ComboMod Testversion

Sure i could put any skill to the old nemesis but i like them unique as they are, its just a matter of their strenght which i for sure might adjust again when the time is right, it is hard to find a line for this as there are plenty types of players, some may find it already overwhelming in difficulty and others may laugh about it according to the power we already can obtain via all the new upgrades and items, buffs, mercs, etc. and for sure, it is also realy easy to overtune it again, so we have simply be patient till everything is in line, it is on a good way, but, myself do not even see an end yet :smiley:

Good morning :))

A few more rounds finaltestruns then i think i can upload the next update for you hunters :slight_smile:

→ 0.5a:

  • BIG CHANGE: database restructure finally DONE! unfortunatly some things have to be REaquired but this is the last time this will happen, i am PRETTY satisfied on how it went out :slight_smile: things you might want to REaquire: ALL Currency items, Food, Omega Immortals factionenchants, all Style items inclusive Wings, the Starter Medal, the ComboMod Lorenote, all Rare Gambled gearitems, the SP + AP potions from Omega and ALL new components inclusive Reskill Skill Runes;
  • BIG CHANGE + FIX: shattered affixes → amuletaffixes + ringaffixes → configurations + databases adjusted → BUILDTIME MASSIVLY REDUCED AGAIN! also seems to lag way less on the blacksmiths now;
  • NEW: all normal Nemesis Boss troves have a mapicon now for better overview (-> will stay up even after you have looted it, could not make it vanish somehow…);
  • NEW + CHANGE: ComboMod Minipets are complete now and available at the usual spots; GLOBAL minipet limit decreased to 4;
  • CHANGE: WillOWisp: removed tag that it is a minipet, cause it is a pet! can spawn up to 9 spirits now, buff will still NOT stack;
  • Portable NPC prices adjusted:
    → Caravaner: 10 Blood Shards + 10k iron;
    → Style Merchant: 5 Blood Shards + 5k iron;
    → Gambling Blacksmiths: 20 Blood Shards + 5k iron;
    → Minor Exchange Blacksmith: 20 Blood Shards + 5k iron;
    → Exchange Blacksmiths: 20 Blood Shards + 1 Combo Orb + 25k iron;
    → Shattering Blacksmiths: 1 Shattering Essence + 25k iron;
    → this gives access to most new Portable NPCs without doing the Shattered Realm, except for the Shattering Blacksmiths!
  • CHANGE: Shattered Realm → timer reduced a bit again;
  • CHANGE: enemybalance according to “balancingadjustment_mp+difficulty_enemies01.dbr”:
    → INCREASED offensiveDamageMultModifier= 25 → 65;
    → INCREASED characterSTR+DEX+INT= 9 → 15;
    → INCREASED characterLife+Mana= 12 → 21;
    → ADDED characterTotalSpeedModifier= 0 → 10/10/10/10/20/20/20/20/30/30/30/30;
    → INCREASED defensiveProtection= by 100%;
    → ADDED characterLife+ManaRegen= 0 → 2;
    → INCREASED characterDodgePercent + characterDeflectProjectile= 3/3/3/3/6/6/6/6/9/9/9/9 → 10/10/10/10/20/20/20/20/30/30/30/30;
    → INCREASED characterLifeModifier= 100/215/330/440//400/680/880/1080//660/980/1280/1580 → 120/235/350/460//420/700/900/1100//680/1000/1300/1600 → +20%;
  • CHANGE: Omega Nemesis Bosses:
    → 3 new minions (skeletons) added to Moosi, also adjusted ALL minions again → -1 level heroboss resist skill, -5% phys resi via natural resistances;
    → adjusted spawn of ONB Beast;
    → adjusted controllers in terms of pursuit time → ONB should be able to pursuit a bit longer, but Guardian STILL longest;
    → adjusted totem skills to be a bit less op, also adjusted their bios to be better on par with the rest;
    → adjusted starter + finisher bosscurse groundeffect to be a bit more evil ;D
    → removed leftover heroarchetype from deathspawns;
    → ONB Guardian: will produce more aggro for pets;
  • CHANGE: D3 Zunimassa Setmodifier: removed skillCooldownTime, added skillManaCostReduction of 25% and petBurstSpawn of 2;
  • CHANGE: D3 Witch Doctor Skill “Fetish Army”: petLimit decreased to 12 at lvl 22;
  • FIX: D3 Unique → “Pauldrons of the Skeleton King” RENAMED to “Exalted Pauldrons of the Skeleton King” → because this TAG is used again on a non-Unique aswell which is still called “Pauldrons of the Skeleton King”;
  • CHANGE + FIX + INWORK: Shattered HEADaffixes for D3 classes: already did a few minor adjustments, but by far not what i am aiming for as they are simply a copy/paste of the setmodifiers, will be adjusted over the next few updates :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE: D3 Boss Tyrael: Skill “Sword Storm” adjusted → duration decreased and chance to freeze lowered; also adjusted his bubble-skill to be less evil and stunlocking;
  • NEW: Crazy Mike → added function to give out Reskill Skill Runes;

will be available in 1-2 hours i think :slight_smile:



It’s up, happy weekend :slight_smile:

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What is the version of D3 Mastery included in 0.5a?

not updated to 4.2, will be done this weekend :slight_smile:

Thanks for telling me. I will download it after updating. :ok_hand:

hope this is the one to be added, otherwise the translation will encounter difficulties.

this RR reduce skill cant binding devotion skill. it seems that unreasonable,which mean I need 2 skills button for devotion Shrpherd’s call and Howl of mogdrogen, then 1 button for Decrepify. Total need 3 button for active skill, thats too much.

yes sure, will be the latest version with the hotfix as usual, have not even unpacked it yet, but its on my todo list for this weekend :slight_smile:

have not touched anything on that skill at all, it is a technically a “pet” which might not be linked to a devotion skill, that should be the cause and is absolutly fine in my eyes.

Yes, when I see live 6s, I guess is pet type. this like arcane bomb cant binding pet also unreasonable for pet players. if can adjustment then change skill type.

not everthing is related to petplayers :smiley: but i might try to see if i can do anything to it ;D

Sure, but try to reasonable direction adjustment.

this is, infact, the reason of it all :smiley: but not a priority to adjust just this one skill at this point, will focus the update on the D3 Classes mod this weekend :wink:

I will tell u, what my friends MOD adjustment for Arcane bomb change to like assassin’ mark 100% change on CA trigger. then better both for normal and pet build. and dreeg’s blood change to aura type buff , devouring swarm and dreeg’s eyes change to player scaling pet , and some other changes , which meas can free more button to make player feel more comfortable.

i can think of thousands of changes that i could make xD already did thousands, and it will not end… if i feel in need to do that i will do it xD

where is this mod please? let me check if i like it :smiley:

nah, i like the option as a selfheal skill, pretty fine as it is, but could make a modifier to do so :smiley:

nope, don’t like this idea :smiley:

small MOD. adjustment most skill, devotion, equipment, Buff SR nemesis from 80, increase half god equipment, better than legend item.
all adjustment base on many player feed back.

before ur MOD, I play DT MOD, I already try all official website MOD . Nydiamar is a good MOD, but I really don’t like solve a riddle type :sweat_smile:.

because of Official website almost stop update, so from 1196 I start play MOD, I think my fans more than yours :grinning_face_with_smiling_eyes:, when ur mod 1.0 coming, I will recommend my friends come to play and give more feed back.

i can’t download it :frowning:

there is just this barcode and it does not go any further then telling me i shall download any app, which i will not do :smiley: can you upload it somewhere else please=? im pretty curious what this is, as i have not seen it anywhere before.