or anything for this?


The value can be changed at will.
According to actual measurements, 559 dedication points are currently required to activate all constellations.

So the question is how do you get so many points? :stuck_out_tongue_winking_eye:

i know right!!! i want to play with more combos

sorry to ask, how did you get there? is it in the main folder or did you launch something?

segmented puzzle :upside_down_face:

lol i mean how do you get to records\creatures\pc\playerlevels.dbr
i tried to navigate there with little success.

open assetmanager (set it up first ofc) [Script][Basics]Modding Beginner's Guide I - #2 by Elfe
click the database tab, select records tree, creatures pc etc,
^keep in mind if you make the edit direct there and build you’re making a hard mod
you can import the actual file/change to make your own tiny little mod, whcih you can then use/launch as a regular mod (Custom Mode ingame) or a basemod, allowing you to use it via Main Campaign

I created the mod. I followed the guide, how do i save it to the main game so it will load via steam?

This is a relatively complicated process that needs to be build by AssetManager.exe. I can’t explain it to you in detail in English, sorry!

it’s not really that complicated in AM, you just make the change and hit build

i’ve no idea why the editor is being used instead of assetmanager(AM), i’m not experienced with the editor since i’ve been instructed to use AM for table changes, so that’s what i’m going with.
You have 2 options, either you create a real mod, or you make a hardmod
hardmod is basically making changes to the vanilla game itself, which means whenever the game updates that change will be overwritten and you have to make it again, this makes it less than ideal in most case.
Then we have the basemod or “pseudo mod” option, where you create the change as a normal mod, but launch it as basemod so it can be used in main campaign and crucible etc.
*keep in mind no matter which of the three methods you use it still is a changed database so wont work in MP unless your partners have the same changes.

open AM, set it up as instructed in the guide,
when that’s done go click the mod tab, new mod, name your mod, etc

then click the database tab at the bottom

select the database button up top and hit import database

import the gameengine.dbr

op the new record now make the devotion changes you want,

^remember to save the changes by clicking the file button and hitting save in the record window that opened when selecting the engine dbr

now you just hit the build button (while still in your mod page/tab ofc)

voila there is now a new mod waiting for you ingame with XY changes/higher devo cap
whether or not you want to keep using it as real mod/custome mode mod or basemod then depends how you want it (personally think basemod method is awesome)

Please note that the key value “playerDevotionCap,55,” no longer exists in gameengine.dbr version 1.2.

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where was it moved to then?

This key value has been completely removed and no longer exists.

Replaced by Grim Dawn\database\records\creatures\pc\playerlevels.dbr - > maxDevotionPoints,55,

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what? how does that make sense :thinking: - how/where/what governs our limit then, since there has to be one? and if there is one surely it must be modable?

In the second post of this post, I have already given a demonstration.

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that’s the editor not AM tho? aren’t the categories displayed differently there?

Maybe the localized AM I used looks different?

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could be, :thinking: i’ll wait for 1.2 to go live and redo assetmanager setup and see what’s up/what’s changed :+1:

After change maximum devotion level, how to change maximum point can be purchased by tribute point in crucible ? , please help me !