I, like many people, have a bit of an alt-oholism problem; combined with having several characters specific to playing with friends, I often find myself unable to remember which character did what. Would it be possible to put a “note” section in the character select area, where you can put a short note (100 char or so)? That way we know quickly if this purifier is the melee purifier, or if this character is played with Friend A, not Friend A and Friend B?
Yes, I have written notes about these, but its a bit clunky and honestly I think it’s something that would be very helpful in general just to have a short, player-input section. A quick QoL idea.
Been brought up before. i cant remember who was actually making a mod tool on this idea but havent heard from him since. I would love this myself. Im an altholic as well. I wouldnt say no to being able to put a postem in my bank as well to remind me while in game what this mod im playing does.
One thing I do do is name them according to what im doing with them. Like this one if for the DOM mod “dom name”. and name all my alts for the Dom mod starting with dom so they are all together. Sounds though you already have chars made. hmm might consider renaming them with a tool. Dont remember which ones let you rename your chars.
It will allow you to attach notes etc to your characters - the downside is that this isn’t in-game. Regardless, it can certainly assist with character management.
o yea i remember that. but its an outside tool. i was looking for ingame myself or even just on the char select screen. Also thats from last year I wonder if works still.
wasnt it you pow that was saying something about making something similiar but from the char screen. I know it was talked about.
To my knowledge there is no mods in the works that can do this in-game, and I’m not even sure it is possible with the game’s mod tools (perhaps I’m wrong - someone with much more intimate knowledge of the game’s mod tools would have to weigh-in on this).
I was working on a tool that would make managing characters a bit easier but life got in the way and stalled me out on it. It would also have been 3rd party outside the game.
I’m fairly certain tho that the only way this will ever happen in-game is if Crate does it themselves or if Crate grants much greater access with the mod tools. Either scenario seems unlikely to me.
I might resume it one day if I manage to get enough free time to sit and nerd out and code. Also, I see no reason why Mike’s tool wouldn’t work and continue working. For the most part a tool like that does not need to be updated once made as it isn’t necessarily tied to changes in the game by Crate. The only scenario that would demand it would be if Crate changed aspects of the save files and how they work or how they encrypt them etc.
This is rare for them to do. Generally they only ever did it during early access and for the expansions. So, no reason the tool won’t work and keep on working.
The way my app works is that I PRE-EXTRACT the Grim Dawn items database and build an internal lookup table that becomes part of the EXE file. This is why it can map the equipment so fast when scrolling through the characters.
I have never installed a MOD in all my years of playing Grim Dawn as I have still have that “incurable addiction” to experiment with build combos I have not tried yet.
That aside, I know a lot of people do play with MODS. From what I have gathered from research is that the MODS have their own directories within the game folder. That should be easy enough to pick up the character player files for the MOD, but there is going to be issues with equipment and class name mappings. If the MOD uses the standard Grim Dawn class and equipment names from the standard database then the mappings should work ok. I have seen MODS however where the class names and combo-class name are totally different to Grim Dawn as well as having different equipment names for the tags. The “Diablo 2” mod is a typical example of this.
Due to the fact that I link the standard Grim Dawn database lookup table into my EXE and do not dynamically read it, any MOD would need me to PRE-EXTRACT and include their databases. This is obviously not a viable option as there are countless numbers of mods out there.
However, if all you are wanting from the app is to include MOD characters purely for the purpose of keeping notes and not worried that class names and equipment will just be flagged as MOD or maybe the mod name itself then I am sure I can install some popular MOD and develop the code to accommodate any detected MODS in this fashion. It is not a perfect solution, but is still a lot easier and more convenient than maintaining an Excel spreadsheet?
If there is a demand for including MOD characters with these limitations, then I can knock up a BETA version for someone with lots of mods installed to test and see how it pans out?
I originally wrote this app for my own personal use with the requirement for it to be a single unbloated exe file that was a fast and efficient way for me to keep track of my characters details and progress planning.
Here is a screen dump of what this approach could show for a MOD character. Bear in mind, the word MOD could read “Diablo 2” or “Dawn of Masteries” etc. if that is possible. The other future advanced feature that I can think of at the moment is being able to flag a MOD as using the standard Grim Dawn database and then class names and equipment will be displayed as normal for that MOD in the grids?
I would certainly use this for the notes section. More then once when switching mods ive had to search to remind myself "What does this mod do again?’ If someday & theres enough interest & if you figure it out. One of things I would like is to know is what classes that char is using. Not the name of the combo but the actual classes used to make that char. But I could put that in the notes myself which would work. Keeping my fingers crossed that you can do this.
I should have a bit of free time coming up shortly between projects so I will see if I can knock up a version 2.0.0 beta. I will get the “Dawn of Masteries” mod and see how that adds in my grid. I think that one has a lot of very different classes and equipment that is not referenceable in the standard Grim Dawn database so it should be a nice example to work with.
The actual class and combo names are represented as integer enum lookups from the player file to the Grim Dawn database. I use a short cut for this by using the known matrix mapping for Grim Dawn class and combo names instead of having to extract from yet another section in the database. If a mod has different class and combo names, the descriptions will be mapped from the player file enum id’s to their unique database, so unless they use the standard Grim Dawn class and combo id’s I cannot get those descriptions at this stage.
Do you have a save directory from a mod that you could zip and add here?
I see that to get mods you have to have an account and logon to that Nexus site.
Too much of a rigmarole just to get a mod when all I need is the char dir and files.
If you can help me with a zip, I would also need to know where the mod save dir is located relative to the main save dir.
I dont think it matter what mod you use. In fact you could dl a smaller easier mod for this. The saves for all mods go into one folder. Which is how you can screwup a mod char if you go into the wrong mod.
C:\Users\NAME\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save
Always wanted a way for a warning to alert you if going into the wrong mod. Kinda like torchlight does. Your char doesnt match the mods you are choosing.
this aweosme but what about one better a ingame account wide journal where u can make entries based on each char and name like role play thier back story and build if u want and the jornal will log it and give u a notifaciton on ur chars playstyle when u log in
ill see if i can get a ingame verson of this at the character select screen along with a updated and better version of another mod that tracks damamge and damage types i got so much on my mind i forgot its name.