Color coding temporary transfered workers

When you have set minimum and maximum production for workers within some production facilities, when these goals are met, they become general workers. Out of the 43 available workers in the picture below, 18 are saw mill workers that has reached their production targets. But when you look at the professions form, it isn’t easy to spot which professions are not used at all and what are temporarely working as general workers, as this is not indicated. Since it is a vital part of the game to constantly keep track of the available number of workers, it would make life easier to indicate that some workers are in fact temporary and from where these originate.
A suggestion could therefore be to, in this example, colorcode the line that says 'sawmill workers’in a light blue color (or other color) and instead of the number being ‘0/0’ it could say ‘0/18’ also in the same color coding. This would make it far easier to spot if there are workers available to alocate or if the workser are infact already alocated.

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