ComboMod Testversion

not a biggi today, mainly for curing out crashes!

→ 0.5c:

  • CHANGE: adjusted spawnrate of ONBs again to approx. 8 percent chance at Omega Level 100 to spawn an ONB;
  • CHANGE + FIX: removed the new extra lootbeam from Boss + Nemesis Souls + ONB endgame gearitems because completly useless and maybe cause for some crashes;
  • FIX: missing tags from newly added D3 gearitems at the Shattering Blacksmith, simply forgot to add;
  • FIX: various missing/broken links and tags according to GDstash errorlog, big THANKS for this goes out to okami29 for letting me know about this :slight_smile:
  • CHANGE + FIX: level of Nemesis Bosses should now be at characterlevel, also on lowlevel (added needed scripts and adjusted min/max level to 1/200 for all difficulties);
    → did a few hours of testing with spawning shrines in various places with different chars on different Omega Levels without any crash, IF crashes still persist, please let me know!

will be up in a few moments :slight_smile:

I haven’t installed 0.5b yet, but you have updated it to 0.5c. Ha ha ha~

;D could not resist :smiley: getting crashes also drains my courage :slight_smile:

what you think about this? = make Blade Vortex an itemusableskill for a new component (only for weapons) as a new type, maybe additional Omega Rewards, to bring also more PoE skills (maybe from Path of Grim Dawn mod) over here in the same manor. and then in extra addition try to make the itemusableskill able to be leveled (maybe via devotionconfiparamets added) :smiley: unsure about the last part but first should be a good way to synergize it in :slight_smile:

some problems with 0.5c??

I posted the balanced blade vortex including as a component that can be applied to weapons here :

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oh yes just checked i must have missed to integrate the additional resources xD will reupload in a minute, sorry!

very nice, thank you, will check into it later this day :slight_smile:

reuploaded 0.5c, sorry for inconvenience!

I am not sure what would be the best way to track bugs, as it seems to be a random crash.
So maybe this could be because 1 item /affix/proc/skill rune is missing a reference or that refers to an old skill name that doesn’t exist anymore in the game data.

maybe, morning I test Nec+ witch doc 3hours then hapeen black crash, before crash few second, only kill common and champion type monster. then just crash.
edit: 3hours almost run in Cairn world, farm SR 2times maybe. this last crash position,I ran over and took a screenshot again to show u .

When finish shrine then few second run then black.

Yes I am invesigating but there seems to have so many different changes to loot and spawns that it’s difficult to see what is the issue.
I like this mod but we need to find where is the issue, this is very annoying.
We need a way to meticulously find if the crash comes from :

  1. Loot : Rare items and/or affixes
  2. Loot : component
  3. Skills
  4. Monster
  5. Script

So I tried increasing density and number of heros with grimmest to crash the game faster.

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yes there can be so many reasons :smiley: i would start with amulet affixes as there are for sure skillaugments that have been removed from the basegame and are still linked in those affixes, will check this too after finishing up the integration of your Cold Blade Vortex today :slight_smile: really cool fx mate, yesterday the last thing i tried is to make it have levels with xp, that even worked but it will not level / get xp, even tried to add it to the devotiontree as a skill but no effect :frowning:

I spawned an amulet with invalid skillaugment, invalid modifierskillName and invalid modifierskillname it didn’t crash the game

at least good to know that is not the issue :slight_smile: maybe it is simply the fact that there are too much scripts added? anything maybe wrong with the order they have been added? i am absolutly not speaking lua, i was simply adapting this language to make it work. i think you speak this language and have better insight into this.

It’s crazy, when i see that i can spawn whole Conclave with devotionshrines and then you have not even much on screen and it crashes, seems to be very hard to track down, but we will not surrender here :smiley:

I didnt understand why make soul bound. some item is good for other build. but can give it. because D3 POE like this?

some items are too strong to swap between chars and should remain character ONLY to have something unique to farm for and to repeat this process over and over again. currency is soulbound and special gearitems are soulbound, nothing more. alot basegame soulbound items are not soulbound anymore.

I don’t know if that can help you track the bugs.
What I did is to create 3 dbrs inside records (in order to be easy to type in the console)
proxy.dbr, test.dbr
then type
game.spawn “records/test.dbr” to span loot orbs that will spawn hundreds of rare item affixed.
I tried spawning hundreds of the monster infrequent with random affixes (including d3 affixes) from the three bosses from the devotion in Act 1

But I couldn’t crash the game.
My last crash is with the initial way Act1 devotion shrine in Ultimate difficulty (I am not sure why it seems to crash more often than spawning it) :

My new test run : hidden loot, kill monster from the shrine (waiting a litlle then show loot) and repeat to see if changes something

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So I killed the monsters, loot filter everything hidden
Once monsters were killed, I waited 1s, then I checked the show rare item from loot filter.
Then when I mouse over the rare:
“Puncturing Exalted Culass of Haunt”, the game froze.

Is there :

  1. A modified “Puncturing” D3 affix ?
  2. A modified “Exalted Cutlass” ?
  3. A modified “of the Haunt” suffix ?
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