yes i think that one seems to be difficult to setup, as i think it always needs a target, yes maybe with a custom animation, but i can’t do that but we will see
1.the Butcher not drop Celestial Shattered Souls
2.hero (Swift type) sound duration around 40 second, sounds uncomfortable , and sound follow char to everywhere. should be shortened duration or change to others.
3.Exotic affix CDR item have lots. 2 Rings 26% + Amulet 13% + Medal 13% + Weapon + 12% + Offhand + 24% + Armor 7% + belt 7% + Helm + 5% = 107% (u know what mean for some skill)
oh yeah that sounds a “bit” absurd xD will check for it and adjust those numbers, thank you!
Updatingprocess is going fine, only Tyrael left for balancingturns and then the last one is Zoltun Kull, i think tomorrow i can upload it, also need to note it all down… ;D
will be fixed for the next update, was simply added to the monster itself, now it is added to the granted skill and will fall off correct accordingly
good that you found this! it’s simply why it is like it is, the only way CDR can be granted via those affixes is via a “classless” affix, BUT this affix can add to every gearcluster xD so i will absolutly remove it from the armorcluster and lower the chance to get this particular affix onto accessory and weaponslots. i think that should be fine, or what do you think?
EDIT1: to not mess up the structure and to not let the affixed item vanish for someone i think i will better decrease the according value
quick view on the updated D3 bosses → Grim Dawn 2023 04 29 17 26 - YouTube
a bit of cleaning up and noting everything down and i guess an update will arrive tomorrow then
CHANGE + FIX + NEW: integrated all updated files for the leftover D3 bosses, also did ALOT of own changes and cleaned up as good as possible (or as my knowledge allowed it…), SO MANY changes, i will not write everything down here, have noted everything in the database file description and will be transformed into text for the pdf over time also here is alot of space to optimize them but i think it is good for now, maybe some balancechanges will come, let’s see how the feedback overall is SIDENOTE: was wondering a bit what has happened to Diablo phases in the original mod, have not tested it ingame, but it seemed to be broken as there was no second phase from Diablo linked, it directly linked phase 3, maybe intended here in this mod, Diablo himself will have 3 phases, as the only Diabolic Boss. Swap out your sunglasses xD all Diabolic Bosses can be tested, as usual, at Crazy Mike, cleaned up the section therefor and also added all phases from Diablo himself to test out;
FIX: D3 Gambling Exotic Rares → reduced CDR and RCR stat for armor + accessory + 1h weapons + 2h weapons, untouched for caster offhands and shields → simply too op, correct xD (-> thanks for report goes to Duskdeep86 from the Forums);
CHANGE: D3 Class - Demonhunter → skill “Elemental Strike” → changed specialAnimation to “DoubleShot”;
FIX: D3 Class Witchhunter → added missing glow to dagger “The Gigdbin”;
FIX: D3 Class Witchdoctor → adjusted TAG for “Fetish Army” → Fetish Shamans ALSO have a lifetimer and will despawn alongside the Warriors (-> thanks for report goes to koledadosoledado from the Nexus);
FIX: D3 Gems → Diamonds will now apply the reflect stat correctly (i had simply set it as a modifier which did not work obviously xD);
FIX: D3 Crusader Mace “Crushbane” → modifiers now correctly applied;
VARIOUS: cleaned up various ui sources + resources + D3 class databases → mainly for better overview and to get future patches better integrated, also alot of unused stuff excluded to use lateron;
VARIOUS: cleaned up X1D3 folders for the most part, itemstuff left for the next update
CHANGE: REadjusted the Cold Blade Vortex to have the outer blades again with a bigger cold effect as seen on the original mod before;
CHANGE: Aether Cluster → damage absorp reduced to 80%, added res stun + freeze + trap + petrify + sleep at 50%;
CHANGE: Improved Aether Cluster → reduced cooldown to 120 seconds, added resistances increased to 100%, removed increased retaliation stat;
CHANGE + NEW: Archetype Defender → mechanics have been changed to an initial beam, like the one from D3 Crusader skill “Heavens Fury”, that spawns the Hunters on hit, so this should be much fairer, just don’t stand in the beams, they also move VERY SLOW toward the player;
FIX: Heroarchetype Swift → no more following sound which was really annoying, now the sound is just applied to the granted aura and will fall off accordingly; (-> thanks for report goes to Duskdeep86 from the Forums);
CHANGE + FIX: updated Shattered Realm Blacklist, also cleaned it up to have a better overview;
Will be available in a few minutes Not so much time at the start of the week but will get back to work here at the end of the week and then will update Hellfire Amulets, also will prepare some for basegame classes i think. And, i think i will remove the Diabolic Bosses from shards again and let them stay for bossroom exclusive, else it will be too much destruction inshard i guess xD but, we will see tell me what do YOU think?
This version of Bosses is smarter than the previous version. good adjust.
Hero shield type really high damage and super fast attack spped, almost can kill me in 1s if I stay no move.
Nice to hear this!
For the next update i have already cleared up a bit of the over the top chaos in shards, have further adjusted all spawnsettings for Hero Archetypes espcially for this, now GDM will also make more sense again OUTSIDE of the SR and INSIDE of it still alot is going on but not to that point you can’t even see your char anymore haha, hopefully! but have tested nearly the whole night, also with GrimTex, which was really great, try it out, if not already have, and the resonance to myself at least was a lot better in the end, therfor also all rulesets again had a “small” adjust,…
Furthermore Diabolic Bosses are now bossroom exclusive and will not further mess up the shards by their appearence xD
In addition, already started with optimizations to Diabolic Boss Uniques, as an example the shield “Defender of Westmark” has been revamped a bit to be a bleeding shield which has an according wolf to spawn who is now way less stressy to the performance and has “hopefully” all configsettings correctly setup to make it really usefull and to have a viable endgame gearitemtarget to farm for, if you need it, as usual xD This will happen to all existing Uniques and in the future added ones like Hellfire Amulets for basegame classes. On top of that, ALL Uniques (D3, ONBs, Treasure Guards and what i maybe have missed yet xD) will now require playerlevel 80 to put them into the engamegearpot ;D
Although it’s MOD, I‘d like share my build now, because will die sometime when I run SR .
So build already passed 180, Continuing down will very dangerous.
MOD advantage :Equipment, affixes, handmade item, BUILD diversity, and high degree of freedom in combination.
Weapon:Increased Posion Duration first or exotic affix weapon.
Amulet::Increased Posion Duration (not easy to get, same farm double green affix in vanilla)
Shoulders:Increased Posion Duration
Pants:for pet Elemental resistance
Belt:for pet Pierce resistance
Boots:for pet Aether & Chaos resistance
The character named "Combo Malnotris " Resurrector (Necromancer/witchdoctor) to test the pet build.
Save file directory location is in:
C:\Users*Username*\Documents\My Games\Grim Dawn\save\user\_Combo Malnotris
An update is coming up in a few minutes, targeting a few issues in the Shattered Realm and switching the lights out even more haha also the lowlevel area has become a bit more fair to new players i hope by still maintaining the chaos at endgame ;D Happy testing, will be available shortly.
CHANGE: adjusted Grimcam + GDinternals INI files, absolutly not needed as usual, just a personal preference at this point → time set to 3 o clock in the night, overhauled bar colours, decluttering of health numbers, added a tiny extrabar above the playerhead for better overview in chaotic situations;
OPTIONAL: added 2 optional addonmods via the SETTINGSFOLDER that you might want to add aswell → 01. “GrimTex”, you will find it here → GrimTex at Grim Dawn Nexus - Mods and Community → this is an INCREDIBLE texture overhaul that will bring some fresh air into the overall graphics around Cairn, i really like this! and 02. “Hide the compass’ north indicator” addon from Grim UI, you will find it here → [REL] Grim UI → just to get rid of the N in the compass, handy if your map does not rotate → absolutly RECOMMENDED!!
FIX: Novice Gems → TAG now correctly shows that they can be applied to medals ONLY;
FIX + CHANGE: solved the behaviour of the lightradius that, if it reached -101%, it bugged on zoomout and zoomin → now the world got even darker and the added lightradius really gives a bit of a new shine to the world you will start in darkness and you will really NEED the added Wisps to enlighten yourself ;D also a bit of red has been taken from the nightlight;
NEW: Crazy Mike → new option: Give me some ComboMod WillOWisp consumables please…;
CHANGE + FIX: there was a big issue that the bossrooms in the SR lost their bossvariations, and especially the low shards were nearly impossible to beat, this was due to the changed bossroom values to have always a “big room” like on hte endgame shards, this introduced this behaviour and has been reverted to basegame values, ONLY the amount of bosses have been changed now to make it fair and issuefree ;D
CHANGE: Shattered Realm TOO overwhelming with the added heroarchetypes, especially at the beginning, therefor → massivly adjusted rulesets, once again, see the updated Shattered Realm section for all details in short: it has become MORE fair now, especially for the start of the game on lowlevel, still kicking in at high shardlevels;
FIX: added Hero Archetype generatorskills to leftover heroes in the Shattered Realm;
CHANGE + FIX: Shattered Realm balanceadjustment files → added runspeedJitter of 15, REMOVED the added runspeedmodifier, REMOVED added dodge/deflect;
CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses have a MINLEVEL of 75 now and the player needs to be level 80 to spawn them in the Shattered Realm exclusivly on Elite + Ultimate difficulty; all their UNIQUE gearitems have a levelreq of 80+ now;
CHANGE + FIX + NEW: D3 Diabolic Boss → The Cowking → Drop: Defender of Westmark → revamped itemstats to be more useful for endgame, itemskill is way less laggy now → overhauled setup and projectilestats ajusted, casted on melee hit now at 75% chance;
CHANGE: D3 Diabolic Bosses → adjusted alot of settings again to give an overall better experience → controllers adjusted according to their petAnger value, viewdistance value and some more minor adjustments;
CHANGE: D3 Diabolic Boss Adria → increased damage from her mainattack, also scaled her lifeleach as it was intended and increased it even; added flat lifeleach to her passivestats → now she is very vampiric xD
CHANGE: D3 Diabolic Boss Azmodan → increased damage from his lavavortex → not a big fan of this effect (especially because it can’t just simply target the ground and flies over it in any settingcombination xD) but i also found nothing better for him at this point and i can’t create/edit a mesh
CHANGE: Diabolic Bosses → changed behaviour versus playerpets, bosses will ignore pets way less but angertransferrate to the player is slightly increased, therefor the intervall for choosing the behaviour itself has decreased → INTEST!
CHANGE + FIX: ALL Archetype generators and monsters → spawnsettings adjusted again for a better experience especially in the Shattered Realm, LESS initial spawns and cooldowns increased, especially on lowlevel not that hard impacting IF GDM turned OFF, obviously
CHANGE: Archetype Defender → initial spawnsettings for the beam adjusted → faster recasting, less uptime, further optimized movementsettings and did some styleadjustments; the spawned Hunter has 2 new skills to make it a bit harder for the player as he now has a lifetimer and will vanish together with his parental beam, if not killed before; another addonspawn has been added to the initial beam → another FAST TRAVELING beam is summoned SOMETIMES that hunts for the player, HIGH cooldown, this beam also can spawn the hunter on hit at a low chance, to increase it’s threat further also for range and caster playerchars;
CHANGE + FIX: Archetype Frozen → chance to freeze decreased to prevent freezelock, you still need to take care… xD
CHANGE: Archetype Shielded → changed behaviour of the mortar according to petAnger → should not attack pets that frequently anymore and also should only target the pet with the highest amount of health and the least targeted one;
CHANGE + FIX: Heroarchetype Vampiric → further optimizations of spawnparameters to avoid permanent despawning of the worms, also minor style adjusts and a bit increased damage + lifeleach added;
Tyrael will not go retire, nah, he will transform into Dark Tyrael and will join the Diabolic forces in the Shattered Realm down the road, no video available yet xD
Furthermore ALL D3 Bosses have become T2 Minipets, which you can hunt for by slaying the Diabolic Bosses in the SR, all those new “endgame” things are now set to characterlevel 80.