My understanding is that the mechanism of grim dawn follows a Canninkin law, to get through the gladiator 170 or any other sorts of difficulty, one has to make sure the offensive abilities and defensive abilities are over the basic bar. Lack of offense abilities will first kill your chance to get X10, obviously, and further increase your chance to fall in the field as your time to fight gets longer, which in turn set a higher bar to your defensive/survival abilities.
The differences between two communities is natural actually, when we hit the minimum bar of solo gladiator 170 or even EX170 (sorry devs, the rule of game is you create and we gamers always fight for the best performance lol), we go for different directions, for better chance and easier to get through, or for quicker hits.
Hey yeah. I just glanced over the builds and didn’t even notice this. Gargabol’s Ring and his gun aren’t obtainable(but they do exist in the db i assume)
If someone got the wrong idea by one of my build’s title then I’d like to clarify that the build doesn’t use any Gargabol item it just uses the name cause it sounds cool
I tried substituting the gargabol ring in gt with a stalwart preserver ring of nature’s bounty and still ended up with 5.8k DA. Still doable without unobtainable items :D. The one posted is just the most optimal one for the build creator.
Good catch Ceno, I had a look into the video, the G’s Ring is replaced, the attached pic is extracted from video 38:16 precisely.
Translation:He did not know the G ring is not obtainable when originally forged this BD through grimtool, only came to find out the issue when proceeded with real game and later replaced with a magic ring obtained from the merchants, it is an honest mistake that he forgot to change it and re-forge another grimtool link with this update.:rolleyes:
When the builder used the Calc to simulation he didn’t know that.When he found out in the game,then just used yellow ring in the shop instead of Gargabol’s Ring .But he forgot to fix the simulation.He will fix it when he get up.
So with much high DA mobs will miss often and suffer the PTH mechanic
“If your PTH is lower than 70, any attacks that land will do reduced damage.”
When most in this 4rum thinks of stacking Res and HP, Chinese dudes makes godly DA builds. Brainwashing now :P.
My spellbinder can do 13-17 mins, but not facetank that hard. I will try this DA method with my caster spellbreaker.
Actually we thought about permanent circuit breakers and DOT while the Chinese guys just stacked more defensive stats.
The purpose is pretty much the same though: so we wouldn’t have to actually take any damage. That says something about the new waves eh :mad:
True. We wanted to maintain offensive stats while taking very limited damage and circuit breakers are the best way to do those. The 4 tier 3 devotion setup in shield builds and the inclusion of hourglass in offhand casters are the result. The Chinese went “the best offense is a good defense” and these builds sacrificed % modifiers (warder and purifier) or +skills (commando) to be able to facetank most, if not all content and still have similar clear times to our builds.
Will definitely try that building principle and see how it goes.
I am very suprised the dagallon build can survive like that. The Da is impressive but no armor abosrb, no low resist. LLittle res overcap. I made one with 26/26 mortar trap , lvl 22 word of pain and tanky and still find it hard.
One issue for me is that I can’t kite well with word of pain and mortar trap due to enourmous lag
True. ABCbarbecue did say that the build needs a bit of experience from the user though so the creator should have tested it a lot before having confidence to share it.
Maybe, but it fits my concept of fun in this game which is trying out a lot of things. Also, this DA worship seems ridiculous to us but to the guys who made these builds, it seems perfectly normal, so they might disagree with you.
Edit: about DA, I just finished testing the 2h terminator purifier in glad right now and will update. Wave 160, Reaper+ kuba under berserk mutator (kiting ftw) and wave 170 2x Alex
3550 DA + BWC lvl12 + Perrless eye + Seal of annihilation OA debuff under a lvl 16 Seal did the job very well. So I don’t know if going way over 4K DA is always the answer
Thank you. I’ve verified this one with new update of the simulation link. In his video he didn’t actually use G ring since as you pointed out not acquirable in actual game which he was aware later on.
It isn’t
I’ve gone near 4k DA pre-expac and while it was great but other forms of defense like damage absorption, fumble and heals suited my playstyle much more.
At the end of the day it depends on playstyles imo
I like how everyone’s efforts on this forum get ignored so easily
Different communities, different playstyles and different build principles. In the end both are good, go with whatever suits your playstyle. I won’t claim one is better than the other cause it’s not
I died
Seriously man, you need to upgrade. Can’t pump out good builds with that heavy lag. Especially with new waves it’s horrendous even on my PC
In case you missed it ABC, Gargabol’s ring will be obtainable in upcoming patch. From a monster named Galgabor, Heart of the Wild. The same monster will drop another MI called Corruption of Galgabor