It would be nice to have a church for using relics to besides the temple. This church can also reach tier 3 for a use of total 3 relics. And it needs priest to function. Also a nice adition for religion people.
You can name your temple whatever you like.
Well mosques/temples/etc also existed in that era. I’m sure everyone shocked we didn’t add churches would be just as satisfied by the addition of those instead, right?
We’ve intentionally left faith ambiguous in frontier, even if churches are a “staple” of medieval Europe, which is another thing we’ve deliberately left vague. The setting for the game is inspired by certain time periods and places, but it is not set in those places. The player can decide whatever suits them.
I’m not sure what …
This is why we have a Spirituality system rather than a Christian, Islamic, etc, one.
Alright, thx for the answer.