Chthon gd shares similarities with marvel's... chthon

i was idly browsing marvel wiki, then i found this:

yes. the marvel franchise has chthon too. same name with gd’s chthon (though gd has one apostrophe in the middle, ch’thon that is). and both deriving heavily from cthulhu. both were elder gods descending into darkness. both has dark occult conspiring to summon them into reality. both have affinity with darkness and chaos. both weak to light magic (empyrion’s light, and in marvel’s case: eldritch magic (which are light based, different from gd eldritch’s acid/wild magic based)).

however, both of them have differences to. for example, gd’s chthon has his blood flowing in every mortal beings in cairn, while marvel’s chthon is trapped in another dimension but left his arcane imprints and relics on the real world.
also, gd chthon’s consciousness seems to be fragmented into pieces, making him shrouded in mystery because it is hard to interpret gd chthon’s motives and decisions. while marvel chthon is pretty much in control of himself. what with him possessing multiple mortals several times and being fully aware enough to spout lame quote such as " Weak souls taste lovely" (seriously? an elder god loves to munch on weak souls? while many other soul devourer beings prefer to hunt stronger souls ala dark souls’ chosen undead?).

dunno why i bring this up. maybe i’m just astonished at the name similarities between gd ch’thon and marvel chthon. maybe that’s the reason crate added an apostrophe to gd chthon.

so, have you ever taste the delicacy of weak souls? it doesn’t sound delicious to me. i’ve tasted eye tears, one of the essences of weak souls in most stories. and it taste salty. not delicious at all.

and I bet the name is based off cthulhu… :wink:

this makes me curious with the usage of chthon term itself, and apparently, chthon is a word that is affiliated with cthulhu yet has several depictions:

another funny similarities, but this time with gd’s loghorrean, the mouth of chthon. here’s quake’s chthon:

lulz at the mouthface. maybe he’s related to loggy or ch’thon himself.

“chthon” is an old Greek word, and has nothing to do with chthulu. It pertains to beings that live in the underworld, like Hades.

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Chthonians (/ˈθoʊniənz/ from Greek: chthon , “earth”) are worm-like creatures in the Cthulhu Mythos

The Cthulhu Mythos is a shared fictional universe, originating in the works of American horror writer H. P. Lovecraft. The term was coined by August Derleth, a contemporary correspondent and protégé of Lovecraft, to identify the settings, tropes, and lore that were employed by Lovecraft and his literary successors. The name Cthulhu derives from the central creature in Lovecraft’s seminal short story, “The Call of Cthulhu”, first published in the pulp magazine Weird Tales in 1928

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Chthonic (/ˈθɒnɪk/, UK also /ˈkθɒn-/; from Ancient Greek: χθόνιος, romanized: khthónios [kʰtʰónios], “in, under, or beneath the earth”, from χθών khthōn “earth”)[1] literally means “subterranean”, but the word in English describes deities or spirits of the underworld, especially in Ancient Greek religion. The Greek word khthon is one of several for “earth”; it typically refers to that which is under the earth,[2] rather than the living surface of the land (as Gaia or Ge does), or the land as territory (as khora χώρα does).[3]

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does that mean in gd the chthonians and aetherials are the equivalent of demons and angels then? since the aetherhold and the void seems to be an afterlife realm for cairn mortals. though we do not know how the mortals of cairn are judged in afterlife for their deeds in life. but i do remember ulgrim in necropolis saying “then i pray you have a god that favors you” when the taken asked what happens if they fail to defeat loghorrean.

Probably? Although I’m pretty sure that Big M has drawn the line at such a topic well before angels.

No. I don’t really know where this statement comes from. When you die on Cairn you die in real life seemingly just die, unless you’re bound to your skeleton (Arkovia), resurrected by some philosophical nerds (ODV), are taken in/reincarnated by Mogdrogen to defend the natural world, etc.

At the end of it all, we’re all slaves to Azathoth’s fantasies anyways.

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The use of Chthonic did originate from the greek phrase, and was primarily inspired by Lovercraft.

In loose terms, Aetherials are the angelic beings, the servants of the gods, and Chthonians are demonic.

The only references we’ve made to afterlife involve the veil and piercing it to harness spirits. Humans do not end up in the Aetherhold or the Void unless they done fucked up.


Maybe going too much into it, but this reminds me of a topic I brought up in the Lore Discussion thread about Ryloks. Are all Chthonians servants of Chthon (and if so, being as Chthon is a god, would they not be considered “angels” in that case?), or do some serve the raw notion of Chaos itself?

Wall of Text

Now a chunk of that is a bit inaccurate/invalid nowadays, what with very definitive and concrete definitions of “the void” being a plane of the Dead God’s “physical” form, but Ryloks seem to be described as having their own agendas/aspirations, if operating in parallel with Ch’thon.

I had to consult the lore book for that one (Medierra’s brain) to make sure I remembered it right…

No, a servant of the gods would not be considered an “angel” necessarily. Some humans willingly serve the dying god, for example.

I would describe the behavior of Ryloks as akin to a pecking order. What purpose they exist to fulfill in the grand scheme I’ll leave to you to ponder. :wink:

What are Titans in Grim Dawn compared to other gods and ascendants. Or you going to leave that open for a possible future GD2?

that reminds me of bloodsworn lorenotes that describes a recruit life in the cult. The bloodsworn are made from richest erulan officials to poorest nobodies. so they seems to have many resources to establish strong and attractive territories to draw recruits into their fold.

i can understand bloodsworns that only join the cult for survival or because they’re forced into it (the tomb of watcher’s clarity of valor lore note and the captive bloodsworns in a mourndale void rift are this kind of bloodsworn). yet i wonder why some bloodsworn willingly sacrifice blood and lives so that they can be turned into blood cells that flows in the body of a dying god (sounds entirely unpleasant). this is what i think of their mindset: "YES. THE TRUE GOD WILL BE REBORN. WE WILL RETURN OUR BLOOD TO HIM AND ENJOY FLOWING AROUND IN HIS BODY AS BLOOD CELLS.