ComboMod Testversion

bad luck, bad rng :smiley: But nonetheless, i will see if i can do anything about it, maybe i add the Shattered affixes back to them aswell, we will see mate :slight_smile: packing together the up to date patchnotes atm and i guess i will upload it in 1-2 hours, also getting hungry after all those dead D3 bosses :)))

A few more minutes, then i will upload the next update :slight_smile: Just need to smoke one haha


  • CHANGE INTEST: enemybalance → according to" balancingadjustment_mp+difficulty_enemies01.dbr":
    → ADDED defensiveProtection= NONE → 500/600/700/800//750/850/950/1050//1000/1100/1200/1300 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveAbsorptionModifier= 0/0/0/0//4/5/6/7//7.5/9/10/11 → 5/5/5/5//9/10/11/12//12.5/14/15/16 → +5% GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensivePhysical= 0/0/0/0//0/4/6/8//2/7/10/13 → 4/4/4/4//4/8/10/12//8/13/16/19 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensivePhysicalModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensivePierce= 0/0/0/0//3/6/9/12//5/8/12/16 → 4/4/4/4//7/10/13/16//11/14/18/22 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensivePierceModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveFire= 0/0/0/0//8/10/12/15//13/15/18/21 → 6/6/6/6//14/16/18/21//22/24/27/30 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveFireModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveAether= 0/0/0/0//2/5/9/12//5/8/12/15 → 4/4/4/4//6/9/13/16//11/14/18/21 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveAetherModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveChaos= 0/0/0/0//2/5/9/12//5/8/12/15 → 4/4/4/4//6/9/13/16//11/14/18/21 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveChaosModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveCold= 0/0/0/0//8/10/12/15//13/15/18/21 → 6/6/6/6//14/16/18/21//22/24/27/30 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveColdModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveLightning= 0/0/0/0//8/10/12/15//13/15/18/21 → 6/6/6/6//14/16/18/21//22/24/27/30 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveLightningModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensivePoison= 0/0/0/0//8/10/12/15//13/15/18/21 → 6/6/6/6//14/16/18/21//22/24/27/30 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensivePoisonModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveLife= 0/0/0/0//10/13/16/20//20/24/28/32 → 4/4/4/4//14/17/20/24//26/30/34/38 → +4% (+6% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveLifeModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED defensiveBleeding= 0/0/0/0//8/10/12/15//13/15/18/21 → 6/6/6/6//14/16/18/21//22/24/27/30 → +6% (+9% ONLY for Ultimate)
    → ADDED defensiveBleedingModifier= NONE → 25 → GLOBAL
    → ADDED characterDodgePercent= NONE → 3/3/3/3//6/6/6/6//9/9/9/9 → GLOBAL
    → ADDED characterDeflectProjectile= NONE → 3/3/3/3//6/6/6/6//9/9/9/9 → GLOBAL
    → ADDED character STR+DEX+INT= NONE → 9 → GLOBAL
    → ADDED character Life+Mana= NONE → 12 → GLOBAL
    → CHANGED characterDefensiveAbilityModifier= -15/-15/-15/-15/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8/-8-> 10/10/10/10/17/17/17/17/22/22/22/22 → +25% GLOBAL and +30% for Ultimate ONLY!
    → mainly an increase in overall ENEMYDEFENSE, nothing too special, let us see how this works out, i do not want it to be easy but fair nonetheless, especially with all these upgrades we can have there needs to be an increase, this is absolutly NOT set in stone!
  • CHANGE: Elixir of Constitution → levelreq increased from 50 to 65;
  • CHANGE: Aether Cluster → levelreq decreased from 5 to 1;
  • CHANGE: Improved Aether Cluster → levelreq increased from 65 to 90;
  • CHANGE: Omega Headhunter Buffpotion → levelreq increased from 1 to 90;
  • BIG CHANGE: Gambling Blacksmiths → NO more epic + legendary gearitems granted!!! ONLY rare gearitems with a chance of a failed gamble → still the WillOWisp consumableitem; → this was too overwhelming and the speed of aquiring epics + legendarys was way too fast, and it is simply not needed as we now have the Shadowmend NPCs which give access to all epics + legendarys for additional Combo Orbs, makes way more sense to me; furthermore the prices and needed amount of Blood Shards to gamble RARE gearitems have been adjusted;
  • BIG CHANGE: Shattered Affixes → RESTRUCTURING of all lootaffixes → SHATTERED UPGRADES have been vanished and have to be reapplied sorry for this, but it had to be done for a better overview according to the second Shattering Blacksmith! basegearitems will NOT be lost, ONLY their upgrades have to be rolled again;
  • CHANGE: Shattering Blacksmith II → alot more gearitems can be upgraded already → amulets (class-skill modifiers), belts (devotion-skill modifiers), feet (conversion and class-skill modifiers), hands (potion-skill modifiers) and rings (item-skill procs) → everything should be the same according to the first Shattering Blacksmith EXCEPT amulet affixes, which have the D3 class-skills on board → some of them will MAYBE not fit/suit the given modified skill, if so please write it down and post it here or PM, so i can adjust it → there are 1099 affixes (suffixes are copies from prefixes here) with D3-skills, have not check all of them, this is something that will be done overtime;
  • CHANGE: Shattering Blacksmiths → adjusted various tags and things in the structure to make both as equal as it can be; only thing left undone should be the Shattered D3 Helms and the equation of that on both blacksmiths, which will be done next week;
  • BIG CHANGE: Shattering Blacksmiths → it is possible (at 5% chance) that the wanted item gets CORRUPTED in the process of SHATTERING! → corrupted items are simply trash and can be destroyed (-> simply a questitem that looks like the according gearitemtype that has been corrupted xD) → just to make it NOT that mega easy :slight_smile: this chance will, i bet, be INCREASED later on… ;D
  • CHANGE: Diablo 3 Class Wizard → skill “Spectral Blade” is not dispellable anymore;
  • CHANGE + FIX: D3 item: “Mythical The Tall Man’s Finger” was still an amulet template → changed to a ring template aswell as the normal version, furthermore adjusted the name to → “(Mythical) Tall Man’s Finger”;
  • CHANGE + FIX: D3 items: “Halo of Karini” + “Halo of Arlyse” → created and linked their original ring bitmaps to these RINGS;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Halo of Arlyse” → weakened and adjusted stats as it is a ring now;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Halo of Karini” → weakened and adjusted stats as it is a ring now;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Skull Grasp” → weakend and adjusted stats as it is a ring now; furthermore changed second class from Monk to Necromancer D3;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Tall Man’s Finger” → weakened and adjusted stats as it is a ring now; furthermore added Necromancer D3 as second class to this ring;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Obsidian Ring of the Zodiac” → adjusted to be more useful, especially the mythical one;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Convention of Elements” → small adjustments to be more useful;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Band of Hollow Whispers” → small adjustments to be more useful, added poison/acid damage modifier;
  • CHANGE: D3 item: ring “Band of Might” → small adjustments to be more useful;
  • CHANGE: D3 Bosses → adjusted lootoutput and amount;
  • CHANGE: D3 Bosses → added +500 resistance against petrify via natural resistances;
  • CHANGE: D3 Boss Adria → adjusted to be a bit less evil → mainly pet damage decreased, removed percentCurrentLife from her offensiveaura and added some more poison damage;
  • CHANGE: D3 Boss Asmodan → decreased offensive stats of hi skill “Lavavortex”, increased hp + oa + da of his Guards and increased their spawns a bit;
  • CHANGE: D3 Boss Zoltun Kull → his skill “Sandstorm” has been recreated and decreased in offensive stats;
  • TECHNICAL: after copy/pasting the amuletaffixes from the first Shattering Blacksmith (approx. 2200 files) to the second, the building of my database really started to slow down to round about 4 minutes for a complete build with archives and round about 1 minute ONLY for database changes build → is this NORMAL? because i don’t think that 2,2k files are alot, nonetheless it started right after copy them to second blacksmith, can even reproduce it by removing them, then it goes normal again to not even 10 seconds for database changes to build :smiley: IF someone can tell me what this causes OR if this is normal behaviour, i would be MORE then happy :smiley: tried several things already, even putting them all into one folder, or even swapped them all into the basegame filestructure, without any success on faster buildtime :frowning:

Its UP :slight_smile: Thanks to all for testing out and informing me about bugs! Cheers to all modcreators who made this compilation possible! Great fun and still at the beginning :smiley:
Have a great weekend all!


Bug: Fetish Army cant summon in the passage or path (mean small place cant summon normally)

Open area no problem, summon limit is 10.

Edit: drop too much…make screen looks uncomfortable.

Have not touched that WD skill at all. will check what is going on, maybe some ped padding setting.

What is dropping too much? xD the Health Globes? that item is a fun item with a special mechanic which i was clashing together from what i had :smiley: It’s Rakoff isn’t it? yes i will put another round of love to this amulet in a while, as i saw it also has no affixes assigned and therefor it feels a bit underwhelming in terms of stats atm, in that breath i might adjust the spawn settings of those “Health Globes” to be less distracting xD

Nearly forgot → had a bit more time to play yesterday :slight_smile: REupgraded my Conjurer and finally got to shard 80, really not a big problem atm, nearly felt too easy, but will await more feedback, especially from melee chars, next char for me will be a melee aswell :slight_smile:

Grim Dawn 2022 10 15 23 05 - YouTube

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Yes, I think the real difficulty starts from 115 for Melee and long-range build.
I‘d like to know when next update still will clean all craft basegame equipment affix ? because I roll many times to get good affix and clean…

Drop from everywhere including Cairn world. (Health Globe)

Do not worry mate, that restructure is complete so far and things just will be added or adjusted but files are in place and upgrades should not vanish anymore :slight_smile:

I do not understand mate :smiley: what exactly you mean is dropping too much?

Yeah, I’m about to get back to GD, plan to play ComboMod as melee, I’m wondering if melees gonna have a hard time. High expectation for some fun, ty for the mod!

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Very good, keep me updated how it goes :slight_smile:
Have a great time!

Found the issue and will be solved for next update, “revamped” the skill to work a bit better with a different template, now it also has a tracker that shows the amount of active Fetish, the skill will always spawn 3 at a time with 5 sec. cooldown to a max of 14 at skill-level 12, 20 at ultimate skill-level 22 → and the best as stated above, that issue with summoning in very small places has simply vanished :slight_smile:


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Howdy :slight_smile:

Quick view on my Conjurer doing shard 83-85
Grim Dawn 2022 10 20 11 28 - YouTube

Next update, which might arrive at sunday, will have the second Shattering Blacksmith ready for headaffixes D3, furthermore ALL D3 Bosses will have an adjusted UNIQUE itemdrop beside a lootexplosion containing craftingmaterials and currency ONLY! small fixes here and there as usual :slight_smile:

EDIT1: non-yt-version here: Grim Dawn_2022.10.20-11.28

what about update on Saturday ?

Long time may 10s wait for Nemesis ball when killed.

Killed by this Ruins 2times when leveling, monsters always including 2 laser, and monsters show no delay.

Same problem in MOD, if can solve that would be very good.
Great Raven disappear automatically without death - Grim Dawn / Bug Reporting - Crate Entertainment Forum

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Can’t tell you for sure mate, i call out a MAYBE xD, but also some other projects beg for attention atm, will see if i can do it, if you lucky even today as i have already noted everything and just need to finish some testingruns and writing patchnotes :)) we will see…

yes i noticed this too, and changed something about this → now ALL D3 bosses will drop their UNIQUE items instantly via their misc_loot and still drop the loot orb, but that will ONLY contain an explosion of Hellfire craftingmaterials and currency (Combo Orbs and Blood Shards), i could not make it drop out faster, but hey, i guess there is enough time atm in SR isn’t it? :smiley:

By that devotionshrine? have noticed it to be insanity aswell on testruns, still not fixed with given delay? ok i will check that :slight_smile:

Will check into this aswell, not seen before :slight_smile: thank you!

As always, great you test everything out, thanks for this! We love this game obviously! :))

Will see what i can do to push update latest tomorrow :))


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→ i “think” i have a clue how to do this… xD not 100% sure but i BET it has to do with the death_parameters of the Raven himself!.. will check this in a few hours when i have some spare time for it :wink:

Im not sure is death then disappear, but my experience is normal conditions Raven will not easy to die.

Existing celestial (like Mogdrogen、Raveger、Caragadra and some others) was too weak, suggested buff them as mentioned above.

i don’t think they too weak, we just too strong xD this is something we have to consider and weight out, even after the already buffed enemybalance, the items we get, especially with the added completionbonus are, i guess, too strong. needs alot of feedback and playtesting by myself. too less informations about this and can not simply buff them up now, has to go slow and steady, and as said, i guess the completionbonus on all new blacksmiths have to be adjusted a bit down anyways, for example phys res should be decreased.
the difficulty is FOR SURE not at the level that i want it to be in the end but for testing purposes and for aquiring some more feedback it is just perfect :slight_smile:
About that bug from Raven, as i see this is not mod related, and from my experience i do not remember having such thing noticed, i can not really tell anything about it precicly but as i often noticed that deathparameters can lead to abnormal behaviour, this is something that i can check for and test out to make it “maybe” better for overall gameplay.

Base on endgame equipment (for all class), celestial It’s really too weak, ur enemybalance is point at endgame build. (u see, some players not like farm SR, so design some stronger monsters in carin world will be fine.)
Around this point I just wish everything not too softcore in this MOD. Because endgame build was so strong, just want this MOD have more challenge and fun.
Of course, I konw need lots time to do these things and I dont have means of urge.

edit: i see few piece of equipment for - Freeze res. when combo together when - Freeze res more than 100%, I think can freeze Nemesis until to die.(Maingame already have same build.)

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As time goes by, the difficulty WILL increase again, just need to be carefull as it is strongly linked to SR which is, for the most part ok in terms of balance i guess. Outside feels pretty boring atm, think so too, at least if GDM is turned off :smiley:

About the devotionshrine in Sandblown Ruins → found the issue it is that deadly, i was adding archetype skills to devotion + factionbounty enemies, somehow… xDD i am quite unsure when i was doing this, but this explains why there came 2 arcane + 1 burning + 1 timewarp at the same time out of it, that was not intended and has been adjusted to be viable :slight_smile:

About the raven pet, have adjusted it with a few things that came into my mind without ripping the skill too much off, you can test this new behaviour out and check if that bug still persists, i will write down the updatenotes in a few and load it up as soon as i can ;D


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yes i have seen this aswell and therefor i have adjusted already UP the enemy resistance on those control effects, but i bet, it is still too low :smiley: good find though!