Changing Main Menu Background

I know this feature is already asked before (for example here) but since a new expansion is announced and I can’t reply to old topic because it is too old, I wanted to create a new topic.

I think it would be a very nice addition if we could change main menu background scene/music between basegame and desired expansion. I also think it would be easy to add this feature into the game (hope I am not being arrogant here, I am saying compared to releasing a new expansion).

In the pinned forum topic, Zantai says that they read and consider every topic, so I hope they will reconsider this feature :slight_smile:

Welcome to the forum. :slightly_smiling_face:

This is already being added to the game with the upcoming v1.2 patch which is currently in playtesting.

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That is great, thanks for your fast reply.

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