Chaos should really need a buff

chaos could use some tweaking, but it’s p good tbh. the problem is it’s the only damage type 100% gated behind items. there is actually so little chaos damage in the game :frowning:

3rd expansion with chaos/acid/poison caster class please :slight_smile:

I was REALLY hoping oathkeeper was a chaos class or at least had chaos transmuters on the skills but nope, had to be fire because fire didn’t have enough support apparently.

I think you exaggerate this a bit. What’s the difference between 90% gated behind items and 100%? End game GD is items. ¯_(ツ)_/¯

I don’t really get u guys. Based on my AAR vs FoI thread.

My FoI Purifier -170 RR.

My AAR Mage Hunters got -130 RR.

My FoI Deciever, Mage hunter got -130 RR.

I know for chaos u need special set items, devotions, but stilll i think OP.

I don’t know why lightning is better when the only build in lgihtning is more op is stromreaver eletroduce builds, that more limited to build around. I had some test with ultos, but it is a dead end. Cold and fire more optimized.

No, I mean the fastest clearing build is chaos: chaos Ghol cabalist (afaik competing with Ulzuin purifier). For a long time it was chaos Beastcaller conjurer.

Some ppl might say this is just one build. But most dmg types have just one build in those kinda rankings. Acid, pierce, bleed, aether - all these have only one strictly top-tier build.

Lightning also got Cyclone EoR and different Cyclone combos with Trozan and Alagast. Ludrigan can also be very powerful if built right. Lightning got plenty.

I forgot those. And chaos not? Rahzin, Dark flame, Harbringer?

Btw Harbinger+Rah Zin combo looks interesting.But chaos is still more limited and especially leveling.Still is not as bad as was before FG.

Deciever is improved as class,Juggernaut,doom bolt,new set.

honestly,purifier has no Chaos dmg% passive or buff at all,you can only get the rr but no dmg,still sucks

Deadly aim and Arcane empowerment have “all damage” though

If GD 2 was to ever be released sometime in the future, then get the whole iron lore crew to rejoin since crate and iron lore used to be ONE company that made titan quest. Now they split up…

Sorry for digressing… Yes, chaos sucks. Poison sucks. I tried making a build with the combination of the 2 and it turned out well for the main campaign. But when I went to go fight AoM and FG nemesis bosses, it couldn’t hold up.

You do realise that Iron Lore had around 30-40 people employed when it closed? Medierra said in an interview back in 2013 that it was him and one of the character artists from Iron Lore when Crate started. A couple of months later a programmer (Rhis) joined and he became the second full time guy. So while there is a connection to Iron Lore it’s not that big.

guys, i tried to make a Chaos CT warlock,
looks like it works , leave me some opinion thx :slight_smile:

Those are all good sets but nowhere near Cyclone and Light’s Defender. And chaos doesn’t have casts like Totems, Devils or Box. I generally disagree with heavy chaos rants but it cannot be denied that lightning got way more goodies.

You’re a true superstar of these forums. Keep it up! Aces!

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I have to apply his formula “two wrongs = one right” more often

Bro u did build around that 2? I have nver seen an item that support that 2…

Anyway guys Chaos is decent with some of the gear. I did my AAR FoI topics and most of u saw. True even my electrocute warder out performing, but After my AAR FoI, i have hope chaos not lost.

Further my Deceiver is right now one of the best tank/healer.

This is how good @I_am_ZEUS is! Bleed and Aether damage builds, nothing is impossible for him!

Don’t kill me with this… :sweat_smile::rofl::joy:

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I know what Chaos needs. Chthonian Unraveler as Chaos based permanent Pet scaled pet.

Do u know how many times i faced these beast when no Cruci or Sr was in the game? He was then a killer hero sometimes.


I still remember the first time I ever saw one. Being a Lovecraft fan, it was quite the visual treat.