An update is loading up and will be available in a few moments
CHANGE: basegame updated to newest version;
NEW: the player PTH MINIMUM has been decreased from 55 to 50! added to DA+OA description to be informed;
FIX: REMOVED the “black.tex” + “blackchar.tex” (which has been added from RoT) because the performancedrain was a bit too much, especially in late endgame;
FIX: REMOVED added scriptfunction to spawn an Essence of a Grim Soul to the Devils Crossing Riftgate!
FIX: factions → boosters + warrants → fixed the variable “boostedMultiplier”, must have been old values, simply forgot to update that as it seems, was simply a bit too high ;D
FIX: initial quest “mq_00_gdx2breadcrumb.qst” → 2 more UI notifications to remember getting the DC riftgate! suggestion from my bro Harry, thx <3
CHANGE: the CM Novice Medals are invisible now;
CHANGE: Novice Gems → some minor stylechanges;
CHANGE + FIX: Grimmest → added mapnugget to all bosses + nemesis bosses, also changed some classifications from quest to boss; adjusted miscloot → added Fresh Meat, removed a few “mastertables_hu_miscall” for random lootdrops!
CHANGE: Archetype Mercs T2 → decreased charsize;
CHANGE: Portable Inventor → decreased levelreq. from 25 to 15!
CHANGE + FIX + INWORK + INTEST: all added MONSTER INFREQUENT GEARITEMS → revisited for itemlevel + levelreq adjustments!!! → both are set up now in the following manor: 5/15/30/45/60/75/90 OR SIMILAR if there are more then 7 available of that type! ITEMLEVEL always equals LEVELREQ! → it might be that there are SOME items in loot now that are a bit above the playerlevel in requirement, but should be better balanced overall then before
CHANGE + NEW: Crazy Mike → various new testfunctions for the newly added stuff and more;
CHANGE: all lorenotes now feature an ADDITIONAL GRANT of the Bookworm Buff on reading AND on dropping it → in that way players have an additional buffitem that they can use at anytime THEY want
CHANGE: Bookworm Buff → increased charges from 3 to 6, XPgain on MAXCHARGE is now 210%! remember to stash UNREAD books to make the most out of it, in the moment you need it
NEW: Gemstone of Restoration + Vitalization have a new unique soundeffect because they are clearly not potions
also increased the volume of both!
CHANGE: Gemstone of Restoration → usedelay increased from 15 to 18 seconds → now both Gemstones are equal on that factor!
FIX: ensured spawn of some QUEST-enemies all accross the campaign → thx to Daniel_B from the forum <3
CHANGE: proxysettings adjusted again to get all enemylevels in line once again, was still a bit too low partially;
CHANGE: enemies on Elite+ have a slightly increased DA and all enemies on all difficulties have slightly increased HP! → CHANGED characterDefensiveAbilityModifier = 5/5/5/5###12/12/12/12###12/12/12/12 to 5/5/5/5###15/15/15/15###20/20/20/20; CHANGED characterLifeModifier = 110/110/110/110//400/400/400/400//680/680/680/680 to 150/150/150/150//450/450/450/450//750/750/750/750!
CHANGE: increased overall spawnamount of UNDEADS!
CHANGE: enemies → common → “aetherialobelisk_a01.dbr-aetherialobelisk_b01b.dbr” → classification changed to Hero, mapnugget changed to Hero and the deathpool now ALSO features the Archetype Portalgenerator as it was intended!
NEW + CHANGE: added GLOBAL ENEMY PASSIVES from the basegame to further increase the difficulty on that base! → ARMORPASSIVES: increased armor for ALL enemies by at least 25%, even more for LOW enemies! all enemies have been granted with some additional “defensiveAbsorption”! RESIST HEROBOSS PASSIVE: increased defensiveSlowLifeLeach by 50% and defensiveSlowManaLeach has been set accordingly, removed defensiveTaunt, added defensiveBleeding+Elemental+Life+Poison+Chaos+Aether+Pierce+Physical!
CHANGE: Hero Archetypes → increased damage and overall threat of the Portal Dyingskill! increased uptime of the initial buffskill from 3 to 6 seconds and cooldown has been increased from 30 to 60 seconds, further increased the granted healthregeneration and added some dodge/deflect to it; increased onHitActivationChance from 45 to 55!
CHANGE + FIX: Hero Archetypes → Portal Dyingskill → this skill was UNSCALED at fixed level 1, that’s why it did nearly NO damage at all, this was NOT intended ;D
CHANGE + FIX: Hero Archetypes → Defender → adjusted spawnsettings for the Hunter to let him be a bigger threat to the player again!
FIX: basegameboss Stone Basilisk → “basilisk_witchritual.dbr” → reverted BOSS mapnugget as this is a Spirit Host and not a monster ;D
NEW + INTEST: Innate Skill “Architect NPC” → can be summoned directly from the hotbar → this NPC allows the player to PLACE various DECORATION ITEMS into the world, ANYWHERE they want to, to build up an own PLAYERCAMP! → “/portable_npcs/npc16/” + “/various/playercamp/” locations! simple hotbar NPC with a new conversation to place the items, a few for testing, more step by step! in the END the functions to place those items will get a CONDITION in the conversation and WILL need a TOKEN then to grant the according function! TOKENS will be obtained via “CRAFTPROOFS”, from blueprints that the player must aquire at factionvendors to have a feeling of a reward! → same as for the Omega Level Certificates! → 15 testitems are in for now, step by step, some things unclear still (for example placement of correct collision variables…) and need some more testings and feedback foremost
CHANGE + NEW: Innate Skill “Sprint” → increased runspeedmodifier from 60 to 75, decreased dodge+deflect from 5 to 3 percent, adjusted overall style to be more visible (added sprintFX from D3 Barbarian);
NEW: created skillmodifier “modifier_innatesprint01.dbr” and added to SHATTERED AFFIX LOOTTABLES for BOOTS, both basegame and D3! created (copy/paste) SEPERATED affixes/prefixtable for this modifier to NOT have both sprint AND dodge modifier on one item to prevent overpower ;D
NEW: Innate Skill → “Heart of Courage” → a great counter against the Grim Souls which are now a “bit” more evil for this new counterpart, see below! ;D SIDENOTE: i tried to implement it as an autocast on passive skills for creatures which did crash the engine with ease ;D SELFBUFF ONLY, chance to spawn a POWER SPHERE while on this buff is 5%! the buff itself activates 100% when HIT! 9 seconds duration and 18 seconds cooldown to go hand in hand with the GEMSTONES from the hotbar, controller set to “records/controllers/itemskills/cast_@selfonanyhit_10%.dbr” for the Power Sphere autocast! burstspawn of the Spheres set to 2 and petPadding set to 3 → in this manor the player HAS to move to collect! petLimit set to 12! Each POWER SPHERE recovers 3 percent and 30 points to your health. Furthermore it restores 3 percent and 30 points to your energypool. In addition it refills your constitution by 3 percent and 6 points!
CHANGE: chestloottables → Exotic Summon Stone I → removed from “chestloot_bits_a01.dbr” and lowered dropchance from most other sources as it was simply too much of that Summon Stone
CHANGE + FIX + NEW: Grim Souls → bonusLifePoints → -100; bonusLifePercent → DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE AS IT DID, i guess there was also a change in 1.2 to this according to the variable “increased healing stat”! that’s why i was wondering even and created a testitem for that earlier a while ago! also wondered why nearly ZERO damage was coming from the Grim Souls in the past weeks LOL
bonusLifePercentSlow → SAME, DOES NOT WORK ANYMORE! bonusManaPercent → -18, this IS working as it was before! bonusConstitutionPercent → -18, this IS working as it was before! There is now a new COUNTERITEM to this, which is called POWER SPHERE, and will be AUTOCASTED by a new Innate Skill as seen above → the new buff “Heart of Courage” → "Your generic knowledge in dark magic arts blesses you with a chance to AUTOMATICALLY summon POWER SPHERES when enemies hit you, pick them up to restore your resources! Each POWER SPHERE recovers 3 percent and 30 points to your health. Furthermore it restores 3 percent and 30 points to your energypool. In addition it refills your constitution by 3 percent and 6 points! PAY ATTENTION MORTAL! XD → the 6 charges of the Grim Souls Buff will now cost ACTIVE LIFE + ENERGY! → 30 hp&energy/second on MAX CHARGE 6 are drained additionally! → added to TAG DESC to let the player know this! → "The drain of a haunting spirit puts you into a mythical rage that grants you increased damage, defense, speed, and experience for a brief period - this comes at a PRIZE, it will further REDUCE your overall resource regeneration! {^O}This effect can be increased to a MAXIMUM of 6 charges by collecting MORE GRIM SOULS! The additional drain to your regeneration will also increase, take care! CHANGE here is ALSO → it does NOT increase regeneration ANYMORE, it even DECREASES it! TAKE CARE
damageAbsorptionPercent therefor slightly increased per charge! furthermore added a tiny amount of DA modifier to all 6 charges!
CHANGE: Grim Souls Buff → removed XP INCREASE from this buff as we have the Bookworm Buff to do this, now even with 6 charges and usable at any time you want, if you have a bookstash at hand
CHANGE + NEW: in ADDITION to the drain, collecting Grim Souls will cast a projectilenova against the player which deals percent current life damage and reduces DA, furthermore more evil creatures will be summoned on picking up a Grim Soul → Grimmest Hero creatures, some “new” Lost Souls or even a “new” Boss can spawn → The Grim Soul Reaper! Only ONE additional spawn per Grim Soul, out of 35 possible spawns ATM!!(->MORE HEROS + BOSSES CAN BE ADDED TO THE MONSTERGENERATOR HERE!) The Grim Soul Reaper is a tiny Malthael with an adjusted skillset and some further adjustments, low chance to spawn him, he can drop RORGS and a BUNCH OF ADDITIONAL GRIM SOULS! BEWARE!!! Also MOST of the spawned basegame heroes and Lost Soul Heroes CAN drop further Grim Souls ASWELL which can get the player into an ENDLESS CHAIN OF GRIM PAIN!!
for sure CAN be avoided to make the best out of it so i will let this in for now
furthermore added new sounds for the drop of a Grim Soul and for the use of it aswell; → this part is a pretty new idea to the board so a bit WIP!
CHANGE: chestloottables → chest_bossloot_nemesisXX.dbr → added Grim Souls to ALL at a lowered chance;
CHANGE: chestloottables → chest_bosslootXX.dbr → added Grim Souls to MOST of them, except for Kraken + Clone + Fleshshaper + Log!
CHANGE: chestloottables → chestloot_special_rare_XX.dbr - > added Grim Souls to ALL at a lowered chance;
CHANGE + FIX: furthermore REMOVED/EXCHANGED MASTERTABLES ON COMMON/CHAMPION ENEMIES → “records/creatures/enemies/”!!! → records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_equippedreduced_a01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_equippedreduced_c01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_equippedreduced_d01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscbits_a01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscbits_c01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_hu_miscbits_d01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_beast_large_a01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_beast_large_c01.dbr + records/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_beast_large_d01.dbr SWAPPED FOR “records/combomod/items/loottables/mastertables/mt_grimsouls01.dbr” → adjusted “leveltable_grimsouls01.dbr” → ADDED BASEGAME BLUEPRINTS tdyn_blueprints_b02.dbr + tdyn_blueprints_components_a101.dbr + tdyn_blueprints_d01_head.dbr + tdyn_blueprints_d101_head.dbr with their according levels! also adjusted “tdyn_grimsouls01.dbr” → removed the moneyobject and adjusted weights; furthermore created a SECOND leveltable for Grim Souls for a unique drop of this item! → overall MORE Grim Souls dropping!
CHANGE + FIX: Fistweapons → changed MSH! created “b” versions of these weapons to work better with the itemset, it did NOT work with 2 Fistweapons of the same type before! working now like this, you CAN wear 2 FIREfists etc., still not working with 2 EXACTLY the same, it really NEEDS A + B to work, could not make it work with EXACTLY THE SAME item…! → now called LEFT + RIGHT FIST OF XXX!! SIMPLE ;D adjusted tags and linked to all needed places as usual! slightly increased lootchance from MT_RANDOM01! added ANIMATIONSKILLS to all Fistweapons to get more animations autocasted to get a better fiststyle-look-a-like!
CHANGE: Fistweapon Lootset “Fists of Terror” → decreased lifeleech to a normal amount;
FIX: HUD → adjusted spawnamount number on the bufftracker to be correct, thx to Duskdeep86 <3
NEW: added from GrimUI to the SETTINGS ADDONMOD, so this is totally optional but highly suggested for a complete experience
→ Devotion Backgroundpanel + Buttons + characterwindows addons + conversationwindow + stackwindow + questwindow addons; → this is a MIX between both Malmouth UI and Burrwitch UI;
CHANGE: the clear devotion panelbackground from tqFan has been removed from the mod itself and swapped over to the SETTINGS ADDONMOD to make it optional;
CHANGE + NEW: UI → “trap-monsters” got a new mapnugget, also the traps in the SR;
NEW: integrated from front210’s Bonus Add-Ons (Grim UI) → new SHIELD sounds → created “spak_itemdropweapon_shield01.dbr”, added these 2 new sounds and linked to ALL shields for better difference to blunts/maces dropsounds; furthermore ADDED from this package: “itemdroparmormetallg.wav + itemdroparmormetalsm.wav + itemdroparmorplatedlg.wav” to SETTINGS ADDONMOD!
NEW + PREPARATION: for more classes done already → mainly classselection adjustments were needed, placeholders have been set, fingers are crossed accross the board
NEW: Settings Addonmod → “tags_tutorial.txt” copy of the basegamefile ONLY to BLOCK the basegame loadingtips AND to add the mod versionnumber here;
FIX: the “gamepadbuttons” → “source/xpac_combomod/ui/hud/gamepad_buttonbar.tga” → added to INTEGRATED basegamefiles → “records/ui/gamepadhud/gamepad_upperbackgroundimage.dbr”, furthermore integrated all other NEEDED files here to solve the “unCOORDINATED” buttons and labels → removed the “Scroll Button”, rearragned most buttons to fit better to the mostly bigger menus, created new buttonbar, disabled the bar at the bottom → only 1 buttonbar needed, looks a bit more clean now i think;
CHANGE: HUD → “actor_statusicons.dbr” → decreased iconScale + iconHoriz+VertSpace → this is for the statusicons of the target at the top;
CHANGE + NEW: created a new constitution overlaycap tex for better indication IF constitution is available or not!
NEW: added fonts from this forum thread → “[English font] GD clear fonts + london gothic fonts OR normal clean fonts versions” to SETTINGS ADDONMOD! sidenote: with these added new fonts we have the ability to type “ÄÖÜ” into the chatbox in multiplayer without bugging them into blockunits, that is really cool for all german players i guess
FIX: added from basegame → missing Shattered Realm lootchests! adjusted as usual, added the according chestloottables and adjusted aswell, partially renewed because simply overdosed them in the past
correct Waystones NOW dropping again, also adjusted the TAG to be correct now!
CHANGE + FIX: SR Essencechest and Extra Reward Spheres → decreased lootoutput to a more adequate amount;
CHANGE: Shattered Realm → rulesets → slightly DEcreased the initial shardtime on all 3 difficulties;
NEW + FIX: Shattered Realm → added tag for the “Carnage Counter” and added a few “{^N}” in front to get it to the center of the screen a bit more!
FIX: D3 mod → finally removed the “toggled” tag on those classes aswell
CHANGE + FIX: D3 Class Witchdoctor → adjusted skill “Fetisharmy” (again xD) → the Fetish Shamans now correctly scale with petbonus! (was template “monster”!) uptime increased from 20 to 30 seconds;
FIX + CHANGE: Shattered Realm → D3X1 spawnproxies → now also in “/combomod/”! adjusted to spawn correctly this time i hope! now the single spawn pools ARE used and the spawnpool to spawn them all except Diablo himself has been linked to the Nemesis spawnproxies ONLY! i hope to solve the issue that sometimes it spawns 2 together of those Diablo Nemesis Bosses at one spawnplace… → it “should” be fixed now and work as intended as it seems after a “few” testruns
CHANGE + FIX: D3 Unique Item → Rakoff’s Glass of Life → optimized spawn and variables cleaned up, added tag to the skill and the “Diabolic Health Globe”, fixed lootbehaviour as it could not be looted sometimes at all for some unknown reasons, i think radius and physic parameters…; → “Enemies you kill have a 5 percent chance to drop a Diabolic Health Globe which restores 6 percent to your health and constitution when you collect it!” Sidenote: i could NOT make the Rakoff’s Health Globes SMALLER because if i decrease the sizevalue it stops floating and simply drops to the ground, i guess that would need some MSH change → fine for now ;D → chance to spawn one changed from 10 to 5% on enemy death! This UNIQUE AMULET now also features a modifier for the Gemstone of Restoration → grants additional 500 hp on use;
FIX: D3 itemskill → Moonlight Ward → changed controller for these D3 Amulet itemskills and the Hellfire Amulet SUFFIX itemskill (Monk) to → “records/controllers/itemskills/cast_@selfat50%health_100%.dbr” to be LESS fx-intense overall, furthermore changed template for this itemskill aswell for the same reasons, mainly to give a duration for this skill!
CHANGE: D3 Bosses in the Shattered Realm → removed UI NOTIFY (scriptcommand from Omega script!) for the DIABOLIC HELLFIRE ESSENCES to get rid of this strange delaying behavior, furthermore adjusted the SPAWN UI NOTIFY TAG to give the info about the spawning lootorb after the boss! this UI NOTIFY will be THREE times on screen to ensure the player get’s it right
CHANGE: Lost Treasures → adjusted “treasures_swordaeons.dbr” + “treasures_summonsword.dbr” → better performance, also features the D3 Witchdoctor now with augment and modifier on the item, skill adjusted to be a bit less OP, overall cleaned this one up;
CHANGE: Lost Treasures → the guardians that are guarding the treasureplace have been added from basegame, adjusted and now also have the new trap mapnugget!
CHANGE: Omega → Monsterpacks → adjusted to be MORE evil, increased overall attackpower, added some LOOT to them!
CHANGE: Omega → ONBs → totem defensive buff decreased a bit, totem offensive skills damageoutput increased by 50-100%, boss controllers adjusted to let them pursue a bit more for mechanically reasons and can get killed a BIT easier…
CHANGE: Omega → ONBs → removed some healing + additional generatorskills from their MINIONS! also weakend some ONB’s in terms of selfheal, as the totem heal shall be enough to deal with ;D
CHANGE: Omega → ONBs → adjusted the totemspawn and the totem and the spawnerpet to decrease its overall too aggressive healing, especially for newer and lower chars it mostly seems unfair and unbeatable at this state!
I do HOPE i got everything noted down, was a bit more this time, not “so” much left on my list until i can start to integrate the D2 classes, that will be a fun weekend to come in the near future :))