Something is near to release… ;D
- CHANGE: Diabolic D3 Bosses in the SR + Omega Nemesis Bosses + Treasure Guardians → all these new endgame monsters + mechanics + gearitems will meet the player at CHARACTERLEVEL 80! some do require to be AT LEAST on elite difficulty!
- CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses + Treasure Guardian UNIQUE gearitems → alot of them, not all, have been revamped and optimized for their level;
################################################################################ - NEW: integrated mod → “Weapons cosmetic (Diablo Immortal) - #2 by ashbrain” by okami29;
- NEW: Ultimate Treasure Guardian is now Bahamut, a big dark Dragon that haunts you with fire! → adjusted skills, has a debuff like Diablo Phase 2, it turns OFF your LIGHTS! this is also to prevent the immense shine on the Magma Balls due the adjusted GLOBAL LIGHTRADIUS → if similar problems are persistent, this needs to be adressed further!!! PAY ATTENTION TO THIS! Magma Balls now really will hurt, therefor they move a bit slower, PAY ATTENTION OR YOU ARE DEAD! XD
- NEW: added the previous Ultimate Treasure Guardian Tyrael as Diabolic Boss “Dark Tyrael - The Shadow of the Horadrim” to the Shattered Realm Diabolic Boss Team → this “new” boss has a debuff to turn your world DARK, like Diablo Phase 2 or the UTG Bahamut! → lightning + chaos themed boss with heavy stun and lightningattacks + a shadowskull nova;
- NEW: added boss “Envy - The Covetous Queen” to Diabolic Bosses in the Shattered Realm → adjusted as usual, added UNIQUE loot → “The Hungerer of Envy” → 1hGun, acid + poison + chaos themed;
- CHANGE: also revamped alot, NOT all, of the already given and new Treasure gearitems to be more viable for endgame, also to improve and increase builddiversity even further;
- NEW: added all new items and monsters to Crazy Mike to test them out and improve them further, as usual;
################################################################################ - NEW: ComboMod Minipets now have 2 tiers, the already given has T1, and the new ones, ALL available D3 bosses as minipets, have T2 → adjusted all monsters accordingly → some new buffeffectauras are available to check out and to give a bit of variety to this mechanical pillar; the new minipets can be looted from D3 bosses ONLY! something to hunt for again T2 minipets are NOT soulbound and can be shared via the Stash, this will make your alts pretty happy! → INTERNALLY RESTRUCTURED, SO T1 MINIPETS HAVE TO BE REAQUIRED (Devils Crossing factionvendor on friendly status or from the mobile stylevendor as usual); furthermore ALL minipets have a new adjusted controller for their AI for a better minipetlike behaviour; → SPECIAL THANKS goes out to okami29 for showing me how to get rid of unwanted effects on those meshes!
################################################################################ - CHANGE: Hero Archetype Supporter → has been granted another addonskill to spread the walls even more, this time it is a DEFENSIVE LINE that is spawned in “Z”-form against the player and also reduces the players totalresistance and totaldamage while near, furthermore the decrease goes up from 25% to 45%, so standing near those SUPPORTIVE WALLS is not a good idea anymore ;D furthermore, unfortunatly, i can’t make it work for some reasons, that enemies CAN pass and players DONT, so this is a GFN, a bit harder for melee chars no doubt but get a movement rune and you will be fine for most encounters!
A bit of cleaning up and a last checkupturn and it shall be available in a while
Happy hunting!