is this Pet have damage like normal summone pet ? or just a decoration
like T1 but with increased and new statbuffs for example, Adria is for will increase leechresistances.
210 should be max ;D
haha great, looks like pain ;D preparing next update atm, maybe i get it done till today in the evening, “just” itemization stuff left for now the 3 new bosses look pretty good i would say, big THX at this point again to Okami for creating these and for showing me how to get rid of unwanted stuff on them for getting them correctly settup as minipets
Have a SUNNY day!
Something is near to release… ;D
- CHANGE: Diabolic D3 Bosses in the SR + Omega Nemesis Bosses + Treasure Guardians → all these new endgame monsters + mechanics + gearitems will meet the player at CHARACTERLEVEL 80! some do require to be AT LEAST on elite difficulty!
- CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses + Treasure Guardian UNIQUE gearitems → alot of them, not all, have been revamped and optimized for their level;
################################################################################ - NEW: integrated mod → “Weapons cosmetic (Diablo Immortal) - #2 by ashbrain” by okami29;
- NEW: Ultimate Treasure Guardian is now Bahamut, a big dark Dragon that haunts you with fire! → adjusted skills, has a debuff like Diablo Phase 2, it turns OFF your LIGHTS! this is also to prevent the immense shine on the Magma Balls due the adjusted GLOBAL LIGHTRADIUS → if similar problems are persistent, this needs to be adressed further!!! PAY ATTENTION TO THIS! Magma Balls now really will hurt, therefor they move a bit slower, PAY ATTENTION OR YOU ARE DEAD! XD
- NEW: added the previous Ultimate Treasure Guardian Tyrael as Diabolic Boss “Dark Tyrael - The Shadow of the Horadrim” to the Shattered Realm Diabolic Boss Team → this “new” boss has a debuff to turn your world DARK, like Diablo Phase 2 or the UTG Bahamut! → lightning + chaos themed boss with heavy stun and lightningattacks + a shadowskull nova;
- NEW: added boss “Envy - The Covetous Queen” to Diabolic Bosses in the Shattered Realm → adjusted as usual, added UNIQUE loot → “The Hungerer of Envy” → 1hGun, acid + poison + chaos themed;
- CHANGE: also revamped alot, NOT all, of the already given and new Treasure gearitems to be more viable for endgame, also to improve and increase builddiversity even further;
- NEW: added all new items and monsters to Crazy Mike to test them out and improve them further, as usual;
################################################################################ - NEW: ComboMod Minipets now have 2 tiers, the already given has T1, and the new ones, ALL available D3 bosses as minipets, have T2 → adjusted all monsters accordingly → some new buffeffectauras are available to check out and to give a bit of variety to this mechanical pillar; the new minipets can be looted from D3 bosses ONLY! something to hunt for again T2 minipets are NOT soulbound and can be shared via the Stash, this will make your alts pretty happy! → INTERNALLY RESTRUCTURED, SO T1 MINIPETS HAVE TO BE REAQUIRED (Devils Crossing factionvendor on friendly status or from the mobile stylevendor as usual); furthermore ALL minipets have a new adjusted controller for their AI for a better minipetlike behaviour; → SPECIAL THANKS goes out to okami29 for showing me how to get rid of unwanted effects on those meshes!
################################################################################ - CHANGE: Hero Archetype Supporter → has been granted another addonskill to spread the walls even more, this time it is a DEFENSIVE LINE that is spawned in “Z”-form against the player and also reduces the players totalresistance and totaldamage while near, furthermore the decrease goes up from 25% to 45%, so standing near those SUPPORTIVE WALLS is not a good idea anymore ;D furthermore, unfortunatly, i can’t make it work for some reasons, that enemies CAN pass and players DONT, so this is a GFN, a bit harder for melee chars no doubt but get a movement rune and you will be fine for most encounters!
A bit of cleaning up and a last checkupturn and it shall be available in a while
Happy hunting!
Howdy hunters
Quick insight on all revamped and overhauled Lost Treasure Unique gearitems and components, inclusive a new skillgem T1 (Frozen Orb), usable with charlevel 20, yes you can put it into Shared Stash for new characters to have it available also for leveling, because its mainattackskills are scaling to charlevel, hopefully not too op in the end, but will be adjusted then accordingly if that is the case. The “older” components for PoE Bladevortex skills are now T2 and still are only usable with charlevel 80+ to make this clear. because a casted skill directly from a component does not seem to scale to level, only addonskills from spawned pets can do it by having them on a playerscaled pet, atleast if i am wrong, as usual, let me know. → Grim Dawn 2023 05 17 22 02 - YouTube
Furthermore i had planned to add basegame classes to Hellfire amulets as seen above, this idea has been removed because those classes shall stick to their conduits, which can even be shattered further, so there is no need to do this for the basegame classes. Also will wait for Grimers update on those amulets to get even more modifier choices
The next update will most likely be availabe somewhere this weekend.
Small and funny update incoming xD
- CHANGE + NEW + FIX: Lost Treasures → revamped all given unique gearitems to be more usefull (hopefully) for endgame, all gearitems in this cluster now also have a levelrequirement of 80, new modifiers and some skillaugments added and foremost balanced their overall statvalues further for endgame;
- FIX: reverted the change to the “Blade of Exile” MSH that i did with MESHVIEWER! → IF you had the sword equipped it was simply invisible → it seems that it destroyed the MSH with that tool from TitanQuest, unfortunatly
- NEW + INTEST: “Frozen Orb” as new Exiled Skillgem, but Tier 1! → it is working but clearly NOT what i was aiming for initially, unfortunatly, BUT i think this CAN work “somehow”, SO MANY more possible value setups that we can try here, AND in the end i think this WOULD be way easier when creating a custom ANM + MSH, but well… at least it is something to play with and looks cool i think ;D → furthermore the Exiled Skillgems are now divided into Tier 1 (-> levelreq. 20, NOT soulbound and can be used for levelingphase on alternative chars aswell to test out the scalingoption of this new skill) + Tier 2 (-> levelreq. 80, SOULBOUND and ONLY for endgame!); → obtaining Exiled Skillgems is still available as a lootreward from all Treasure Guardians on Elite+;
- CHANGE: SR Diabolic Boss Diablo, Phase 2 → changed his vanish effect to be different from Leorics attack effect, that was simply looking bad and confusing; furthermore his “watching skill” in phase 2 has been INcreased in defensive power and duration to extend this phase a BIT! in addition the amount of health healed from his autocasted healbuff while in his “watchmodus” is increased aswell a BIT!
- FIX: SR Diabolic Boss Butcher → fixed specialAnimationRef for his chainpost addonspawn;
Happy testing and maybe a way to get it right can be found at some point, already have a few more things that i will test in a while but have to take a break for a few day as i REALLY would love to checkout the new season
Updateprocess for the D3 Classes Mod has started, also have a big chunk of other changes to add, greatly enjoyed the league so far, especially the new areas, final boss on ultimate is indeed pretty hefty LOL haha not really a racer so i think i can further focus on modding now estimated time of arrival for the next patch should be at least 1-2 weeks do not worry and keep informing me about any bugs or issues.
update process for the official patch might take a bit longer now because i can’t see errors anymore in the gamelog due to the incompatibility to Grim Internals
IF anyone knows another way to enable it, please tell me
A bit of a “decheat”-update is about to go live in a few moments, loading up
- NEW & OPTIONAL: IF you want to have a WAY bigger pool for loadingscreens then only THREE (LOL :D) i HIGHLY suggest to download this AMAZING tool → [Tool] Loadscreen Switcher → you simply start it BEFORE you load the game, the setup is pretty much self-explanatory, you choose the folder with various pictures you wish to have as loadingscreens, then you check the “randomize” box (i have set the swaptime to 12 seconds) and you are good to go, now you have ALOT more loadingscreens to choose from, any you wish, i added a small package with those i do use at this moment, take a look if you like, simply unzip the file “” to destination of your desire and choose it in the amazing LOADSCREEN SWITCHER.
- NEW & OPTIONAL: a new “Font” can be used IF you like to have a better suited text in your game, all a personal choice, this is the one i am using, pulled from this forumthread → [English font] GD clear fonts + london gothic fonts OR normal clean fonts versions → i included the file “fonts.arc”, which you simply have to copy to this destination → "…\steamapps\common\Grim Dawn\resources" and replace the original one. make a BACKUP of the original one BEFORE you do this and copy it to a SAFE place, if you do not like → simply revert it to the original file. IF a patch hits the game, you have to repeat this process as the original “fonts.arc” will be overwritten in the updateprocess. Alot more options for changing the text can be found in the mentioned forumthread.
CHANGE: IF you still use GD Internals you will notice that the timecycle has been reverted to normal, to get a bit of sun back to our lifes nights are still “darker” and you should still not forget your Wisps to enlighten your surroundings - NEW & OPTIONAL: GD Item Assistant can be used and is highly recommended → do not forget to parse the mod database and run it before you launch the game!
################################################################################ - CHANGE: updated to basegame version;
- CHANGE: basegame affixes → updated these in combination with cleaning up the integrated ones from the D3 Classes Mod, especially the tags…;D
################################################################################ - CHANGE + FIX + NEW: updated the D3 Classes Mod by Grimer to the newest version, versionnumber unknown ;D
- NEW: itemset → Chantodo’s Resolve → created from the old Chantodo scepter and the new Chantodo offhand → new itemskill + new modifiers created, items and set adjusted accordingly; also created a RORG for this itemset; added to all needed spots as usual;
- CHANGE: Hellfire Amulets → affixes → prefix has a skillmodifier and skillaugmentation +2, the suffix has a skillmodifier, skillaugmentation +3 and a (partially new) D3 itemskill; every D3 class now has 13 exclusive Hellfire skillmodifiers, adjusted and synergized old and new ones from the mod with additions from myself as usual; prefixes and suffixes adjusted accordingly; prefixtables + suffixtables adjusted accordingly; adjusted affixoutput → Hellfire Amulets will always roll a prefix, never a suffix alone, and have a very small chance to roll both prefix + suffix now to make them only really powerfull when rolled with doubleaffix; removed totalspeed + RCR + CDR from the amulet itself and shifted those values to the SUFFIX to make that one more powerfull IF granted! reduced RCR + CDR to 8%; also reduced MaxAllResist from 8 to 4 on the amulet itself and shifted +4% to the SUFFIX; the suffix has also been granted with a totaldamage modifier of +100%; all new Hellfire Suffixes are shown with a picture in ComboModNOTES, this includes all new skillmodifiers + itemskills with their descriptions;
- CHANGE: REMOVED from tags → “{^n}{^n}{^b}Unique: {^o}There is no Kanai’s Relic available for this item.” → too confusing in my oppinion as there is also no tag for basegame items that have a relic available, maybe a tag for those items that HAVE one will be added lateron;
- NEW: added the D3 Classes Mod loadingscreens as option to have available via the Loadscreen Switcher; → added to the ADDITIONAL package!
- CHANGE: D3 class Witchdoctor → skill “Haunt” can now be used from a greater distance and character is moving into castrange, it also can cast onto terrain (point) to make life easier with targeting mobgroups;
- CHANGE: D3 class Witchdoctor → skill “Firewall” is now a TargetedSpawn with a cooldown and can be augmented further with the according Hellfire Amulet
- CHANGE: D3 item → ring “Halo of Arlye” → changed the itemskill to be usable while moving, a bit more damage, less cooldown, triggers when hit by a critical hit and damage absorb reduced to 10%;
- CHANGE: D3 class Wizard → changed the targetFX on “Ray of Frost” to a one that is a bit less heavy on the eye over time and will you let see what is happening again ;D
- CHANGE: D3 class Wizard → skill “Hydra” → adjusted deathparameters to despawn correctly, also added a small cooldown of 1 sec to it;
################################################################################ - NEW: all riftgate portals have a new effect;
- CHANGE: Dismantling → removed endgamecomponents (“Seals” foremost!), lowered chance to obtain Mysterious Ore, added Blood Shards as counteritem and added D3 Gems;
- CHANGE: increased prices for stash tabs and transfer stash tabs BACK to according basegame values;
- CHANGE: global lootoutput → increased weight of Blood Shards → this should have the effect that way less epic + legendary gearitems are dropping at generic places → looks promising but needs to be checked further!
################################################################################ - CHANGE: ComboMod FG Starterbuff → this unique starterbuff for new characters is now available ONLY at playerlevel 10 and BELOW on normal/veteran, level 11 and beyond (and also still Elite+ no matter the level!) has NOT the chance to obtain it anymore to avoid cheating too much, so you MUST make a DECISION! furthermore the starterbuff is now correctly tagged that it has a duration of 1 hour, in addition the overall power of this buff has been DECREASED to make it less cheaty again → also as a “tutorialbuff” it was simply too OP i must admit;
- CHANGE + NEW: Rook the Gatekeeper in Devils Crossing now is able to grant a XP Buff (300% for 1 hour) up to characterlevel 10 on normal/veteran difficulty for a better start, IF people like to have this, also a bit of lore packed into this conversation, buff can be granted as apology for nearly hanging the maincharacter
################################################################################ - BIG CHANGE: Portable Exchange Blacksmiths will NO longer give you gearitems for currency only, now it works like a REROLL mechanic, you will NEED the gearitem you want to exchange and then you can reroll it as often as you want and your currency lasts, the blacksmith bonus will still randomly be added and prices have been adjusted accordingly → this will “decheat” this mechanic by a drastically amount ;D in addition, all previous removed gearitems, except for Badge of Mastery, have been readded, so yes you can also reroll the Ravager gear then → TODO OVER TIME: price adjustments for Basegame Exchange Blacksmith (-> as i have not filtered out Empowered + Mythical ones completly, yet xD);
- CHANGE: Portable Caravaner → price adjustment for crafting this Portable NPC → ironcost increased from 10k to 500k, Blood Shards needed increased from 10 to 50, Combo Orbs needed increased from 1 to 5; itemlevel and levelreq has been changed from level 1 to level 25! → as it is simply a VERY BIG boost in quality of life, this item should be earned and not granted for “free” right from the start!
- CHANGE: Exotic Summon Stone → Hoarding Harry → refreshtime of his vendortable has been increased to an absurd high value to simply make it less cheaty! furthermore REMOVED Aether Crystals + Dynamite + crafted potions and lowered chance for rare components from this vendor for the same reason;
################################################################################ - CHANGE: Omega Immortals factionvendors → removed Aether Clusters + Aether Crystals + Dynamite + Skeleton Key + various endgame components;
################################################################################ - CHANGE: Immortal Mercs → various optimizations to all Immortal Mercs, mostly behind the scenes parameters, cleaned up aswell MOST of unneeded values, REMOVED soulbound from IM T1 + T2 enchantments;
- CHANGE + FIX: Immortal Mercs → PETBASED Immortal Mercs should now correctly scale with pet bonuses… also fixed the tags for this;
- CHANGE: Immortal Mercs T1 → decreased uptime from 120 to 90 seconds! increased cooldown from 150 to 180 seconds! simply to give more unique feeling to them as a powerskill for really heavy encounters and situations, like T2 and T3;
- CHANGE: Immortal Mercs T3 → added to miscloot of the according ONB!
################################################################################ - NEW: created OP Testing Belt for obvious reasons → added to Crazy Mike as usual;
Have a good time!
I have a few great news for the next update already which i want to share
Finally i was able to solve a bug that was triggering me for over 2 years now → some enemies spawned by the amazing Grimmest script simply felt below the terrain, no idea what it was causing for a long time xD had an idea what it “might” could be but as i was trying to adjust the grimmest spawntable, i simply broke it, due to ignorance ;D anyways, now i got it right! finally was able to adjust this script correctly, at least it seems like xDD → finally could correctly deactivate those enemies that were still linked from DoM WITHOUT destroying the structure of this wonderful script! it was simple: while knowing in the meantime that a script SHOULD contain - - for deactivating lines, this has correctly been done now as i can see the structureclusters in that script now with NP++, it seems it was deactivated previously that it is showing up, and THIS was the cause why i did DESTROY the script previously when trying to adjust this as it simply destroyed the needed structure for the single spawnclusters! haha → TO THE BUG THAT IS SOLVED → according to these adjustments i found out that some additional herospawns that are in this table are simply AMBUSH-SPAWNS which WILL fall underneath the terrain if spawned this way (the only value in the monsterdatabase that is changed to seperate an AMBUSH from a normal spawn is simply the value “startVisible” which has to be set to FALSE for an AMBUSH! that was the simple cause for enemies falling into the cellar underneath Cairn xD so simple, holy IF it was already mentioned SOMEwhere else, forget what i just said haha
Furthermore a big change is coming in preparation for the integration of the league content → our beloved faction → The Stylerz, an invisible faction that granted various styleitems via the Portable Stylemerchant for a while, was closed due to a lack of members xD nah, simple cause is that we need (at least) 1 more seat for factions from the seasonal content, soo the Stylers HAD to vanish ;D do NOT worry at all, all those items from this vendor have been shifted around, further details will arrive with the patchnotes Furthermore the NPC itself has been moved from the blacksmith as craftable vendor for your needs to a place where he got transformed by the Omega Immortals into a NEW Summon Stone, scattered all around Cairn, mostly found at Monstertotems i was told ;D
Alot people might also be happy about further BALANCE + spawnsetting adjustments to ALL Hero Archetypes, as alot of things here were STILL pretty “gross” and partially not well playable, really not an easy task as you might expect as the variation of combination they can appear + the build you play + the mood you have at this point + + +, it is alot to take into consideration to have a thin line which is suitable for the majority. in the state it is at right now with those enemies is NOT suitable at all, i am sorry for this ;D
Furthermore, tiny addition, the added decal to the all global riftgates will be changed again due to too much pixelation of it xD
A patch will arrive in a few days, i guess at the start of the weekend.
EDIT1: oh yeah, almost forgot, we will be able to see EVERY enemie on our hud radar with the upcoming patch, this has the additional effect that we will not run around like confused rabbits anymore, sometimes while trying to find our last few mobpacks, if the counter did NOT reached the peak to show remaining ones ;D
unfortunatly other enemies still occupy that place down in the cellar BUT it must be something in the proxy/the scriptcommand that is linked to it. not sure exactly but on removing the proxy for that spawnarea the mobs stopped going downstairs xD strange but will check further lateron to finally get rid of this at first i thought it was simply the mobs and deactivated one by one in the spawntable haha,…
will check not had any crashes for a long time xD testing alot chars atm and Hero Archetypes, but will do. is it repeatable for you?
some time will black screen, just let u know, small problem for me. so wait for ur next update.
BTW, I think u should give back -fire% or light res for T1 pet, u already reduce 30s for it . also buff some vanilla build like briarthon skill increase to 2 limit or if increas some item for vanilla build.
now everythink is good for D3 build. but vanilla very weak.
4 chars, 3 runs per char, GDM additional heros/bosses level 1 active, encountered 1 ONB xD → no crash on my end, pretty smooth also after archetype adjustments even on GDM level 1 now, it seems ;D
they still have this on T2, on their according pet for fire or lightning ;D i think for T1 it’s just a bit too strong and not that really needed, but will think about it
yes i notice this too from time to time ;D next thing that might boost vanilla classes further is pretty much the gain of Exotics aswell, as the side of the Gambling mechanic has not been reworked for this atm i would say you can still make them pretty powerfull nonetheless, via the Shattering mechanic, just did this on a pure vanilla char that i took from the big archive from nexus and this is indeed a big phat buff ;D but yes, on the road to this, there is pretty much a lack of power according to the D3 classes, most of the time. we will see next update will arrive at saturday i think, just testing atm and it looks already pretty fine
Update incoming, get ready to see some more stars on your radar xD
- BIG CHANGE: Stylerz faction (was invisible) REMOVED as preparation for the integration of the League content!(optimistic talk xD) → reworked the Stylerz Merchant NPC → he has a new name and has his origin now in the Omega Immortals faction, will NO longer grant the style items and has transformed into “Exotic Summon Stone II” (Hoarding Harry is now “Exotic Summon Stone I”) and has the ability to sell EPIC gearitems (also D3, via RANDOM01 levetables!) accordingly → can ONLY drop from monstertotems on any difficulty at a lowered chance and should be pretty rare, can be used with playerlevel 15 and beyond, is NOT soulbound and can NOT be crafted anymore! MOVED the hairstyles to all GDX2 factionvendors on friendly status, MOVED the weaponstyles (except for the 4 more unique ones) to the Devils Crossing factionvendor on friendly status; REMOVED styleweapons as reward from the Eldritch Trial QUEST, now you will only get the rewardwings! MOVED the 4 “unique” styleweapons to LOST TREASURES + OMEGA, added them as “endgame” weapons with usual adjustments and some goodies MOVED the REWARDSWINGS INTERNALLY ONLY, so they will have to be reaquired! also the WEAPONSTYLES and HAIRSTYLES have to be reaquired as they have moved internally aswell!I am very sorry for this ;D BUT, do not worry, the prices for reaquiring them is not that high
- FIX: some NPCs + Portable NPC’s were still missing adjusted NPCGEAR, which has been fixed to avoid conflicts due to crosslinking as usual; some NPCs also missed to have exclusive styleauras which has been fixed aswell;
- NEW: Crazy Mike → new functions to grant the new Summon Stones, also has been granted with a new icon on the hotbar
- NEW: Crazy Mike → function: Summon PROXY to test various Archetype combinations… (ADJUSTABLE VIA CONVERSATION!) → also created a new proxy + pool to test out various combinations! this goes hand in hand with the investigation of “not spawning in open world”
- CHANGE + NEW + FIX: various balance + spawnsetting adjustments to ALL Hero Archetype Extraspawns to make life a bit more “fair” overall and the screen a bit less cluttery when encountering various combinations of them → ALOT of stuff has been changed here, i hope for the good ;D for all details please check the PDF in the according section small issue persists but is in investigation → some generators SOMETIMES simply do not spawn in the “open world”, while still working when spawned with Crazy Mike… and i do NOT know why tbh! IF this happens i can add the generator specificly to the monsters database initial skillslot IF it is free! this solves it, at least partially, done this for a few listed monsters already, which is working, BUT not the endgoal how i want this to work i have an idea going around to revamp the inital skill to a petspawner like Diablo does in Phase 2, but we will see where it is leading me xD
- BIG CHANGE: added a new MAPNUGGET to ALL common/champion enemies, except for summons and some static spawners → this will have a nice effect not only for the campaign, it also will let us finally see those mobs in the Shattered Realm aswell which is a big help when searching for a few mobs IF the timer has not reached its peak to show the remaining ones → thanks goes out to Adesani from the Nexus for giving me the input to finally do it
- CHANGE + FIX: Riftgate ambient decal reverted to one that is less pixelated
- CHANGE: basegameclass Oathkeeper → skill “Aegis of Menhir”: changed distanceProfile from “Long” to “Maximum”;
- CHANGE: further increased amount of Blood Shards dropping (MASTERTABLES Random01+02!) → LESS random epic + legendary gearitems, MORE Blood Shards dropping at according generic places;
- CHANGE + FIX + NEW: further balancing of MINOR gearitems → NO more skillmodifiers and NO more itemskills on these low items except for LOWLEGENDS, those CAN have a LOW itemskill added! skillaugments will always be +1, except for LOWLEGENDS, here +2 can be found! petbonus downgraded aswell! DONE all basegame gearitems EXCEPT WEAPONS (only quick flythrough on them!), these will be done for NEXT UPDATE! also the rest of D3 MINOR items will be done for next update!
- CHANGE: Portable Exchange + Minor Exchange + Shattering NPCs → prices FINALLY adjusted and equalized → detailed infos in the according PDF section;
- CHANGE: prices for XP Potion Malmouth + Devils Crossing INCREASED!
- CHANGE: adjusted prices for craftable food items, for detailed infos see the according section in the PDF;
- CHANGE + FIX: Basegame Exchange → REMOVED Conduits from this reroll mechanic as they have their OWN AFFIXES and those would be destroyed in the process of rerolling them! → can still be further SHATTERED at the Shattering Blacksmith I, which was a bit buggy and outdated and has been fixed! → can now roll FOREMOST their according class-specific PREFIXES, and not all of them anymore, sorry for this…xD in addition, with a lowered chance it can also roll the Shattered Affixes amuletaffixes → else it would be TOO boring ;D furthermore decreased value for “increased MaxRes” on their SUFFIXES from 5 to 3! they still can also roll various random amuletSUFFIXES with a higher chance of getting their “upgraded” basegame SUFFIX! prices for upgrading the Conduits has also been changed, added specific informations to the according section in the PDF; Conduit-exclusive SUFFIXES will no longer grant a second skillmodifier BUT another skillaugment of +1 to ALL skills!
- CHANGE + FIX: Shattering Blacksmith (Basegame) → Badge of Mastery Medal has now a chance to get CORRUPTED aswell ;D
- FIX: Immortal Mercs: decreased attackpower of T1 Merc “Stonyco”;
- CHANGE: increased prices for Immortal Mercs T3 at Omega Immortal factionvendors to 1kk to avoid abuse!
- CHANGE + FIX: adjusted the Grimmest spawntables → removed old entries from DoM (finally, without destroying the clusterstructure and therefor destroying the script! xD), RE-enabled a few Supporters and Arcane Heroes, cleaned out a few unwanted spawns (like ambush-only spawns) and removed a few spawncommands for additional spawns in proxies (foremost GDX2 around the Enclave, traps and a few ambient spawnproxies) → foremost for solving the issue that some spawns simply do not come out of Cairn’s cellar ;D
- CHANGE + FIX: D3 Classes Mod by Grimer updated with newest hotfix;
- CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses in the Shattered Realm → added Ugdenbloom to the D3 Lootorb → another resource for those really needed plants for crafting the basegame equivalent of the Hellfire Amulet;
- CHANGE: Lost Treasures → increased amount of Treasure Orbs given by the Treasure Guardians and the Ultimate Treasure Guardian; Treasure Orbs have been set to only UNTRADEABLE so players may put them into the Shared Stash now finally Treasure Orbs have also been added to the loot of oneshotchests on Elite+!; the Ultimate Treasure Guardian has been granted a Lootorb to maximize the reward players can receive from him, as this encounter is pretty rare and not easy i think this is fair enough! Furthermore he is also able to drop Boss Souls now! Normal Treasure Guardians are now able to drop Hero Souls aswell and have been classified as Heroes therefor;
- CHANGE: Lost Treasures → REMOVED bosschest-skill from the Ultimate Guardian to STOP spawning an ONB, i think this overlapping is simply a bit too much ;D
- NEW: added a few more loadingscreens to the package
update will be packed and loaded up and will be available in a few minutes