ComboMod Testversion

What does it have to do with the belt slot? All skills are in the talent skill tree

I can roughly understand this paragraph. :laughing:

about Heliquary…I changed its entrance to Devil’s Crossing

Headhunter is a belt → Headhunter - Path of Exile Wiki

Google Translator is your friend xD

the entrance in The Conclave was pretty fine i think, can you please show/explain how to make such a portal that leads to a newly created areal? i know it has to be linked but i remember i could not make it work as i tried, would be very cool to see “if” it works :smiley: i bet so, and i bet so too you can do this :smiley:

Yes, I am using this.

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I’m really sorry, my English is too poor, so I have to simply demonstrate it with pictures. :sweat_smile:

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yes i tried this exactly the same way, grouped both portals together but for some unknown reason it did not let me link it to a newly created areal :frowning: i will come back to that for sure, but not atm as there is sooo much left undone, and there are other “easier” things that i want to realize before i dive into the mapeditor once again :)) please try it for yourself if it works and make a picture again: create a new blank areal only with an endportal and link that to the startportal, which is still in Devils Crossing :slight_smile: That would be the start for the Omega Hub Zone, which might obviously, with that working, could lead to “VARIOUS” new areas, maybe even D2 mod map xD

Oh, the map editor of GD seems to have a capacity limit, and it is unable to integrate sources exceeding 2GB. If the limit is exceeded, an error will occur in the build process. Therefore, we can’t link too many third-party maps. The solution I can think of is to remove some idle areas in the main map to reduce the source capacity.

My map also tried to link to several other regions, which are all idle blocks of GD.

If you are interested in this, I can provide the source for your reference. :upside_down_face:

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this is great to know! yeah sure you can upload it and i will check into it after updating the D3 mod :slight_smile: very interesting! yes the map editor is pretty clumsy xDD that’s why i broke with it several times :smiley: but, yes will look into it as soon as i have some spare time :slight_smile:


Change the path “mods\gdx2” in the compressed package to your own working directory and you can browse with the map editor.

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Here is the Headhunter mod :slight_smile: 2.19 MB file on MEGA

As you can see the buff is a Celestial devotion skill that can be attached to any buff.

Base duration is 0s (and 30s cooldown) so it doesn’t have any effect.
When the player equips Headhunter belt it gives +20s duration which makes the skill work.

About BiS item, it’s a similar issue as PoE, most endgame build use HH when mapping.
One way to balance it (while keeping the same effects) could be to add empty passive devotion points in the Headhunter constellation as requirements to unlock the Headhunter skill, this way it has an opportunity cost needing to spend more devotion points.
Another way is to increase the cooldown on the devotion skills, this way you keep the “great excitement” effect while the skill is active but it’s less often active (or requires more cooldown reduction to make it more frequent).

Or if you find it OP you could keep the current HH potion buff and the belt could only increase the duration of the potion skill but that won’t be the same convenience/feeling as HH in PoE.

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Very nice thank you i will look into this :slight_smile:

Giant (95.0 KB)
Hello, okami29
This is a small Mod made by a Chinese player. I just want to ask you two questions:

  1. Can you make wings like these as a talent skill without using item skills? (You may need your wings resource. arc)
  2. Can the giant skills here be controlled freely like wings, instead of depending on duration?


This is amazing! Will check for this and for sure, this could be a better way to implement this with that belt and the additional devotionskill. Awesome! Great work, will look into it after D3 update is complete the next days :slight_smile:

Hello tt300 ,
I am not sure what you mean.
Wings are just cosmetics mesh fx.
I made them on the medals item slot because it allows to be changed easily at the illusionist.
But you can make these effects as buff skills that can be toggled on/off if you want.
You would need to create some toggled buff skills that have mesh fx and assign these buff to either the initial base skill tree (creatures/pc/malepc01.dbr and femalepc01.dbr) .This way these buff would be available to any character of your mod right from the begining without any item.

My poor English may not be able to express it clearly. :joy:
I want those wings to be used as their practical skills, rather than for appearance. :wink: :yum: :stuck_out_tongue:

Just like this, click Open, and then click Close.

Yes it is possible.
You would need to make new skills with the template skill_buffselftoggled.
Then put mesh effect for the wings in the variables of these skills.
Then put these skills either as item skills or in the skilltree from male and female dbr.
But I don’t want to spend time to do this, it’s easy but time consuming to do.

I fully understand. Thank you for letting me know the principle. :wink:

I will post another version with reduced FX (because it hurts the eye when you have so many FX) and a gem( component with the template itemrelic) : augments can not have skill modifier but component can so it would be a different way to solve the issue with HH being the BiS belt.

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