ComboMod Testversion

about the new template, have tested it alot of times giving out loot without any issues :frowning: maybe it simply does not always work? i am pretty unsure about that :frowning:

rly? you get massive xp while having 2 xp potions active? thats insane?! xD at least it did not crash xD

Yes please remove it with a search and replace it dhould bé easy, will do more tests After your next update maybe it will fix it.

I don’t Know if you are on the grim dawn discord, there is a modded section, somme times you Can receive help on these topics.

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i nearly doubt it but it is at least something to rule out :slight_smile:

no have not been to any discord at all xD maybe it is time to join it, you have any link for it?

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Or even


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Yea you should try, you get almost a full level for free. I’m glad it doesn’t crash because I had to disable world tooltips to avoid the tooltip crash :slight_smile:

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I am pretty sure all of my crash from items on the ground were because of a tooltip comparison with weapons, so you can also keep auto tooltip on and remove weapons from your lootfilters except legendary/epic which don’t crash the game.


absolutly, i think so too, while the game compares items, there is something borked, i have that feeling for a long time :smiley: maybe it is just with weapons, i am pretty unsure, but could surely be. maybe this is the only reason it feels so random, or maybe something different also leads to crash, hard to track down ;D

Hello, can you reduce or eliminate the drop of this kind of thing? I think it is really boring and meaningless, which can only increase the data load. Especially when the booty is soaring, the character will die if he doesn’t pay attention to it.

Maybe I don’t fully understand the value of its existence. :face_with_thermometer:

this is what I want show u for combo adjustment of difficulty. this is real SR.

v1.1.8.1 HC SR 101 small map
v1.1.8.1 HC SR 105 small map
v1.1.4.2 HC SR 95 big map

Hum!! Only I can see the website of the video you sent to Station B, but foreigners can’t open it. Their general video website is image

哼哼!!你发B站视频网址,只有我能看到,老外根本打不开。无异于对牛弹琴。 :upside_down_face:


Station B requires registration and login to watch, while foreigners cannot verify this operation.




why you showing “real” SR? what is the point? joking?= there is no need to adjust anything in the SR atm, no need to switch to this while we trying to figure out why it is crashing at all… “real” SR… xDD great!

no, i wil not remove this, i do not want to loot FOOD or ESSENCES that heal the character and make him nearly unkillable at all because of this xD this mechanic is to go against this and is here to make you afraid xD and i doubt it will kill you, you must be sleeping if so xD

Haha, well, this is just my personal idea. But can we reduce its drop rate in the next version?

:slight_smile: i guess not as it will always drop in exchange for any Food Ration or Vital Essence :smiley: