ComboMod Testversion

Something is near to release… ;D


  • CHANGE: Diabolic D3 Bosses in the SR + Omega Nemesis Bosses + Treasure Guardians → all these new endgame monsters + mechanics + gearitems will meet the player at CHARACTERLEVEL 80! some do require to be AT LEAST on elite difficulty!
  • CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses + Treasure Guardian UNIQUE gearitems → alot of them, not all, have been revamped and optimized for their level;
  • NEW: integrated mod → “Weapons cosmetic (Diablo Immortal) - #2 by ashbrain” by okami29;
  • NEW: Ultimate Treasure Guardian is now Bahamut, a big dark Dragon that haunts you with fire! → adjusted skills, has a debuff like Diablo Phase 2, it turns OFF your LIGHTS! this is also to prevent the immense shine on the Magma Balls due the adjusted GLOBAL LIGHTRADIUS → if similar problems are persistent, this needs to be adressed further!!! PAY ATTENTION TO THIS! Magma Balls now really will hurt, therefor they move a bit slower, PAY ATTENTION OR YOU ARE DEAD! XD
  • NEW: added the previous Ultimate Treasure Guardian Tyrael as Diabolic Boss “Dark Tyrael - The Shadow of the Horadrim” to the Shattered Realm Diabolic Boss Team → this “new” boss has a debuff to turn your world DARK, like Diablo Phase 2 or the UTG Bahamut! → lightning + chaos themed boss with heavy stun and lightningattacks + a shadowskull nova;
  • NEW: added boss “Envy - The Covetous Queen” to Diabolic Bosses in the Shattered Realm → adjusted as usual, added UNIQUE loot → “The Hungerer of Envy” → 1hGun, acid + poison + chaos themed;
  • CHANGE: also revamped alot, NOT all, of the already given and new Treasure gearitems to be more viable for endgame, also to improve and increase builddiversity even further;
  • NEW: added all new items and monsters to Crazy Mike to test them out and improve them further, as usual;
  • NEW: ComboMod Minipets now have 2 tiers, the already given has T1, and the new ones, ALL available D3 bosses as minipets, have T2 → adjusted all monsters accordingly → some new buffeffectauras are available to check out and to give a bit of variety to this mechanical pillar; the new minipets can be looted from D3 bosses ONLY! something to hunt for again :wink: T2 minipets are NOT soulbound and can be shared via the Stash, this will make your alts pretty happy! → INTERNALLY RESTRUCTURED, SO T1 MINIPETS HAVE TO BE REAQUIRED (Devils Crossing factionvendor on friendly status or from the mobile stylevendor as usual); furthermore ALL minipets have a new adjusted controller for their AI for a better minipetlike behaviour; → SPECIAL THANKS goes out to okami29 for showing me how to get rid of unwanted effects on those meshes! :wink:
  • CHANGE: Hero Archetype Supporter → has been granted another addonskill to spread the walls even more, this time it is a DEFENSIVE LINE that is spawned in “Z”-form against the player and also reduces the players totalresistance and totaldamage while near, furthermore the decrease goes up from 25% to 45%, so standing near those SUPPORTIVE WALLS is not a good idea anymore ;D furthermore, unfortunatly, i can’t make it work for some reasons, that enemies CAN pass and players DONT, so this is a GFN, a bit harder for melee chars no doubt :smiley: but get a movement rune and you will be fine for most encounters! :smiley:

A bit of cleaning up and a last checkupturn and it shall be available in a while :slight_smile:

Happy hunting!